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Thank you for all the support on this book 😁 it means the absolute world to me ☺️

For all the JLingz fan out there, I have a JLingz fan account on Instagram - @SimplyJLingz 🙂 Give it a follow if you like 🤙🏽💞

I will be posting the comments from this book on that account real soon 😌 just to show your support for Jesse 😊 if you have anything to say to/about him, leave a comment and be sure to see it on my Instagram account 🤗

Once again, thank you for your support! I hope you like the book ☺️ I'm really excited about the next few chapters 😁 lotsa drama to come so stay tuned 😉

And please continue commenting and telling me what you think because I love reading your comments ❤️ also thank you to everyone who has been voting ☺️🤗

Love Kim ❤️ x

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