Chapter Sixty-Three

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The train finally came to a stop and we slipped through the crowds of people huddling around the exists, I was told to keep my head down trying my best not to be noticed which at the time turned out successful. We separated from the crowd and went through a narrow path that led into the forbidden forest, the same path we ran down after that night. I felt my heart start to race and my palms get sweaty as the memories came flooding back to me clear as day, recognising each and every tree that engulfed me.

We eventually came to an opening my eyes immediately getting drawn to the burnt down shack to the side of the forest, I froze and stared at the sight of the cabin or what was left of it. It was basically just ash and pieces of the houses remains scattered about the place, I had flashbacks of me standing exactly where I stood just watching in horror as fire consumed the hut. I broke my trance and glanced up at Draco who was looking in the same direction as I was, his eyes glassy and poignant as if he felt the slightest amount of remorse.

"Hagrid, do you think he's-" My words broke his glare his eyelids fluttering in attempt to soak back the water that glazed them, he glanced down at the floor for a quick second before gulping, "Hurry. We cant keep him waiting." He grabbed my wrist pulling me alongside him avoiding my assumption completely.

As we trekked up the hill I looked up at the castle, it looked as if it lacked life, dark and depressing. It didn't feel the same at all, it was surrounded by dark hooded figures hovering at every entrance scattered around the grounds, the walls of the castle stood numb and miserable and all the subtle hints of nature that would usually blossom in the summer were now dead and dismal. It was as if the school was dying a slow and painful death knowing it was about to meet its end, it was just a matter of time.

We reached the courtyard and made our way to the door but it was guarded by one of dark cloaked figures lurking eerily outside of it, I tugged Dracos arm and gestured over to the dementor cautiously but it didn't seem to bother him as much. He marched right towards it without hesitation, I knew I'd rather approach one with Draco then on my own, so I trailed behind him.

The dementor suddenly shot in our direction its cloak pulsating with the wind, everything I was told about these creatures were true, they completely drained you of any sort of happiness and hope, I felt completely numb for a few seconds as we both stood there in silence. Draco pulled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark then proceeding to reach for my arm to do the same, but as he took a hold of it, I pulled away and glared at him showing it myself.

Eventually the dementor drifted to the side and the door slowly began to open, I made my way inside first glancing around the empty halls that was once packed with bustling students eager to go to their lessons. I jumped when I heard the door slam behind me looking back to see Draco scanning the corridors, the atmosphere was the complete opposite of how it should be, cold and unwelcoming.

"This way, we haven't any time to waste." He said impatiently, I could tell this whole situation unsettled him just as much as it did me, I knew exactly how he felt so instead of snapping back at his rather forceful commands I just nodded silently and followed behind.

"Where are we going?" I muttered trying to catch up with his fast pace, he ignored me and turned towards the stairs that led down to the Slytherin common room. The nerves in my stomach grew more prominent with every step we took, we hurried past the entrance to the common room and turned the corner towards what looked to be Professor Snapes office.

"Wouldn't his office be upstairs now since he's the headmaster?" I asked adamant that maybe this time I was right, and he led us the complete wrong way, but of course that was never the case.

"Wait here, I'll come and get you once I've talked to him. I mean it Cerawin, don't move a fucking inch." He spat whilst gripping my wrist tightly making sure his voice was low, so he didn't draw any attention to us, I watched as he quietly opened the door and slipped inside closing it behind him.

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