▹ [02] Last Day.

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I was sitting in hair and make up, getting ready to film the last scene for Teenage Drama Season 3. It's our last day on set until next year. I am so glad that this day has finally arrived.

Don't get me wrong, I love this show but after the break up with Colton, I just feel like I need to get away for a bit. Colton and I dated for 3 years before he ended our relationship. The break up was very unexpected, if anything, I thought we would be together for the rest of our lives but instead life chose to be unfair.

"Sophia, they need you on set right now." Said the set PA, Andrew.

"Okay thanks Andrew, I'll be there in a second." I said.

I opened the bottle of water and drank the entire bottle, just like I would always do before going on set. You could say that is like my pre-set ritual.

45 minutes later.

"And that's a wrap guys. See you all next fall." Said the producer, Mark Clifford.

Season 3 is finally done and dusted. England here I come.

"Sophia, can I have a word with you?" Asked Mark. The look on Mark's face got me worried. He was concerned about something. I hope I'm not in trouble for anything. "Let's go for a walk." He suggested and I followed him.

"Why do I feel like I've just got called into the principals office?" I asked, nervously.

"Because you kinda did." Mark replied with a straight face.


"What's up?" I asked, eager to know why I was in trouble.

"Are you aware that people are saying that you're leaving?" Asked Mark.


"It was brought to my attention that you're leaving Los Angeles and is moving back to England." Mark stated.

Wait what? Where did that stupid accusation come from?

"I'm not leaving Los Angeles." I chuckled. "I don't know who told you that but I'm most definitely not moving back to England. I'm going on a small vacation home but I'm not moving back there." I reassured him.

It's ridiculous how fast word gets out in Hollywood.

"Good because we need you on this show." Mark smiled.

"Mark, I would never leave this show without telling you." I smiled at him. He gave me a hug before leaving.



"I can't believe you're actually going anyway." Madi said, looking a little down.

Madison Johnson - daughter of actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and another one of my girls. Alice, Madi and I have been so close ever since working together in Broadway. I don't know what I'll do without my girls.

"It's only for 3 months. Time will fly so fast that I'll be back before you even know it." I faked smiled at Madison.

I hate lying to them but honestly I'm not going to be in England for just 3 months, I'm gonna be there longer. I might only come back when it's time to shoot Teenage Drama again and that's 1 year from now.

I'm gonna miss my girls alot. Normally we would spend every chance we could get with each other. Especially with Madi because she has such a tight schedule and now I'm not gonna see them for such a long time.

Danny placed the last of my suitcases in the trunk of his car and shut it. It was now time for me to say goodbye to my girls. Uggh. I hate goodbyes. I'm terrible at them. I normally end up crying.

I hugged both of them really tight before officially saying goodbye to them for now at least. Danny and I jumped into the car and soon after Danny drove off.

"That was so hard." I cried.

Danny placed a hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently. Saying goodbye to him is going to be even harder. I wish I could tell him how long I'm really planning to stay for but that will just make the goodbye even harder so I'll rather not.

The ride to the airport was short and silent. Neither of us said a word. Danny was awfully quiet and that made me wonder why. Danny and I finally reached the airport and he parked the car.

After a few minutes, we were now sitting in the waiting area waiting for the Ferguson private jet to arrive. I rested my head on his shoulder as our fingers were intertwined and then suddenly I felt the need to tell him. I just couldn't lie to Danny and I didn't know why.

"Dan," I started but just couldn't find the words to say.

"What is it?" He asked and smiled slightly.

"I'm not..." I trailed off. "I guess.. what I'm trying to say is that-" I said but this time got interrupted by Danny.

"..that you're going away for 1 year and not 3 months?" Asked Danny with a smirk on his face.

What even? How the hell did he know?

"How'd you know?" I asked, confused.

"We've been friends for 4 years Soph. I know you." Danny smiled. "And besides you're a terrible liar." Danny chuckled.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I said and pulled him into a tight hug. At this point the tears in my eyes were screaming to come out and they eventually did.

"I'm gonna miss you too but I'll come visit." Danny reassured me.

"You must."

A few seconds later a flight attendant informed us that the Ferguson private jet had arrived and it was now time for me to go. Saying goodbye to Danny was the hardest thing to do. He's my best friend and knowing that I'm not gonna see him for who knows how long, breaks my heart. I'm gonna miss him the most from everyone.

But now it's time to brace myself for a long flight ahead.


I hate goodbyes too 😭🙈 What do you think about the story so far? 🤔

And brace yourselves for the next chapter 😬
SPOILER: Sophia's father is revealed and... alot more!!

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