▹ [77] Daddy's Advice.

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3 days after "Old Habits"

My phone buzzed for like the millionth time. Ever since my Homecoming Dance Charity Event Afterparty scandal, the press have been hot on my case labelling me as unhinged once again. And although all the bad press was well expected, reading some of the comments still had an affect on me. A sudden knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts and back into the real world.

"Princess." My dad said as he walked into my room.

"Hi daddy." I said and faked a smile.

My dad walked over to me and placed his hands on either side of my shoulders. "Don't worry about the press, princess I'll take care of it." Said my dad right before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks daddy." Was all I could say.

I was embarrassed by the amount of bad press that I have brought upon my father's name throughout the years. My last name is literally royalty to the football world. My father created a legacy with our name and every time I mess up, it brings my father's name down. Between Thomas and I, I was always the screw up in the family, always the one responsible for all the damage done to our family name. You would think that it should have been the other way around because Thomas was the guy but it actually wasn't. Thomas was always the good boy, obeying all the rules and making sure that no harm would come to the legacy that our father created.

"What made you spiral out of control?" Asked my dad. I looked down and fiddled with my fingers. My silence made my dad a little apprehensive. "Was it Jesse?" Asked my dad, forcing my eyes wide open.

"What makes you ask that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I watched the two you together at the dance. You left very abruptly and you seemed upset." My dad responded.

I was surprised at the fact that my dad was closely watching Jesse and I at the dance. It also made me wonder, if he watching us then who else had their eyes on us at that dance?

"Jesse and I don't seem to click nowadays which is funny because I know in my heart that we were made for each other. We're perfect together but every time we're happy, something always seems to go wrong." I explained to my dad as a tear escaped my eye.

"Princess, people who are meant to be together, sometimes take a break but eventually they find their way back to each other. The storm will pass. You've just got be patient." Said my dad.

"Why does it have to hurt so much?" I cried out.

"Because he was your first love and even though you have been with other guys, I do believe that he is the guy you've always truly loved." My dad explained.

He was right! No matter how many people I dated, my heart always belonged to Jesse. I don't know what it is about Jesse that makes him so special to me but I just know that he is.

"You know something's been on my mind for a few weeks. I just kept on playing the last few months in my mind, wondering when I actually lost him. Thinking about what I could have said differently that would have changed things between us. That would have prevented all the heartache and disappointments." I said and looked at my dad. 'If we had this conversation 3 days ago, I would have told you that I would do anything in my power to win him back but now," I said and smiled "But now I don't feel that way anymore."

There was a brief moment of silence. I don't know if it was shock of if my dad was still trying to process everything I was said.

"What are you trying to say princess?" Asked my dad. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"That I think it's time Jesse and I move on." Just then my mother entered my room with 2 cups of hot chocolate in her hand. "Mummmy." I said, sounding like a little baby. I stuck my hands out to her, waiting for a hug. My mother placed my cup of hot chocolate on my nightstand and then reached down to hug me.

"Sweetheart, did I hear you correctly when I entered your room? What makes you think that you're ready to move on from Jesse?" Asked my mum. Even my mother is team Jesse. She always felt that Jesse was a good fit for this family and she genuinely hopes that one day he would become her son-in-law.

I grabbed the cup of hot chocolate in my hands and smiled at my parents who were looking at me with concern.

"Maybe because I'm currently seeing someone." I babbled as fast as I could before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Really? And who may this person be?" My mother asked as she raised a eyebrow at me.

My dad was awfully quiet and that made me very worried. I know for a fact that as soon as I mention Dele's name, my father is going to flip out. I wouldn't say that he doesn't like Dele, it's not like that at all but after the whole sex scandal that exposed my relationship with Dele took place, my father was really disappointment at the poor decisions I had made at that time. We have barely mentioned or spoke about Dele since then so I am genuinely concerned of what my father's reaction is going to be like when I tell him the truth.

"It's....," I said and trailed off. "Dele." I said. I closely examined my father's expression to see if he was angry but unfortunately there was no luck because his facial expression didn't change. In fact, my dad didn't even flinch at the sound of Dele's name. "Dad." I said.

"It's your life, princess, your decisions but the only thing that matters is your happiness." My dad said with a smile on his face.

"I am happy. Dele has changed and I honestly do feel like things are going to be different between us this time."

"I hope so."


So Jesse is back in the next chapter☺️
Are you feeling this whole Delphia thing again? 🤔

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