▹ [04] Old Flames & Peaches.

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[continues from the previous chapter]

"Hi Jesse." I smiled.

Jesse Lingard - an old friend of mine. Jesse and I go way back to when he first joined the academy when he was just 7 years old. We've known each other for quite some time so we have a long history between us.

Jesse smiled when he heard me say his name. His smile was so effortless but yet so powerful that it could bring a smile to your face, it makes you feel empowered and strong. It could shine some light into the darkness and cast away your shadows.

We both then found ourselves been drawn to each other as we walked towards one another. Staring into his eyes, he stared right back into mine as we continued walking towards each other. His eyes were so dazzling and eye catching that you can't help but stare, not even blinking just gazing helplessly as if he's controlling you.

We finally came to a stop when we were at least two feet away from each other. Seconds went by and neither of us said a word. We simply just stood there staring at each other as if the whole world had stopped.

"Wow! Soph, look at you all grown up." Jesse said, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah, alot changes in 7 years." I smiled.

"Has it really been 7 years?" Jesse asked, sounding rather amazed. He probably thinks that time has passed by so fast.

Well it kinda did.

"Yep. 7 years ago I left England to peruse my acting career in Hollywood." I replied and Jesse laughed.

"It feels like just yesterday we were hanging out and pranking people." Jesse said and chuckled at the memory.

Ah yes, those were the good times.

"Yeah. Time flies." I laughed.

"Indeed it does. Look at you all pretty and grown up." Said David.

David de Gea - Manchester United's hunk of a goalkeeper aka United's number 1. In my opinion, a person like David isn't human. He has to be Superman, that's the only logical explanation.

"Superman!" I said, excitedly and David blushed. He always liked it when I called him Superman because it made him feel invincible.

"Ah, stop it you!" David chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him tight but not to tight. He was very petite in size for a guy so I didn't want to break him.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "You know I love you but seriously David, you need to put on some more weight." I said, hoping this time he would consider it.

"Oh there we go." Jesse said and rolled his eyes. "That's my queue to leave." He smiled before walking away.

"I'm fine just the way I am." David smiled.

"No you're not. You're Superman, you're supposed to be built in the way that you're indestructible. I'm only saying this because I love you and I don't want you to get hurt." I said.

I love David the way he is. He's amazing. One of the best people I know but when he's on the field, I always have this fear in me that something bad is going to happen to him and I hate that feeling.

"I know you do, Soph but I've been doing this for so long and nothing has happened to me so far, and honestly I don't think anything bad will happen to me. If it does, it's just one of the things. I'll accept it and move on, just like I do with everything else." David explained.

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