▹ [34] Tragedy.

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'Sophia! It's your brother. We have to go.'
'Sophia! It's your brother. We have to go.'
'Sophia! It's your brother. We have to go.'

Those words kept playing over and over again in my mind as Jesse drove us home. Jesse told me that my dad called him and told him to bring me home because he was worried about Thomas. The Ferguson jet was scheduled to land an hour ago and Thomas hasn't come home yet. He's not answering his phone so my parents are really worried about him.

And frankly so am I. I hope my brother is okay and that he shows up at our house real soon or at least calls my parents to tell them he's fine. I hope that his flight is delayed or that he decided to go visit his girlfriend before coming home. I just hope he's okay. He has to be.

Looking out of the window, a tear escaped my eye. I felt a hand being placed on mine and immediately turned to look at Jesse. It was only then when I realized that the car had stopped at the stop street.

"I'm sure he's alright. His flight must have been delayed or something." Said Jess.

"I hope so." I whispered.

Jesse gave my hand a little squeeze before removing his hand from mine and placing them on the stirring wheel again. A few minutes later, we arrived at my house. There was a police car parked in the driveway and that concerned me even more.

Suddenly the front door of my house opened. Two police officers and my dad walked out. Jesse stopped the car and I immediately opened the door and ran towards him. "Daddy." I said as my heart started to beat extremely fast. "Daddy. Where's Thomas? Is Thomas okay?" I asked.

At this point, fear had completely taken over my body. My hands were literally shaking. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. Tears were on the verge of coming out any moment now.

"Princess..." my dad started but trailed off. The look on his face indicated that it was bad news. "The Ferguson jet was involved in a plane crash and....." My Dad added.

"What?" I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. All I wanted was for my dad to say that Tommy was okay.

"Princess, Thomas didn't make it."


JLingz POV.

"Princess, Thomas didn't make it." Sir Alex said.

I closed my eyes and bowed my head. I somehow knew that was going to be the outcome. When Sir Alex had called me earlier, he told me about the plane crash. I didn't want to expect the worst because I do believe in miracles but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good news.

I looked at Sophia and she kept on shaking her head and saying no. She grabbed onto Sir Alex and started pleading to him to tell her that it was just a joke. Sir Alex began to cry as he watched his daughter fall to the ground.

I immediately ran towards Sophia and picked her up. I wrapped my hands around her as she buried her head into my chest. I squeezed her as tight as I could as she wrapped her hands around my waist.

"Jesse, take her room. Let her get some rest." Said Sir Alex.

All I could do at that moment was nod. "I'm sorry for your loss, Sir." I said and Sir Alex nodded in appreciation.

Sir Alex is definitely the strongest person I know. He was so calm and collective about the whole situation. He was hurting alot but he was good at hiding it. He knew he had to be strong for Mrs Ferguson and Sophia.

I wish I could be as strong as him.

Tears started to fill my eyes as Sophia cried her eyes out. She was a complete mess and in no condition to walk so I decided to carry her. As I was about to pick her up, an all too familiar car pulled up. Sophia turned her head to see who it is. She waited for the car to stop and the moment Bean jumped out of his car, she pulled away from me.

"Rash, my brother is gone. Rash! My brother left me and went away." Sophia cried out as she walked towards him.

Marcus immediately grabbed Sophia into a bear hug as she cried her heart out. My heart sunk seeing Sophia like that. I couldn't imagine what she was going through right now. The pain she was feeling. I wish I could take all of it away.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Andre's voice. "Mr Ferguson asks for you kids to go inside before the press mobs the gates." Said Andre.

"Coming." I said to Andre and he nodded before walking away.

"Soph. We have to go inside." I said and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She turned towards me with her puffy red eyes and nodded. "My bag and phone..." she trailed off.

"I'll get it." Said Marcus. I nodded and gave him my car keys.

I swiped Sophia off her feet and carried her. Soph buried her head in my shoulder and wrapped a hand around my neck. I carried her inside the house and up the stairs, all the way to her room. I placed her onto her bed as she laid down against the pillow.

I started to unzip her shoes one by one and then removed it. Soon the door opened and Marcus walked in with Sophia's bag.

"The press are already starting to build up outside." Said Marcus.

"It's gonna be like this the whole night." I said.

Suddenly Sophia grabbed my hand. "Please stay." She whispered as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

I sat down on the bed next to Sophia and placed my hand around her. She rested her head on my chest and intertwined our fingers. "I'm not going anywhere." I said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Neither of us are." Said Marcus as he placed a hand on her knee and smiled at her.


Oh No! 🙉🙊
R.I.P. Thomas 😪
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