▹ [61] Secret Hideouts - Simply Social Media (3)

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I watched as Jesse took off his shirt and then dived into the water. "Come on, get in." Said Jess.

I looked up at the sun and it wasn't as strong as it was around midday. The weather was perfect, the water looked refreshing and the love of my life looked fine as hell. I pulled out my shorts and threw it on the ground before jumping into the water.

Later that day.

The rest of the afternoon was chilled. Jesse and I relaxed in the water for a couple of hours before drying off and heading back to the car. We were now driving back home. Since Jess was driving, I decided to quickly post something on Instagram.

Liked by jesselingard, trentarnold66, coltonlhaynes and 718 563 otherssophiaferguson every moment spent with you is a moment to treasure✨ thank you for treating me like a princess even though I don't actually own a crown👑  I am truly grateful for...

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Liked by jesselingard, trentarnold66, coltonlhaynes and 718 563 others
sophiaferguson every moment spent with you is a moment to treasure✨ thank you for treating me like a princess even though I don't actually own a crown👑 I am truly grateful for being blessed with such a 💎 like you😌 iloveyou so much my sweet baby♥️ and I'm looking forward to having many many more moments like these with you💫
👤 jesselingard

View all 8596 comments

jesselingard 🥺🥺luckiest man in the world🙋🏾‍♂️ iloveyou❤️❤️
↪️ sophiaferguson ❤️❤️

username1 your the sweetest

username2 kween👑

marcusrashford miss you both so much😭😭😭❤️❤️
↪️ sophiaferguson miss you too little broski 😭❤️ Can't wait to see you next week😁☺️

username3 This is goals 🥺

trentarnold66 ❤️

username4 you too good for jesse he's a cunt
↪️ sophiaferguson A damn sexy one 😻
↪️ marcusrashford 🤣🤣

username5 @username6 Dey d cutest 😍😍😍
↪️ username6 i Stan this so hard😍😍😍

coltonlhaynes 🔥
(Liked by sophiaferguson)
↪️ username4 colttttooonnnn omgggg
↪️ username7 get her back bro
↪️ username8 like if you prefer Cophia
(378 likes) (liked by Colton Haynes and Jesse Lingard)
↪️ username9 @username8 Jesse liked 😭😭 even he knows he's not good enough for her 😭😭😭
↪️ username8 @username9 yeah Sophia and Colton were meant to be
↪️ username10 it's pathetic that you lot would even think that. Colton left Soph hanging. He broke up with her. Nobody breaks up with someone and says that they just don't feel like the relationship is working for them after being with the person for 3 fucking long years. YOU DON'T EVER DO THAT TO SOMEONE. I'm happy that Sophia is with Jesse. She's with something who truly loves and cares for her. You lot need to open your eyes and see that she is way happier with Jesse than she ever was with Colton!!!! and that's the tea☕️
(1,639 Likes) (Liked by sophiaferguson and marcusrashford)

An Hour Later.

After showing together, Jesse and I were now relaxing in my living room. My back rested against the hand rest of the sofa while Jess sat in an upright position with his one leg folded under the other, allowing me to rest my legs on him.

"I miss Rashy sooo much." I whined as I looked at Rashy's comment on my latest Instagram post.

"Yeah me too." Replied Jess. The tone in his voice and the way he replied, made it seem like he wasn't actually paying attention to me. Something was bothering him and I knew exactly what it was.

Those Instagram comments about Colton.

I immediately sat up and moved next to him. I wrapped my arm around his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. "Babe, don't let those comments get to you. Those people are Colton fans. Obviously they are going to say stuff like that but it doesn't matter. I don't care what the haters on social media says. Everyone has their own opinions but none of that matters. What really matters is our feelings, our love for each other. That's the most important thing." I said.

Jess tugged his shoulder, making me turn my head to face him. "I love you." He said and smiled.

"I love you too." I said and smiled. I reached over and planted my lips unto his. Jesse placed my hand under my butt and pulled me over him to straddle him.

After a few minutes of making out with Jess, his phone started to ring. Jesse looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Joshua, one of United's physical trainers. "You know I have to take this." Said Jess, stating the quiet obvious.

"Oh duh." I said and rolled my eyes as I climbed off him. Jesse immediately woke up and slapped my ass while answering the phone.

Calls like those are very important because it's basically United wanting feedback on the players injuries to how long they are going to be out for and if there's any progress or not.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and unlocked it. I scrolled through my WhatsApp messages and quickly replied to Marcus. I went off Marcus' chat and saw that I had a message from Colton. The message was sent earlier today while I was at the beach with Jesse. When I had finally read the message, immediately my eyes widened and my heart started beating extremely fast. My phone slipped from my hand as I tried to regulate my breathing again.

I opened the chat and decided to reply.


Colton Haynes

So I'm shocked that your boyfriend
took the news very well🤭 I didn't
think that he'll have it in him to accept
something as big as that. I mean he
does know right?

Whether he knows or not is
none of your business!

Actually it is, you know why 🙂

Only for now. Once it's done, no one
and I mean NO ONE can come to
know about this. This stays between us!

Don't worry sweetheart, I won't tell
your boyfriend 😘


I rolled my eyes at Colton's message before deleting the chat so that Jesse wouldn't see it.


Thank you all for being so patient with me🤗 I honestly cannot explain how difficult, how painful the last few months have been😪 but things are slightly better now🙂 I celebrated 22 a few weeks ago, honestly I don't feel any different🤷🏽‍♀️😅

Anyway, a few things to highlight in this chapter. Jesse getting hate on social media😪 and what the actual fuck are Colton and Sophia talking about? 🤔

Thanks for reading ☺️ Please vote and comment 🙏🏼💜 x

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