▹ [87] Who's The Daddy?

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[Continuation From The Previous Chapter.]

I'm pregnant. How can I be pregnant?

I waited patiently for the doctor to come back. Even though all 3 of the pregnancy tests came out positive, I just wanted to be sure if I was actually pregnant. Madison held my hand tightly while Danny sat on the other side of me. The two of them refused to leave my side ever since I took the test.

The doctor then walked back into the room with a smile on her face. "Congratulations Miss Ferguson, you are going to be a mother." The doctor said.

The thought of being a mother put a smile on my face. I have to admit , I am disappointing at the fact that I wasn't careful enough and made such a big slip up but honestly, I've always dreamt of being a mother one day and now I get  to be one. And I know that things with Dele has been rushed now with this pregnancy but it doesn't matter because I can picture having a family with him. He is going to be a great father.

"How many weeks is she?" Asked Madison.

I was so overjoyed by the good news that I wasn't paying attention to everything around me and I forgot to actually ask that question. Dele and I had slept together two weeks ago so I'm really hoping that she says 2 weeks pregnant and not 3 weeks ago because then there's going to be a serious debate.

"She's 3 weeks pregnant." The doctor happily said.

"WHAT?" I blurted out.

My breathing started to get heavy as shock hit me. I covered my mouth as tears started to fill my eyes. You've got to be kidding me. If I'm 3 weeks pregnant then that means that there is a 50% chance that Jesse might be the father of my child. Just when I thought that my relationship with Dele was getting better, now I have to tell him the truth.

"Soph! What's wrong?" Asked a concerned Danny.

"Are you okay?" Asked Madison.

The tears were practically rolling down my cheeks. "Doc, can you give us a second?" I asked.

"Sure." The doctor said before leaving.

"What's going on?" Asked Danny.

I informed Danny and Madison about what happened the night of Paul's party. The two of them were shocked but they also felt a little sorry for me. I don't deserved a pity party after the mess I've caused, I need to tell Dele and Jesse the truth and face the music. I know that Dele is going to be upset and whatever happens when I tell him, I'm going to deserve every second of it. I made Madison promise not to say anything to Marcus until I've spoken to Jesse. I would like Dele and Jesse to know first before anyone else finds out.

An Hour Later.

I was now sitting on the swing in my backyard, awaiting Jesse's arrival. I asked Danny and Madison to leave since I wanted to talk to Jesse in private. Since Jesse stays in Manchester, I thought it would best for me to tell him the news first, rather than me taking a train to see Dele and then come back home just to tell Jesse, instead of spending the night with Dele.

"Sophia!" Jesse called out after Andre let him in.

"Out here." I said as I stopped swinging.

"Hey!" Jesse said with a warn smile on his face. I got up and hugged Jesse before sitting down on the swing again.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good but what's going on with you? You look like you've been crying." Jesse said, making an accurate observation. I smiled before busting out into tears. I couldn't control my emotions and I knew that the pregnancy had something to do with that. "Soph!" Jesse said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

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