▹ [50] Social Media Drama.

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Tuesday Afternoon.

Moving into Jesse's house was rather tiring. The amount of stuff I have is insane. I have clothes, shoes and jewelry to last a lifetime and the sad part is that this isn't even all my stuff. Most of it is still in my LA home.

I was now laying on Jesse's lap as we relaxed in his living room. We were both tired from the long day we had. The movers did all of the work but supervising and running up and down was pretty tiring as well. Luckily we had Marcus and Maddison over to help a little.

"So.." I said and looked up at Jess. "I wasn't gonna bring it up but Julianna paid me a little visit yesterday." I said and raised my eyebrows at him.

Jesse immediately furrowed his eyebrows. "What did she say?" Asked Jess.

"That she loves you and that she plans on getting you back." I said. I started to rub my lips together and then let go of it.

"Crazy much." Jesse chuckled. "Soph, I love you and only you. I will never go back to her." Jesse said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I know baby. I know." I said and smiled at him.

"Yunno the first time I asked you out, back when we were kids.....I was so nervous." Jesse admitted shyly.

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because I thought you were gonna reject me." Jesse whispered.

"REJECT YOU?" I blurted out with widened eyes. "I had a crush on you from the first time I saw you but I was so scared to talk to you that when you came up to me that day I spilled apple juice all over you." I laughed.

Jesse immediately burst out into laughter. "I remember that day. That apple juice went everywhere. I mean everywhere." He chuckled.

We both laughed for a bit and then everything went quiet as we thought of our time together all those years ago. "We dated for 8 years huh. At that time, it seemed like a short time but really it was 8 years." I said, sounding amazed at how long Jesse and I dated.

"It was fun though. Extremely fun. We made alot of memories together. Good times that I'll never forget." Jesse said and smiled at the memories.

"And then we broke up and I went to Hollywood."

I decided to go to Hollywood a few weeks after Jesse dumped me. Just like Colton, Jesse and my break up was rather unexpected and it brutally crushed me. It crushed me so much that I decided to move across the world.

Whenever I go through a major heartbreak or go through a major crisis situation, I tend to run away. I get scared to face the situation so I chicken out. The idea of seeing someone I once loved with another girl scares the hell out of me so I run away to another place so that I can get a fresh start.

It sounds stupid. I know but it's just the way I am. You can call me the runaway girl or whatever.

Just then my phone started blowing up with notifications at the same time that Jesse's did. I immediately sat upwards as Jesse grabbed our phones from the table. He handed me my phone and looked at me confused. We have alerts on our friends so this blow up could be about anyone.

My phone lit up once again, grabbing my attention. It was twitter and it was a tweet about Trent.

"It's about Trent." Said Jess.

"Yeah." I agreed.

I started to read the tweet about Trent and got the shock of my life. "WHAT THE FUCK??!!!" I yelled out when I read the full tweet.

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