▹ [36] Dele's New Girlfriend.

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"Hmm." I said as I felt kisses on my clit. I turned my head slowly to the right as I tried to figure out whether I was dreaming or whether this was really happening. I tried to open my eyes but they were too tired to open.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, two fingers were shoved into me causing my body to jerk. My eyes shot open as I felt this awakening feeling that caused me to tilt my head backwards.

"Good morning babe." Said Jesse as he pulled his fingers out of me.

"No. No. No. Don't stop!" I whined.

"Can I at least get a good morning kiss first?" Asked Jess.

I leaned forward and gave him a kiss.

"Good morning my love." I said. I bit my lower lip as Jesse pushed his fingers back into me. "Oh what a way to wake up in the morning." I said and Jesse started to laugh.

"Have to treat my baby how." He said, putting a huge smile on my face.

"Best boyfriend in the world award goes to you." I smiled.

Suddenly my room door flung open and in walked Marcus and Trent. Jesse immediately removed his fingers from inside me as I rolled my eyes at the sight of them. This is the second time for this week that these two idiots have interrupted Jesse's and my moments.

"Rash, could you please stop doing that?" Asked Jess.

"Doing what?" Asked Marcus. He was clueless. I watched as Marcus opened the bottle of ice tea he had in his hand and took a sip of it. It was then when I realized that Marcus got the ice tea from my fridge.

"Interrupting us." Jesse replied.

"Nah it's okay." I said.

Marcus walked over to my bed and immediately sat down next to me. He kissed my cheek and placed a hand around me. "I'm sorry but we got some juicy gossip." Said Marcus. He then stuck his hand out to Jesse and the two of them started doing their signature handshake.

"And what is that exactly?" I asked as I hugged Trent.

"Guess who we caught Dele making out with." Rashy said.

Oh so it seems that Jess and I aren't the first people they have interrupted today. They are walking in on everyone. What idiots!

"Who?" Asked Jess.

"Katrina Vega." Trent replied.

"What?" I spat.

My eyes immediately widened in shock. Katrina Vega? Oh My God! Is Dele serious? I know Katrina Vega! She is not the type of girl that Dele should date. Katrina Vega is completely opposite from Dele. She is literally the biggest bitch in the world.

I'm shocked.

How stupid can Dele be?

"You're joking right?" I asked the boys and Trent shook his head.

"Do you know her?" Asked Jesse.

I nodded. "Yeah. Danny used to have a crush on her."

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