▹ [16] Exposed and Disclosed.

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"Wait, you've had sex with Dele, 3 nights in a row. Wow." Said Alice. She tried to hide the judgment in her voice by expressing a more excited voice but I saw right through it.

"Look you don't have to pretend like you're happy for me. I know you think I'm a slut." I said and Alice laughed as she emptied out my bed.

Alice has called me a slut before. There was an incident that took place a year after I arrived in Hollywood. I met a guy whom I fell in love with and we dated for a few months until I found out that he was using me for my names sake. I was heartbroken and went off the rails for a while. It was so bad that my father was ready to disown me.

It took some time for me to eventually come right but when I did, I vowed to make things right with my father. About a year or so later, I did by becoming the biggest star in Hollywood and wearing my father's name proud.

"Once. When you went off the rails but that was a long time ago. It was an one time only thing." Alice said. She took my shoes and started to place them one by one inside my shoe draw. "And by the way, why are we reorganizing your closet when we should be out there shopping?"

"I don't know. It just doesn't feel like a going out kind of day."

Alice gave me a worried look. Since I woke up this morning, I had this weird feeling like something was going happened. I wasn't in the mood to go out so I called Alice and asked her to come over so that she could help me reorganize my closet. Even though, all I actually wanted was her to be here with me.

Danny was supposed to fly to England but unfortunately his close cousin was involved in a serious accident so he had to go be with him. Mike and Danny are like brothers so I don't blame Dan for bailing on me. Hopefully he will come by soon though. I miss my best guy friend.

"You sure it's that and not the fact that you don't want to be questioned by the paparazzi about your relationship with Dele Alli?"

"And why would they do that? Nobody knows that me and Dele are dating. The restaurant that we went too a few nights ago was reportedly closed for the night. Dele reserved it just for us. We made sure that nobody would find out." I smiled and raised my eyebrows at Alice.

Dele and I know that it is too soon to reveal our relationship to the public. We've literally only been dating for 5 days and have only known each other for 12 days so things could get out of hand quickly. Yes they know that we shared a kiss at Erik's party but that's all they know. And that's how we would like it to stay.

Just then my phone started to blow up excessively with notifications. I furrowed my eyebrows as my phone keep going on and on. I looked at Alice and she was just as shocked as I was.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked.

"SOPHIAAA!!" My brother yelled. "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" He yelled again. He sounded angry. That's an rather unusual emotion for him.

I decided to leave my phone and go downstairs to see what my brother wanted. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and went into the living room to where my brother was sitting. Hollywood Blitz was on and they had breaking news.

"The footballers teammate was doing a Instagram Live Q&A when he stopped by a group of his teammates who were having breakfast and talking about Erik Lamela's birthday party that took place a week ago. It was that conversation that would then clear the air about the relationship between the footballer and Hollywood Sweetheart, Sophia Ferguson. Lamela walked into the conversation while defender Kyle Walker Peters said something that shouldn't have been caught on camera. 'Well Dele sealed the deal with Little Ferguson right after the kiss.' The Englishman said. It was at that moment when the midfielder quickly ended his Instagram Live Q&A without even saying goodbye. Multiple people who were tuned into the Instagram Live captured the moment and soon posted the footage on other Social Media platforms like Twitter and Facebook." Said the presenter.

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