▹ [79] The Next Step.

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"Check mate." I said as I moved my queen two steps away in front of Dele's king. I had Dele completely surrounded. Any move he would have made, would have caused his king to get cut, ultimately making me the winner.

Playing chess was something that Thomas and I loved to do. Before video games and mobile games, Chess was the game that my brother and I were hooked on. Every chance we got to play when we were younger, we took it. It was kind of like a tradition for us. Earlier today I found an old chest board of ours and it brought back all the memories. I remembered how much I actually loved the game so the moment Dele came over, I made sure we played the game.

"And you've beaten me once again." Dele sighed after I had beaten him 3 times in a row.

Dele is a sore loser just like me and he is also very competitive too. That is two of the many things that we have in common.

Dele and I put the beads in the chest board box before I closed it and placed it on my nightstand. Dele then sat down next to me and relaxed against the head board. He placed his hand around my neck, allowing me to relax on him. "I haven't played Chess since I left for Hollywood all those years ago. It's good to know that I still got it." I chuckled.

Dele laughed. He then rested his head on top of mine. "Do you remember who you last played with?" He asked.

"Thomas," I said and trailed off as I tried to recall that moment, "and I lost. Thomas was the best Chess player I know. He's the one who taught me how to play." I smiled as I remember my brother.

"You two seemed close." Said Dele.

"We were but when I left for Hollywood, things changed. The distance had a huge affect on us. Even though we were still close, something did change."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be!" I said.

Everything went quiet for a short while. My parents were out in the city and Dele and I were the only people inside the house so besides the clocks inside of the house, all we could hear were the noises from outside. I smirked before sitting up and changing my position so that I could face Dele.

"So Bami, are you gonna just sit over there and be boring or are you going to actually make out with your girlfriend?" I smirked.

Dele's smile was so huge that it touched both of his ears. "Come over here." He said and wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me on top of him.

I smiled right before crashing my lips into his while straddling him. Our tongues explored each others mouth as I pressed myself unto him as hard as I could. Dele's manhood soon started to rise and I could feel the hardness against me and it turned me on. I was soaking and my body was craving him so badly. I was trying to fight the urges because of the fact that Dele and I decided to wait and not rush things this time around but unfortunately I was weak and decided to surrender.

I pulled away from the kiss and rested my head against Dele's forehead. "Del," I breathed against his face, "I want you." I whispered.

Dele swallowed when he heard what I had to say. I could tell that he wanted this as much as I did. "Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded after a few seconds.

Dele ran his hands down to the bottom of my dress and slowly started to lift it off me as his fingers ran against my body, making me crave him even more. Seconds later he lifted my dress over my head and threw on the ground, leaving me in just my underwear. He started kissing my neck as his hand squeezed both my butt cheeks, forcing me to close my eyes and tilt my head back. My hand found it's way down to the hem of his t-shirt. I lifted his shirt up, forcing him to break away from my neck which allowed me to pull his shirt right off.

I threw his shirt on the floor as Dele decided that wanted to flip us over. He gently placed me down on the bed and then unbuckled his belt and took out his pants. Dele then climbed on top of me and reconnected our lips once again, teasing me as he grinded his manhood against my stomach. My legs travelled up the back of his legs, up to his butt as my hands covered every inch of his back. Dele slipped his hands under my back and found it's way to the hook of my bra and unclipped it. He removed my bra and then started to nibble onto one of my nipples while his hand played with the other. Once he was satisfied with the one, he did the same thing with the other.

Dele the began to trail wet kisses down my stomach. He slipped his fingers under my panties and then ripped them off. He smiled when he felt how wet I was for him. He ran two of his fingers over my clit, teasing me even more. He then kneeled down and let his mouth work it's magic on my pussy. I shut my eyes and bit onto my lower lip as Dele continued to do wonders and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Dele took me by surprise and thrusted two fingers into my opening. My breathing started to get heavy. I tried to speak but Dele was thrusting his fingers in and out of me so fast that I couldn't form the words.

Finally being able to speak, "Dele, I need you." I whispered.

I saw a smirk grow on Dele's face. He had finally got what he wanted; me begging for him. "Condom?" He asked.

"Top draw." I said and pointed at the draw next to my mirror.

Dele walked over to the drawer and retrieved a condom. He walked back towards the bed and took off his underwear but climbing back on top of the bed. He ripped the condom packet with his teeth and took off the condom before placing the packaging on the nightstand. He slid the condom over his manhood and then climbed back over me. Dele leaned down and kissed me before biting my lower lip and pulling away.

"Smile for me baby girl." He said as he looked me in the eye.

The moment I smiled, he smirked and showed himself into me, catching me off guard. My lips parted as I tilted my head backwards and arched my back. I grabbed onto the sheets as hard as I could as Dele thrusted himself in and out of me, making sure to keep a steady pace by doing so. Dele then crashed his lips into mine as I grabbed on his arm and squeezed it as tight as I could. Seconds later, he shoved myself further into me, forcing me to break away from the kiss and giving me this awakening feeling. It wasn't long before we both reached out climaxes and released. Minutes later, Dele pulled out of me and lead down next to me. He pulled the covers over us as we just relaxed in each others arms.


Things are becoming very serious between Delphia😪

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