▹ [53] Heartbreaks + "Go Too Person"

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The train door opened and there he was standing outside, waiting for me. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I waited for the train door to open and the moment it did, I jumped out and walked as fast as I could towards him.

At first he was smiling but when he saw the tears in my eyes, his smile faded away. "Soph, are you okay?" He asked when I finally reached him.

"Dele." I cried out.


2 hours earlier.

"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." I said as I waved goodbye to them.

Sitting in my brand new Lamborghini Huracán that Jesse bought me for my 24th birthday last Friday, I immediately took off from my parents house. Since Jesse had to go back to training, I decided to spend all of my free time with my lovely parents.

It was now 3:30 and I was on my way home to spend some time with Jess. He finished training at 3 and went home to shower and change so that he could meet me at my parents house but I decided to change that.

Yesterday was our 2 month anniversary and we didn't have a chance to celebrate it because he had his Adidas photo shoot. The photo shoot took the entire day so he was very tired when he came home. I don't blame him, he had a long day.

After a few minutes of driving, I finally reached his house. I pressed the gate remote that was attached to my car keys and the gate immediately opened. I waited for the gate to fully open before driving in. Once I was inside, I pressed the remote again to close the gate. I parked outside the garage and grabbed my bag and black shoes from the passenger seat. I closed the door and locked the car before making my way to the front door barefoot.

I opened the door and walked inside the house. I placed my bag onto the table and threw my shoes on the floor. "Jess." I called out but received no answer.

I walked into the living room and he wasn't there, nor was he in the kitchen or dining room so I decided to go upstairs. As I walked up the stairs, I could hear a female voice. I couldn't recognize the voice but it made me anxious to know who she was and why she was upstairs alone with Jess and not downstairs.

I hurried up the stairs as fast as I could. The voices were coming from the bedroom. I tiptoed towards Jesse's bedroom. Even though I got nearer and nearer, I still couldn't make out what they were talking about.

Then suddenly everything went quiet when I had finally reached the room. I peeked inside and my heart stopped as I saw the love of my life kissing her. I immediately covered my mouth and stepped back as the tears were flowing freely from my eyes.

I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces as the images of what I had just seen played in my mind over and over again. My heart ached and my hands started to shake. I was a mess. A hot mess. I turned around and did the only thing I was brave enough to do, I ran for the stairs. Once I reached the stairs, I stormed down it as fast as I could. All I could think about was the fact that I needed to get out of thar house so I did.

I quickly grabbed my bag from the table and my shoes from the floor. I opened the front door and closed it as slowly as possible. I didn't want Jesse to know that I was there. I wasn't ready to face him. I just couldn't. Not in my vulnerable state.

I unlocked the car and jumped into it. I threw my bag and shoes onto the passenger seat. I pushed the key into the car ignition and turned it. I pressed the gate remote once more and waited for it to open. The moment it opened fully, I drove out. I waited for the gate to close before driving around the corner.

I pulled off a few houses away from Jesse's and hit the stirring wheel in anger as I cried my eyes out. My heart ached so badly. It was filled with despair. I knew that I couldn't go to my parents house before talking to Jesse so I decided to call the only person who I could talk too about this.

After a few rings, he answered.

"Hey Soph. What's up?" He asked.

"Hey! Do you have time to meet up today?" I asked. I tried my best to sound normal because I didn't want him to know that something was up.

"Soph, I'll always have time for you." He answered.

"Oh good! I'm gonna go to the subway. I'll text you as soon as I get a ticket."

"Soph, is everything alright?" Asked Dele.

"Yeah. I'll see you soon and please don't tell anyone that I'm coming there. Not even Jess." I said and hung up before Dele could even say anything else.


Present Time.

The train door opened and there he was standing outside, waiting for me. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I waited for the train door to open and the moment it did, I jumped out and walked as fast as I could towards him.

At first he was smiling but when he saw the tears in my eyes, his smile faded away. "Soph, are you okay?" He asked when I finally reached him.

"Dele." I cried out.

"What's wrong?" Asked Del. He had a look of concern on his face.

"Can we go to your car? I don't want anyone to see me like this." I said when I noticed that people were suddenly starting to stare at us.

"Yeah. Sure. Let's go." Dele said and lead me to his car.

After a few minutes of walking, we had finally reached his car. Sitting inside of Dele's car, I broke down in tears once more.

"Soph!" Dele whispered. At this point he was more worried than ever.

"Jesse..." I muttered. I put my head down and started to fiddle with my fingers. "I caught him kissing Julianna." I cried out.



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