▹ [30] Daddies Little Princess.

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One Week Later.

Location: Manchester.

Nothing's better than walking through the door of your home after a very long flight. "Mum, Dad!" I yelled out. It was quite shocking that my parents didn't wait for me at the door. Normally they would always wait for me.

"Their not home." Said my brother as he hugged me. Thomas took me by surprise when he hugged me.

Before I left for America, he barely even said a word to me and now I've only been home for 5 seconds and he's already said 3 words and even hugged me. I think I should go away to LA quite often if this is how he's going to behave every time I come back.

"What's gotten into you?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What? Can't I be happy to see my baby sis?" Asked Tommy. I raised my eyebrows at him and immediately saw a change in his expression. He was now serious. "Jesse told me what happened with Dele and Alice. I'm sorry you had to go through that." Said Tommy. He reached out and gave me the biggest hug he had to offer. "I love you." Tommy whispered.

"I love you too." I said before pulling away.

A few hours went by and I finally finished packing for Russia. I didn't really know how the weather was going to be in Russia so I packed for all kinds of weather. I zipped the last suitcase before picking it up and placing it on the floor next to the other bags. I sat on my bed while scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Then suddenly there was a knock on my room door. I looked up to my door and saw my dad standing at the doorframe. "Daddy!" I said and ran towards him. I immediately wrapped my hands around him as tight as I could.

"Princess, let's talk." Said my dad.

I took a deep breath as I walked towards my bed. I knew exactly what my dad wanted to talk to me about; Dele, Alice, Jesse.

I informed my dad about everything that happened in Los Angeles. He wasn't surprised by what Dele had done. He says it's normal for footballers to cheat on their girlfriends or wives but he also told me that not all footballers are the same.

He was very supportive of Jesse's and my relationship despite finding out that we got together just 48 hours after I broke up with Dele. "How come you are not mad?" I asked my dad as I looked up at him.

"Princess, if someone can't see how much you love Jesse and how much he loves you, then they must be blind." My Dad chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of what my dad had just said. What it true? It is that obvious? Does everyone really know? But most importantly, has he known the whole time?


"Yes, princess?"

"Do you think Dele knew all this time?"

My dad kept quiet for a bit, making me question him. "What do you think?" He asked.

There was a short moment of silence as I tried to figure out what the real answer was. "I think I need to talk to him." I replied.

I do feel like I need to talk to Dele. If he knew all this time, then I feel bad for him. He was my boyfriend but I was in love with someone else. I can't imagine how he felt when he realized that my love for Jesse was real.

"I think that's the right thing to do." Said my dad. I could tell that he was proud of me for finally doing the right thing.

"I'm really worried about how the two of them are going to tolerate each other for an entire month in Russia. If they'll even be able to play into the same team together."

Come to think of it, this whole situation couldn't have come at a worst time. The World Cup is in 2 weeks, and these guys can't even stand each other. How the hell are they going to work together in the same team when they literally want to tear each other apart?

I feel sorry for Gareth Southgate. He's going to have his hands full.

"Don't worry about the boys. I will talk to them." Said my dad. "You just talk to Dele first." He added. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before getting off the bed and leaving.

I immediately grabbed my phone from the nightstand and scrolled down to his chat.

Me: Can we meet up?

The moment I sent the text, Jesse walked into my room.

"Hey babe." I said and smiled at my handsome boyfriend.

"Hey sexy." Jesse winked at me. He leaned down and pecked my lips. He sat down on my bed and placed a hand on my thigh. He noticed that smile on my face that indicated that I needed to tell him something. "Okay, what's up?" He asked.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and it was a reply from Dele.

Dele Alli: I'm not going to fly all the way to England just to meet up with you.

I rolled my eyes at the message because I knew Dele was in Manchester. I'm not sure why but according to Twitter, he was spotted with some fans at the Manchester airport this morning.

Me: Bullshit! I know you're in Manchester so cut the crap. I really need to talk to you. It's important! Come see me when you have a chance. You know where to find me.

"I need to talk to Dele." I said and Jesse's face immediately dropped. "Something inside me gives me this feeling that he knew how much I loved you while I was with him." I said and looked down at my fingers. I started to fiddle around with it cause that's how bad I was feeling. "I also feel guilty for kissing you while I was with him. I know we were-" I started but got cut off by Jess.

He placed a hand over mine and said, "Go talk to him." I immediately looked up at him and smiled. Jesse always had such a big heart. He always cared for people, even if they did wrong to him or caused him any pain.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I managed to maintain all eye contact with him.

"Positive." Jesse leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead, that forced me to smile.

I feel like the luckiest person in the world for having such a understanding boyfriend. I literally love him so much. He is the one. I know he is.


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Or do you miss Delphia? 🤔
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