Chapter Sixty-Five

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"Where's the key?" I paced up and down the hall frantically shaking while opening every door aimlessly scanning the room in attempt to get any indication of where it might be, the entire time Draco stood helplessly his arms falling limply to his side just watching, his eyes followed rapid movements not saying a single word.

"God fucking damnit Draco you give me that key right now or I'll pry the railings off myself!"My head shot towards him just wanting the slightest bit of support, my vision made his figure out to be a blur. My entire body was trembling with resentment in attempt to get him to move, the more I thought of Luna being stuck down there the harder it was comprehend. I was infuriated my hands clenching into a fist while the rest of me grew tense, my eyes straining hard trying to make out his blank expression.

"I don't know who has the key Ceradwin, If I did, she wouldn't still be locked down there would she?" His mocking tone threw me over the edge, he could tell I was struggling yet he done nothing, he just stared at me as if I was crazy. I knew Draco found it difficult to feel sympathy though this was too far, at this point I didn't know if he was just doing this to wind me up or if he actually was this useless.

"If you don't tell me where the key is right now, I'm finding someone who will" I cried, I hadn't really thought of a plan but there was no time to back out now. I stormed towards him, his face now coming into focus. He looked drained, as if he had the life sucked out of him, he didn't move instead he just stood numb. I shoved past him snatching my wand out of his hand, his grip weak and pathetic, just as I was about to head up the stairs I felt his cold hand latch tightly to my arm in another desperate attempt to restrain me, but I refused.

"Get off of me!" I screamed tugging my arm from his grip, without thinking I flung my hand behind me and aimed my wand directly at him, 'stupify' I muttered under my breath, I heard him tumble backwards but didn't bother looking back instead running up the stairs tears now gushing down my cheek. As I reached the top of the stairs I paused hesitantly looking back to see Draco heaving himself off the floor brushing himself down.

"The only person you have left is me Y/n, you'll only be wasting your time" He shouted up at me with little to no will power left in his voice, though he still managed to sound smug knowing that he was right. I didn't want to accept that he may be right so decided to stick with my plans.

I hurried down the hall to my bedroom, heading straight to my dresser gathering a few essentials and a small bag. 'Capacious extremis', I tossed everything inside watching it fall into the abyss of the small bag and threw it onto my shoulder. I caught glimpse of myself in the mirror and paused, I knew I was going to regret what I was about to do and I hadn't really thought of what exactly that was but I had nothing to lose, I couldn't cope being around him any longer. He drained me as much as I did him.

I rushed out of my room but stopped in the centre of the hallway that was lit with a few candles scattered around the walls, standing in front of me was Draco, he had no efforts to control me this time knowing that I won't give in as easily which was more difficult for me than it was for him. He stood just staring at me, his messy blonde hair fell in front of his eyes that glistened with the nearby flame reflecting through the thin layer of water that glazed over his dilute grey pupils. His face was expressionless and inscrutable it almost pained me to look at it, it was as if he already knew what was coming.

"Well. Do you have it?" I glanced down at his hand that lacked the slightest movement; they were empty. I looked at the floor and bit my lip hard not able to bare looking at him knowing that if I did there was a strong chance I'd give in to him, he didn't have to say a word for me to do so, just looking into his eyes would make me spiral. A part of me desperately wanted him to convince me to stay, even if it were just one word, grab my hand like he would when I knew he needed me next to him. But he just stood there like a coward, like his father.

"I guess I'll just find Harry myself then" I shut my eyes tight, the last thing I saw being his look, he was done chasing me and it didn't surprise me since I would be too. I was done with his bullshit and decided to cut the thread that I was wrapped around his finger with, it'd be best for the both of us I thought, a weight off his shoulders and an escape route from his arrogance. I may have been wrong, but I needed to find that out for myself. And by the looks of it he just confirmed my doubts, he didn't need me, and I may not need him.

This time I didn't really have a specific destination in mind, I just kind of went with the first thing that popped into my head. I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings; I was standing in the middle of a small-town centre; stranded and empty, but it felt familiar. It was dark but the square was lit with dim orange streetlamps. Right in the centre stood a small church along with a graveyard corned off by a cobbled wall, as I approached the church I glanced up at the run-down sign above the entrance, 'Godrics Hollow Cemetery'.

I knew I recognised the name. Memories flooded back to me from when I was a child, my father used to take me here every Christmas to see my nan. I managed to just about remember her comforting smile and bright green eyes, she lived just a few streets down from the church and would always take me and my father carolling every Christmas eve. Though ever since he left, so did she, I haven't saw her in about 10 years.

I strolled through the cemetery quietly glancing at l the grave stones taking time to pay my respect that was until I reached a stone that sat directly under a elm tree, it didn't look to be as old as the rest though the leaves covered the name engraved onto it. 'Elmer Ceradwin, 1910-1992' I stood for a moment in shock just staring at her name, tears slowly trickling down my face rereading the headstone. I never knew, a mixture of anger and sadness overcame me, was no one ever going to tell me, this was going to be how I found out.

Though slowly the bitterness morphed into grief as I stood remembering all of the memories, I had with her, everyone would call her elm which of course was why she was buried under an elm tree. I spent the rest of the night there with her, trying to catch up on missed opportunities to see her before she passed. Of course, I regretted not visiting her sooner but now wasn't the time to blame myself, I felt at peace, she made me happy for once.

As the sun rose I said my goodbyes leaving her with some white roses, I aimlessly walked around the small village in attempt to find someone who might have seen Harry or know where he is and since hardly anyone was here I would have thought hed be easy to spot. Thats when I came across an old man watering his flower bed, I slowly approached his gate not wanting to give the poor guy a heart attack and smiled as he looked up at me.

"Sorry to interrupt but do you mind if I ask you something?" I said politely wanting to come across as friendly as possible. He paused and looked up at me squinting from behind his glasses.

"Yes, yes ask away my dear" He chuckled proceeding to tend to his flowers.

"Have you by any chance seen a boy, brown hair and glasses maybe accompanied by a girl and a boy with ginger hair?"

"The boy who lived is who you're looking for and you've came to the right place. I saw him a few days ago heading towards the Potter house"

"The Potter house?"

"The house poor Lily and James where murdered in, lovely couple they were, loved that boy to pieces they did. That was until that Voldemort killed them both, bet he never expected for it to back fire though" I froze, I hadn't heard his name spoken out loud in a while it came as quite a shock to me. I thanked him and headed off towards the house.

There it stood, completely destroyed. Half of it was gone and you were able to see the inside from the out, I glanced around the surroundings but saw no one, the whole street was deserted there hadn't been anyone here in what looked like years. I sighed knowing I probably missed him, after all the old man said he saw him a few days ago so it was unlikely that he'd still be hanging about. I thought I'd better head off somewhere else in attempt to get a hold of him before anyone else does, but I hadn't any idea where he'd be. Though I did know someone who might.

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