Chapter Eighty-Five

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My heart was beating louder than ever, I was sure that it was bound to give me away, both the pounding of my heart and my head made it a lot more difficult to focus on what was being said from inside the last thing I heard being Lucius granting Mr Crouch free reign over his son. I was in a loss for time, I had to do something before it was too late, standing outside wasn't going to be any use especially when there was a slim chance he may already be dead. For once all the fear inside of me faded being replace by a sudden rush of urgency, I was under immense pressure therefore didn't have a chance to think things through so I pushed open the door.

As I peered inside what I saw struck me with panic, Barty had his wand aimed directly of Draco in the mids of saying the words no one would ever like to hear, the words no one should ever have to endure. I didn't think twice, I gripped my wand tight pointing it towards his, 'Expelliarmus', the wand flung out of Bartys hand disarming him immediately causing everyones head to turn in my direction. Before I had the chance to scan the room, I bolted it towards his wand retrieving it from the floor and chucking it in the fireplace, as I looked up I wasn't surprised to see that both Bellatrix and Lucius was stood in a fit of both rage and disbelief, Barty leaping towards the flames and Greyback holding Draco in place.

"What are you waiting for you wretched thing, get her" Bellatrix cried flinging her arms at Greyback, he let go of Draco and dashed towards me, I shot a spark from my wand instantly pushing him back giving me enough time to race behind a few pillars. As I did so Bellatrix aimed her wand up at the ceiling, wooden columns came crashing down each one missing me by an inch, her shrieks pierced through my ears making me disorientated as I quickly darted around the room trying to think of where to go next.

I stumbled back slowly moving towards the door holding my wand up towards them frantically switching my aim from person to person, they all drew closer not wanting to waste any time but also weary that I now had a wand. My eyes met with Bellatrix's; as dark as the Black lake, they sucked me in the most with the slight glint of adrenaline circling her pupils. I could tell she was eager to finish me off since she didn't get the chance to before, so I aimed my wand at her ready to face whatever was coming but just as I did so the door behind me flew open causing me to stagger backwards.

As I fell back my head shot towards the person behind me knowing that my chances of getting out were now very slim, though as I looked up I saw the same pale grey eyes that belonged to Draco, it was his mothers. Narcissa looked startled not having any idea of what she had walked in on, she looked down at me with concern and what looked to be a small sense of relief seeing that I was in fact alive. Yet as she glanced up the reality of what was going on quickly kicked in, her eyes narrowing grasping what was going to happen next.

"Grab her" Lucius yelled, I peered back up at Narcissa pleading that she'd give me a chance but I knew she didn't have a choice, it would not only be putting herself at risk but Draco just as much. Her eyes were glassy drowning in remorse as I nodded faintly lowering my wand as she took me into her grip, I'd much rather be held by a mother than anyone else, so I surrendered. She gripped my arm tight pulling close, though it looked to be preventing me from escaping it felt as if she was protecting me knowing that her tight embrace may very well be the last thing I feel put me at ease.

"Stupid girl how dare you step foot back in the Manor" Bellatrix screamed, her wand still aimed at me, I held my hand behind my back and fumbled around for Narcissa's gripping it tight the closer Bellatrix got. I gulped not taking my eyes of her for a second, a pain passed through my neck as if it sensed her presence remembering what she done to me last time I came into contact with her.

"Barty, fetch Greybacks wand and do as you wish to the boy, I have some unfinished business with this one" My eyes shot towards Barty who retrieved Greybacks wand and slowly began to approach Draco, I felt Narcissas grip tighten as she watched him take her son away. I could tell she wanted so badly to run after him and leave me with her but she done what she was told, thats when I decided to speak up for her.

"Why are you killing him when its my fault? I was the one to distract him, it has nothing to do with him- "

"Y/n stop" Draco said bluntly, loud enough for me to hear him, but I didn't listen.

"He's done nothing but obey you, not to mention he's your nephew. Do you hold no remorse?" My eyes watered with desperation trying everything in my power to hold them back though guilt tripping someone who showed no emotion or affection wasn't the way to go. The entire room fell silent, Lucius looked at Narcissa blankly while Bellatrix furrowed her brows more focused on the fact that I questioned and mocked her morals.

"Think about it, if you kill us both you'd have to explain why but if you just kill me it'll go unnoticed, you don't want to have to explain yourselves to the Dark Lord do you?" I tried hiding the fact I was desperate holding my head high as I spoke making a plea deal as my last resort, I stared at Bellatrix who paused her grin dropping into a slight frown, she knew what I said was right.

"Cissy, give me the girl" Hesitant Narcissa looked down at me, her face resembled that of someone in destress though a small amount of relief from my words masked that, I pulled the best smile I could at the time assuring her to let me go. Her grip loosened giving my hand one last squeeze before she handed me over to Bellatrix, I looked up at her expressionless not wanting to come across as afraid knowing it'd be less likely she'd give in.

"Just let him go" I muttered looking back at Draco, he was stood by the door restrained by Greyback, restless as ever clearly disagreeing with my appeal making it harder for him to be held back. His face reflecting his body language, eyes narrow shooting daggers of incredulity straight through me. I could tell by the looks of it he hated me for what I was doing but I didn't only do it for his benefit I done it for his mothers, Draco was the only person in her life she truly cared for and I'd gladly trade my life to stop her suffering.

"Very well, take him away" Bellatrix said flicking her hand towards the door gesturing for them to escort him out, I looked over at Narcissa who's feelings were contradictory her eyes glimmered with gratitude while her lips curled downwards quivering as she stared at me. I could hear Draco yell from the corridor though it was muffled so I wasn't able to make any if it out, but I don't think he could either, his cries were demanding yet vulnerable just like the ones I heard last night.

Before I got the chance to say anything, I was flung to the floor being held down by both Lucius and Barty, I didn't bother squirming as I knew it'd get me nowhere so instead, I looked up at Bellatrix who was fiddling with her wand taunting me as she paced in a circle. I felt my arms being held down so hard it stopped the blood from reaching my hands, she spat nothing but insults at me the entire time; if it were a few months ago they'd hurt me more than physical pain but at this moment I wasn't affected by them in the slightest, I knew what I did was right and that pushed me through it all.

"Any last words?" She cackled clearly not intending to let me speak she aimed the wand directly at me his eyes wild and filled with nothing but pleasure, I closed mine tight and held my breath, my entire body tensed. Thats when the door flew open.

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