Chapter Forty-Four

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I was sat in the library one evening reading one of my favourite books when Hermione came bursting through the doors winding her way through the tables with rolled up newspaper in her hand, before I even had the chance to ask her what was the matter she dropped the Daily Prophet on the table and pointed immediately to the headline.

"The Malfoys, they're blaming the Malfoys" I looked down at the front cover and my face dropped as I read the headline, 'Malfoy flees after death of a Young Witch'. I paused for a second not believing a word, well not wanting to believe a word it said.

"This has got to be a joke, why would-" I was cut off by Hermione, her finger pointing at the small paragraph written under the picture, I picked up the newspaper in disbelief as I eagerly read what it said.

'World renowned Dark Wizard Lucius Malfoy suspected of yet another tragedy relating to what is though to be the return of the Dark Lord; More on this on page 13' I flicked through the thin pages eventually reaching what looked to be an entire section dedicated to Genevieve.

"Do you think Draco knows?" Hermione said with quiver in her voice, I was still trying to process what I was reading wanting to just throw the entire newspaper away and forget this ever happened. I looked up at her in shock.

"I- I should go" I stood up tightly gripping the newspaper and stormed off to find Draco, I was riled up with rage knowing that there was a chance he could have known the entire time and not said a word to anyone. But what if he didn't know, what if he is just as oblivious as I am. Thats when I remembered the night I questioned him about it, his reaction was strange as if he knew something he shouldn't. Now releasing that, it only confirmed my suspicions more.

I stumbled around the castle looking in every classroom I passed not knowing where I was heading to but as I swiftly turned the corner of the corridor, I bumped into the one person I was intending to find. There stood Blaise, Madalina and Draco, they looked at me in confusion probably wondering why I looked to be in such a hurry.

I furiously shoved the newspaper at Dracos chest looking up at him enraged my eyes narrowing like thin daggers, Blaise and Madalina exchanged confused glances clearly not having any clue what was happening. Draco looked to be even more baffled as he read my expression, he grabbed a hold of the newspaper and took one glance at the front cover his face instantly dropping and eyes widening as he read the headline.

"Did you know, please say you didnt know" I said my voice trembling not wanting to imagine what would happen if he gave into my assumptions. I had a slight bit of hope praying that he'd be just as clueless as me but as the more I looked at him the more I felt my heart sink.

"Ceradwin its not what it looks like" He said immediately becoming defensive, I just stared at him in spite knowing that he knew exactly what happened to her and didn't have the guts to tell me. Tears filled my eyes, not like any tears I've felt before, they felt like small pieces of glass shards falling down my cheeks.

"You knew. You knew and still denied it to my face when I asked you multiple times who killed her" I felt my teeth clench together and my whole body tense up just at the thought of it, I felt a hand touch my shoulder in attempt to calm me down but I was already passed the stage of self-control. I coldly shoved Madalinas hand off my shoulder not one taking my eyes off Dracos.

"You cared more about me saying Voldemorts name then you did when your father murdered my best friend? And you had the audacity to tell me to leave?!" My voice echoed through the wide, open corridor filling up every crevice, both Blaise and Madalina took a step back watching in shock as I screamed at him. Draco said nothing, and for once I wanted nothing more then for him to speak one word at least.

"Say something. For fucks sake Draco say something" I wailed, my hands aggressively getting tangled in my hair as I brushed it back out of my face.

"Do you really think I intended for this to happen Y/n? Hell, what would I have told you?" He done nothing but put his guard up, he clearly wasn't able to accept the fact that for once he was in the wrong. This was the last straw; I couldnt handle his excuses anymore. I pulled out my wand from my cloak and aimed it at his face tears slowly trickling down my cheek.

He froze and just stood there, head held high looking down at me in anticipation, I heard Madalina gasp as Blaise stormed up retrieving his wand pointing it towards me. I didn't flinch though I knew the wand was just a few feet away from me, instead my eyes were fixed to Draco just wanting him to be slightest bit threatened by me.

"Blaise don't" Blaise looked at Draco eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion, he looked back at me expecting me to lower my wand, but I stood my ground not once taking notice of him. Draco shot him a glare instructing him to put down his wand, so he did so, "Go, now" Draco said, Blaise looked back at me as he walked off Madalina trailing behind.

"Put the wand down Ceradwin" My head shot back towards Draco, my eyes immediately meeting his, the fact he didnt once look intimidated by me made me angrier. My lip quivered the closer I got eventually making him stop as he reached the cobbled wall.

"Why- why arent you scared?" I said highering my wand to his face, he kept his eyes on me but he began to raise his hand which was when I pointed my wand towards it causing him to put them both up palms facing towards my face.

"Because I know you're not going to do anything" He said with confidence, I took a step forward and lifted my wand to his throat in attempt to threaten him though it done the opposite. One of his hands reached over to mine gently grabbing my wrist, I paused and glanced down as be began lowering it from his neck.

"I'd tell you everything but its useless. Theres nothing I can do that'll bring her back" My head fell, and I bit my lip trying to prevent myself from crying, I hated how weak and pathetic I was. I hated how easily I gave into him. He was right, I couldn't bring myself to hurt him even though hes already hurt me so much.

"Leave." I said under my breath, he pulled his hand away from mine and stood staring at me, I knew if I where to look at him I'd instantly fall into his trance. "Draco leave." He paused before walking away taking one last look at me before he turned the corner and walked off.

I stood in the middle of the corridor my wand pointing at the floor watching as tears fell from my face landing on the cobbled floor like faint rain on a cold afternoon.

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