▹ [25] One Dance.

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Location: Los Angeles.

LA. LA. Oh how I've missed you!

Yes, I did say LA. Due to the Hamptons being over booked for the holiday, the boys and I decided to come to LA instead.

Free accommodation cause I live in LA. Malibu beach is right down the road. Pool, gym, entertainment area and an outdoor football court all in one place. How could they resist?

When we had arrived to my LA home, Madison was already ready and waiting for us. Madi has been staying at my home to make sure that nothing happened to it while I was away and when I stepped through my front door, I knew I had made the right decision by leaving Madi in charge. The house was spotless. Madi did such a wonderful job in maintaining and taking care of it.

(A/N: Madison Johnson (The Rocks daughter) was introduced in Chapter 2: Last Day.)

Madi and I were now sitting by the poolside, catching up on stories while sipping off some sparkling wine. The guys refused to go anywhere or do anything today because apparently they are jet lagged. All they wanted to do was relax in the pool.

Such girls I tell you.

"So if you guys are not doing anything later, you should come to my fathers birthday party. He turns 46 tomorrow so my mother and I decided to have a small party for him today." Said Madi, before taking a sip of her wine.

What on earth is this girl doing here when her fathers birthday party is in just a few hours? "Wait, shouldn't you be preparing for the party?" I asked.

"Nah, it's cool. My mum can handle it." Said Madi. "So what say? See you guys later?"

"We'll be there." Said Jess.

"Just keep these two away from your father, they tend to get all fan girly in front of their icons." I chuckled. The boys immediately took offense to my bold accusation.

"Excuse me, Mrs Alli, we are not fan girls. We are well behaved gentlemen." Said Jess as he walked up the steps of the pool.

"Actually it's Miss Ferguson and yes you guys are the biggest fan girls this world has ever seen. It's quite embarrassing really!" I smirked.

"What did you say?" Asked Rash as he jumped out of the water.

At the corner of my eye, I could see Jesse walking slowly towards me. Rash looked at Jesse and smiled before he started to walk towards me as well. That's when I realized I was in trouble.

"You guys are such fan girls and it's so embarrassing." I said as fast as I could. I immediately got out of my seat and starting running around the poolside.

Rash was first to catch me but lucky for me his hands were wet and slippery so he wasn't be able to get a firm hold onto me. I used that as an advantage and was able to push him back into the water.

Jesse then started to chase after me so I started running again. The poolside was very slippery so we had to be very careful not to fall. Lucky for me, I was fine but Jesse on the other hand, he almost fell. I managed to watch it play out and when it happened I immediately stopped running and started laughing at Jess.

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