▹ [88] Break It To Them Gently.

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5 Days Later.

Today's the day.

Today's the day I find out who the father of my unborn child is. The guys and I got a paternity test done, 4 days ago. We just thought that it was the right thing to do. Getting the test done as quick as possible and finding out the who the father is, will really help release the tension that everything is feeling. It will especially help the boys because the faster we get this situation sorted out, the faster their focus can go back to the football season that's soon going to end. And let's not forget that stress isn't good for me or the baby.

Jesse and I were now waiting for the paternity test results. Dele couldn't make it today because he has a match tonight. United played last night so Jesse has the day off, that is why he was able to come with me. I'm really glad that he is here with me because I don't think I would have been able to do this alone.

"Are you nervous?" Asked Jesse as he looked at me.

"More like scared. No matter what the outcome is, someone is going to get hurt and I hate that." I admitted shyly.

I hate the situation that I've put the boys in. This triangle has been on and off for the 2 years now and people keep on getting hurt. The amount of damage we have done to each other is so horrifying that I would never wish that on anyone else. I think that it is about time that this triangle comes to an end but at the same time, I really hope that I'll still be able to be friends with the person that I do not end up with.

"Miss Ferguson, I have your results right here." The nurse said and handed me the envelope.

"Thank you." I said and took the envelope from her hand.

"Have a nice day." She said before walking away.

"You too." Jesse said.

We walked out of the building and then to Jesse's car. Once we were sitting inside the car, I opened the envelope. The moment I saw the of the father of my child, I smiled. I then turned to look at Jesse who was waiting anxiously to know the answer.

"Congratulations Jess, you're going to be father." I said and smiled at him.

Jesse couldn't control his emotions. He immediately started crying. "You're joking?" He asked in disbelief. I shook my head and handed him the results. Jesse looked at it and then started to cry even more when he saw his name on it. "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER, SOPHIA!" Jesse yelled in excitement.

"Yeah, a good one." I said.

It brought real joy to me seeing how happy Jesse was to find out that he's going to be a father. That's the kind of man that I want to be apart of my child's life. The good thing about this whole situation is the fact that I know that Jesse is going to be a good father. He's great with kids in general, so imagine how great he will be to his own kid. I have no worries about my child having a good upbringing because I know that no matter what happens, Jesse will always be there for our child.

"If this causes problems between you and Dele, I just want you to know how incredibly sorry I am." Jesse said.

"Don't worry about Dele, I'll take care of it. You just worry about you. Daddy Lingz." I smirked and Jesse started to laugh.

"I like the sound of that." Jesse chuckled.

An Hour Later.

"Wow, so Jesse is the father of your baby." Dele said as he looked down at the paper.

Jesse dropped me off at the hotel that the Tottenham Hotspurs team was staying at for their match against Manchester City at Etihad. Even though we knew that it wouldn't be wise to tell Dele the truth a few hours before his big match, Dele kind off insisted that he wanted to know the results.

"I'm so sorry babe." I said and held on his arm.

"You know that I was processing the fact that you cheated on me with Jesse but I thought that everything would alright once we got the results because I was so convinced that the baby was mine." Dele said. He started to tear up and that really broke my heart because Dele crying is a very rare thing to see. "But it's not. I was ready to excuse that slip up but now that slip up has turned out to be a life altering moment and I don't think that it something I will be able to forgive." Dele said.

This was exactly what I feared. I knew that one of them were going to get hurt but I didn't think that I would actually lose my relationship over this. I don't like to bring up the past but Dele screwed me over first when he slept with Alice and considering the fact that I forgave him for that, I just thought that he would be more forgiving.

"What are you trying to say? Are you breaking up with me?" I asked the all important question.

Dele immediately turned his whole body to face me. "No. Hey, I didn't say that." He babbled. He then held on to my hands and looked me in the eye. "I just need some time to process all of this, to figure out what I want because I have never been in a situation like this before." Dele explained.

"Neither have I."

"I know. This is all very new to us and that is why we have to think through this properly. This situation is bigger than any of us and I want to be there for you. Sophia, I love you so much but right now I just need some space." Dele said. A tear escaped his eye and that made me tear up.

"I understand and I love you too." Was all I could say.




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