Chapter Sixty-Seven

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I trailed behind Isabella as she took me back into her dormitory and led me towards her bed, she bent down opening the dresser and pulled out a plain black t-shirt tossing it to me. I stood up and undressed asking her to undo the clasp I wasn't able to reach, she crawled across the bed and I sat down feeling her warm touch on my cold bare back giving me goosebumps all over. I turned and climbed into bed next to her, we both laid there for a second staring up at the velvet green canopy above. My breathing got heavy the longer I was next to her getting the slight feeling of butterflies, "I'm so fucked Isabella" I sighed in defeat, she turned her head facing me confused.

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows furrowed looking slightly concerned as she rested her head onto her hand.

"I left, I just left him. I didn't know what else to do" I felt myself tearing up at the thought of him just standing there as I left so abruptly, I couldn't stand being around him anymore if he carried on being such a dick. There was times I couldn't get enough of him but there where also times I was close to killing him and at this rate I'm surprised I didn't.

"When I left, he said nothing, didn't even try and attempt to convince me to stay" I covered my face wiping away my tears knowing I was just being pathetic and that was one of the reasons why I was so easily led, I make myself come across as so fucking vulnerable. Isabella moved closer taking me into her arms cradling my head as I masked my whimpers in her t shirt not wanting to embarrass myself in front of her.

"I'm so naïve. I've given everything up for him without him even asking me too and now look where its left me, I'm alone" Her hand gently pushed my chin up to face her, she caressed my cheek wiping away the tears softly. I was lost in her gaze, her eyes dark and comforting. "You're not alone Y/n" though just as she opened her mouth, I took her cheek into my hand and kissed her lips gently.

I closed my eyes assuming she'd just pull away, but she didn't, instead she leaned further in lowering my head onto the pillow moving slowly with my movements. Her lips were soft like her touch, a change from Draco's rough pace. The more she continued to move with me the more I gave in, I couldn't get enough of her, the feeling was new and exciting.

I felt her hand trail down the back of my neck and down my spine sending tingles throughout my whole body, I arched my lower back as I felt her softly hover over it feeling the heat from her palms. She parted from my lips and knelt over pulling the curtains around the bed in attempt to give us privacy. "Forget about him for now Y/n" she said tenderly while looking down at me, though just as I lifted myself up, she crawled over me crashing her lips back into mine.

Her hand found itself under my shirt placing her hand firmly onto my lower back making it arch up even higher with her touch, I moaned softy into her mouth indicating that I craved more. She placed kisses down my neck gently moving with the direction my head swayed, my hands getting tangled into her short brown hair.

Her hand made its way to my inner thigh tracing circles back and forth from one leg to the other, my head fell back further into the pillow desperate to feel her soothing touch. She slowly tugged on my underwear and pulled it off tossing it to the side, her fingers teasingly traced up and down my thigh before moving up further. My heart began racing as she traced her soft fingers up and down me, I gripped on tightly to the sheets and shut my eyes.

I gasped in pleasure to how different she felt compared to Draco, she took her time feeling every bit of me before going in further watching my reaction intently making sure she satisfied me as much as she could. She went back and forth repeatedly watching as I fell limp to her touch, I moaned loudly as she hit a certain spot making my toes curl. Her free hand shot up covering my mouth "Shhh" she laughed glancing around making sure no one heard.

"Faster, shit Isabella faster" She complied to my needs unlike Draco who'd prefer to watch me beg, I bit my lip hard in attempt to mask my moans, but she seductively lowered her head to my ear. Her hot breath making me feel weak, she pulled out for a second making me tense, "I want to her you say my name Y/n", the slight demand in her voice made me topple over the edge.

I was close, I dug my nails into her back as she sped up moaning her name softly into her ear as I finished, she waited till the very last second before pulling out laying limply next to me. She turned her head to face me watching as I tried to slow my heavy breathing, she pulled me in close to her and wrapped her arm around my waist as my eyelids weighed down slowly making me drift off.

I woke up the next morning to the sunrise over the mountains, it instantly brought me back to those sleepless nights where I'd stay up till dawn just watching the sun reflect on the black lake. Everyone else was fast asleep in their beds, Isabella being one of them. I contemplated waking her up saying one last goodbye before I left but she looked so peaceful. Her soft brown hair draping gracefully over the green velvet cushion, her face completely at rest as if she's deep in her dreams.

I snuck over to my old bed side table rummaging through the draws to find a scrap piece of paper and a pen, 'Didn't want to wake you, going to find Harry, don't follow. I'll miss you x -Y/n' I placed it down on the pillow next to her and stood watching her for a moment. I knew that if I was to wake her, she'd want to come with me and I didn't want to put her into more danger then she already was, she'd already helped me enough.

I kissed her forehead softly before slipping on some clothes and heading down the spiral staircase quickly, though just as I hurried towards the door I heard someone, "Look what the cat dragged in" I turned around to see Blaise standing next to the fire glancing down at the floor smugly fondling his wand between his fingers.

"In a hurry?" He looked up at me with a slight smirk, I hadn't noticed how tall he was in fact I hadn't ever really took notice in him at all, he was just another one of people I told myself to avoid, a member of Draco's 'followers'. I stood silently trying to think up some excuse to why I'd be back, I wasn't sure about what he knew, I didn't even know if Draco still talked to him.

"Presuming Draco doesn't know you're here, right?" He slowly move closer trying in attempt to intimidate me.

"I- you won't"

"Tell him? Shame, I already have. Didn't seem to eager to come get you though, can't blame him" He sniggered interrupting me before I even had the chance to say anything, I wouldn't be surprised if Draco told him everything after all he needed someone inside the school to get information from and let's face it, it was never going tot be Crabbe and Goyle.

"Why do I concern you Blaise? You sucking up to Draco now are you, his little inside man?" I mocked watching as he grew more offended by the second, before this I'd never really spoken to him before, he'd often just give me rather unpleasant snarls.

"Please, I'm not the one sucking up Y/n. You wouldn't believe the things he's told me" I glanced out the window behind him seeing that it was getting lighter and I hadn't much time before someone else would notice me, as I ran for the door I heard Blaise quickly chase behind me grabbing my cloak.

'Impendimenta' I muttered shooting my wand behind me towards Blaise, he was knocked back falling over the couch fumbling for his wand but by the time he was able to stand up I had already left sprinting down the corridor before the huge double doors. 'Please be at the Blacks Harry' I chanted as I closed my eyes.

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