▹ [66] Panic Mode.

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Jesse's POV.

Marcus and I were just about to leave Sophia's house when my cellphone started to ring. I answered the call and it was one of the nurses from UCLA Hospital, informing us that Sophia was involved in an accident. I hung up the phone and then looked at Marcus.

"What's wrong bro?" Asked Marcus, after he saw the look of concern on my face.

"Sophia's been in an accident." I said.

That was all I said before Marcus and I both ran outside her house, to the car Marcus had rented. I quickly pulled out my cellphone and opened the Maps app and typed in 'UCLA Hospital.' The directions to the hospital popped up almost immediately and Marcus drove off.

About 10 minutes later, we had arrived to the hospital. Marcus took the first parking we could find near the entrance. I jumped out of the car about the same time as Marcus. He pressed the button on the car remote and immediately the car locked. We both walked as fast as we could to the entrance of the hospital. We pulled opened the doors and walked to the reception area.

"Hi. I'm looking for Sophia Ferguson." I said to the receptionist.

"And who are you to Miss Sophia?" Asked the receptionist.

"Jesse Lingard. Her boyfriend and this is Marcus Rashford, her best friend. One of your nurses contacted me, Sophia probably asked them to call me." I explained to her.

She nodded her head and then said "third floor. Go to the end of the corridor, that's the place we keep our celebrities."

I thanked the receptionist for the help and rushed towards the elevator. The elevator took some time to come as I patiently looked at my watch. The elevator doors eventually opened. Marcus and I were the first ones in. He pressed the button to the third floor as we waited for the rest of the people to get in. After a few minutes, the elevator stopped by the third floor, Marcus and I walked out and followed the instructions given to us by the receptionist on the ground floor. We walked until the end of the corridor and told the security guard who we were. The guard then let us in.

Once we walked in, we were greeted by one of the nurses. "I'm looking for Sophia Ferguson." I said in panic mode.

"You must be Jesse Lingard. I'm Cassandra, the nurse who called you earlier." She said. She was so calm and sweet.

I didn't want to be rude but I was extremely worried about Sophia. "Where's Sophia?" I asked, eagerly. My heart was racing incredibly fast. All I wanted, all I needed to know was that my Sophia was alright.

"Jess!" Marcus said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"She's in the first room but you need-" the nurse tried to complete her sentence but I cut her off before she could.

"Thank you." I said and rushed over to the first room.

I opened the door and immediately saw Sophia laying on the hospital bed watching television. She looked like she was alright. She had a few wounds all over her but she was okay. Even in that state, she looked so beautiful. I took a moment to admire her beauty and to thank God for her well being before rushing over to her.

As soon as I reached Sophia, I pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh Sophia. Baby, I'm so sorry about everything. You have no idea how happy I am to know that you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if anything bad had happened to you." I said as I held her in my arms. It felt so good to know that she was okay.

"Aww, that's really sweet.. but ehh.." she said and trailed off, "I don't mean to be rude or anything but who are you?" She asked and immediately my heart went cold. I pulled away from Sophia as the tears started to build up in my eyes. A part of me was hoping that she was joking and that she didn't actually forget me. "The nurses told me that I was involved in a car accident and that I hit my head pretty hard which resulted in me suffering from a case of amnesia." She said. She looked so clueless and that's how I knew that she was telling the truth.

She wasn't faking it.

To her, I was a complete stranger. She couldn't remember me, our love, our memories, nor could she remember the amount of years we spent fighting for one another or how I'm the reason she's in this situation in the first place. Nothing at all.

And that broke me.

I was so hurt that I actually found myself speechless for once in my life. I started finding it hard to breathe as my throat became tight. It was my anxiety starting to kick in. Anxiety that I didn't even know I had to begin with. My vision started to get a little blurry from all the crying and soon I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

I needed to get out and I needed to get out fast so I did. I walked towards the door as I heard Sophia say in the background "excuse me Mr, is everything alright?" I wanted to reply to her but I just couldn't find the right words to say.

I opened the room door and walked outside before shutting it. I leaned against the wall opposite the room and slid down as I started to cry once again. I soon felt a presence next to me. Marcus had sat down beside me.

"She doesn't remember me bro. She doesn't remember anything at all." I managed to say.

"I know. The nurse told me about her amnesia." Marcus said as he placed a hand on my knee. "It sucks, bro."

"This is all my fault." I cried out.

"No it's not. Anyone would have reacted the way that you did if they were in your shoes and besides the doctors think that this amnesia thing might be temporary." Marcus said. As much as I hoped hearing that would make me feel better, it didn't and Marcus knew that. "Jess, Sophia could get her memories back. There's still a chance bro. We just gotta have faith." He said.

I hope he's right. I hope that she does get her memories back because if she doesn't, I will never forgive myself for what I've done, for what I caused.


Oh No! Sophia has Amnesia😭😭
Who saw that coming?
What do you think is gonna happen next?
Do you think Sophia will get her memories back?
And is Jesse really to blame for all of this?? 🤔
Let me know! 😊

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