▹ [07] Awkward Meetings.

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"Call me when you're done." Said Thomas as he waited for Alice and I to jump out of his blue Chevrolet SS.

Yes you heard right. Alice flew to Manchester yesterday because she was missing her best friend ofcourse. I'm really happy Alice is here. Finally I have someone to go shopping with and talk about my boy problems too.

"I will." I said and shut the door.

"You know what you need?" Asked Alice as we walked into Victor's Restaurant.

"Enlighten me." I said and smiled at her. Knowing Al, she's probably gonna say something crazy.

"You need one night in Manchester to be free, let loose and show your wild side. Let's live while we're young." Al said.

She made a good point. It's been a while since I've had any fun. When I was with Colton, we didn't really go out much. He didn't like the idea of getting wasted together in nightclubs and going to house parties for the fun of it. He always wanted to do the same thing, go to dinner and then go back home. He didn't know the meaning of fun.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was nudged by Alice. "Maybe we should go to another restaurant." Alice said and immediately pulled me.

I stopped and broke away from her grip. "What? Why? You love this place. The last time you were here, you couldn't stop talking about how good the food was here." I said to her.

Alice was acting strange. She was barely even looking at me, she kept on looking behind me. "Yeah, but now I feel like eating something different." She said. She made no contact with me whatsoever. Instead her eyes were glued on something that was behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and she didn't even notice so I quickly turned around. "What are you lookin-" I started but stopped when I spotted Jesse having lunch with a girl I presumed was his girlfriend.

"Soph, I'm so sorry." Al said and rubbed my back gently.

"Why?" I asked while trying to fight back the tears. "Jesse and I are not dating. We never was so there's no reason for you to be sorry. Now let's go find a table." I said and started walking towards a vacant table.

I was hoping that Jesse wouldn't see us walk past him but unfortunately for me, he did. "Soph." He called out.

I stopped and let out a deep breath before turning towards him with a big smile on my face. "Jesse!" I said. "Oh my gosh, I didn't even see you here." I said and acted all surprised. Thank goodness I chose acting as my career because Jesse believed every word I said.

"Same old Soph. Always wondering around like a hallow." Jesse chuckled.

"That's me." I smiled awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm Alice." Alice said and extended a hand out to Jess.

Jesse smiled and accepted the handshake. "I'm Jesse." He said to her before turning his attention back to me. "Soph, I'm really glad you're here because I want you to meet my girlfriend, Lauren." He said and pointed to the brunette sitting across from him.

Just as I expected, Lauren was a thing of beauty. Jesse had really done well on this one.

"Hi." Lauren said and gave me a big smiled.

Gosh, now I have to smile back.

"Lauren this is Sophia, the girl I told you about." Jesse said.

"I've heard alot about you. Jesse told me you two are best friends." Lauren said, catching me by surprise.

'Best friends?' I'm sorry did I miss something?

"Let me rephrase that. Jesse and Sophia were best friends but not anymore. I am Sophia's one and only best friend." Alice said, forcing me to laugh.

"Oh Al, always making her status known." I chuckled. "But it's true. Al's my best friend." I said. I quickly placed my hands around Alice and gave a side hug. "Sorry Jess." I said as I rested my head on Al's shoulder.

I heard Lauren giggle and at the corner of my eye, I saw Alice smiling. I looked at Jesse and for someone who loves making jokes, he was rather quiet and it made me wonder what was going on in that mind of his.

"Well anyway, this was fun but we have to go now. It was really nice meeting you Lauren." I said, well basically lied.

"You too Sophia." Lauren smiled yet again.

"See you around, Jess."

"Enjoy your day."

"You too."

Alice and I sat at a table in a corner far away from Jesse as possible. We've already had one awkward encounter for the day and I wasn't ready for another. I've had enough of Jesse for one day.

"Well that was horrifying." Al said as she scanned the menu up and down.

"You can say that again."

There was a moment of silence as we were both contemplating on what we wanted to order. There were alot of good options on the menu but unfortunately we couldn't order everything. After a few minutes, we eventually placed our orders and awaited our food.

"Remember what you said earlier about letting loose and living life while we're young?" I asked Al and she looked at me surprised.


"Well why don't we start tonight." I smirked. "How fast do you think we can get to London?"

"Very fast. But why London?" Al asked confused.

"I was invited to this party."

"Party?" Al said sounding a little anxious.

"Well it's not just any party. It's Tottenham midfielder, Erik Lamela's party." I said and bit my lower lip.

"Did you just say you were invited to a footballers party?" Alice asked. She sounded rather amused.

"Yeah." I admitted, shyly.

"Well, is he hot?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.

Oh so typical Alice. Always looking for hot guys to party with.

"He is, yeah." I chuckled and Alice immediately pulled out her phone from her bag.

"Oh we're definitely going. I am booking our flights right away." She said, full of excitement.


Anyone else feel bad for Sophia? 😪

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