▹ [62] Emotions.

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"And cut." Yelled the director.

I immediately moved away from Colton. The scene that we had just filmed ended with the two of us kissing. Unpleasant but very professional. Strictly professional.

My personal assistant, Jane came running towards me with coffee. Jane is my PA, since my last PA, Meagan is now on maturity leave. "There you go, mam. I'm sorry I took so long." She said. She looked like one of those good kids in school who had never done anything wrong and had suddenly got into trouble for the first time. I'd admit it was kind of funny and made me laugh.

"Relax, Jane! It's alright. Why don't you go and enjoy some free time." I suggested.

"Thank you, mam." Said Jane with a small smile on her face.

She was about to walk away when I decided to stop her. "Jane, it's Sophia. Just Sophia." I said and smiled at the fragile girl.

Jane nodded politely before leaving.

"Sophia!" Called out Colton causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yes, Colton?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you the other day." He said. "The way I approached you was in a very rude and ill mannered way. And I'm sorry for that." Colton humbly apologized.

"I accept your apology but honestly I don't appreciate you talking about something like that when I'm with my boyfriend. We can always talk about it in person and in private but not on WhatsApp, not anywhere Jesse could find out." I said.

There is a secret that I've been keeping from Jesse. A big one. I understand the true meaning of being in a relationship. One of the most important things in a relationship is that we're supposed to trust our partner, so much so that we can tell them anything and everything. I do trust Jesse alot and I love him more than anything in this world, but my secret is not something you can just blurt out, it's not something that you can just argue about and then everything will be fine. No! It's something that could possibly destroy my relationship with Jesse.

Jesse and I have been through so much ever since we got together. There was numerous number of obstacles that nearly ended our relationship and after everything, after all the trails and tribulations, we are finally in a happy place. We are finally on such good terms, enjoying each other's company, living our best life together and I don't want anything to ruin that.

"Okay. I understand. It's a very serious matter but don't you think that you at least owe it to him to tell him? I mean you do love him right? If you love him as much as you claim you do then why haven't you been honest with him? Why haven't you told him yet? What's stopping you? Huh?" Colton asked. He took a step closer to me. We were now mere inches away from each other.

I gulped under pressure. Colton was too close for my liking. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I was keeping a big secret away from Jesse but I had too for the sake of my relationship. "Don't flatter yourself Colton! I'm not keeping it as a secret because I still love you. The truth is, I actually don't. I lost all feelings for you when you broke my heart, so don't go around making yourself feel so important because you're not!" I said as I stared straight into Colton's eyes.

The look on Colton's face indicated that he was hurt by what I had said, maybe heartbroken even but that didn't change the way I felt about him. The hatred that I had felt towards him.

I know what you're thinking. I'm cold. I'm heartless. But I'm actually not. Have you ever spent 3 whole years with someone who you committed yourself wholeheartedly too, someone who became your only family, someone who you spent every second, minute and hour of the day with, and suddenly they just leave you unexpectedly? No warning. No proper explanation. They just left. That changes you. It changes you in so many different ways. It breaks you, gives you trust issues, makes you emotional unstable and make you forget who you really are as a person.

"Is that how you really feel?" Asked Colton as his eyes started to water.

"Yes." I muttered.

Colton nodded his head. "Okay then. Have a good life." He said before walking away.

Tears fell from my eyes as I watched Colton walk away from me for yet a second time. I left a little bad for being mean to him but at the same time, I didn't because I knew I had done the right thing.


Sorry for making you guys wait so long for the update, but the truth is, I was writing the ending of this book🥺

Hope you enjoy it😁

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