▹ [13] Reality Check.

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Monday Morning.

His fingers caressed every inch of my body while his lips trailed wet kisses. I closed my eyes and inhaled his sweet scent. Oh how I loved that scent.

Jesse moved my hair of my shoulders and started to kiss my neck. His kisses were beautiful as he searched for my sweet spot. Once he found it, I moaned as he began to torture it. He smirked into the kiss, clearly indicating that he was enjoying himself.

Once he was done with my neck, he found his way back to my lips. Jesse's kiss was so intimate and passionate. He asked for an entrance and I gladly accepted it. His tongue explored mine while mine explored his and just when I was enjoying the beautiful kiss, I felt his hand on my clit.

I was a little embarrassed because I was so wet for him and the moment he noticed that, he smiled into the kiss. He started to rub my clit slowly while still kissing me. I tried my best not to moan even though I wanted too so badly.

I placed my hand on the hem of his tracksuit pants and was about to slip them off when suddenly Jesse shoved two of his fingers inside me. I immediately let go of his pants and gasped into the kiss. I tilted my head back as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me. I stopped kissing him back and grabbed onto the sheets...

I woke up in shock to the sound of Let Me by Zayn playing in my ear. My breathing was fast and my heart was racing.

"It was only a dream." I whispered to myself.

I swallowed as I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Without even looking at the caller ID, I slid my finger across my phone and answered it.

"Hello." I managed to say in my sleepy tone.

"Soph, are you okay?" The person asked. It was Alice. She noticed the sound in my voice and knew something was up.

"Yeah, I am. Why?" I asked. I was finally calm and sounding like my usual self.

"You sure?" Alice asked.

"Yes, Al. I'm fine. I actually just woke up." I replied.

"What? You know we have a train to catch in like 40 minutes right?"

"Yeah, I'll be ready."

Suddenly another phone started to ring in my room. My eyes widened when I heard the phone.

"Is that a cellphone ringing?" Alice asked over the phone.

"I got to go. Bye!" I quickly said and hung up the phone.

I turned around and saw him sleeping on my bed, shirtless. My eyes widened in shock. Was it just a dream? Of course it was! I don't remember doing anything with him last night.

I bent over his back and grabbed his phone from the nightstand to see that it was Rashy who was calling. I placed my hand on his back and started to shake him lightly but that didn't work. He refused to get up so I started to shake him with every little strength in me.

"Jesse! Jesse!" I said but still got no answer so I tried again. "Jess, you gotta wake up." I said and luckily this time I got an answer.

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