Chapter Eighty-Nine

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I told Luna everything making sure she'd be okay before she left to go find Harry, though just as the door was about to shut Draco stormed off heading down the corridor creating a small gush of wind slamming the door behind him. I knew this would happen but didn't expect him to be so blunt about it, he should know by now that these things always end the same. I flung open the door with force and peered around it seeing Draco just about to turn the corner not once looking back to see if I was following.

"Where are you going?" I yelled making sure no one else was around before I emerged from the hallway, he wasn't just eager to go and find his friends it looked as if he wanted nothing to do with me. He paused his hand on the cobbled wall steering him around the corner as his head turned glancing back at me, his face was wrenched with irritation but looked to be concealing it with scorn mocking me for the fact I was now the one aimlessly trailing behind him

"The Dungeons. I want my wand back." He spat coldly, I stood for a moment looking back at his loathing expression before he turned rather abruptly around the corner. I caught up behind him almost treading on his feet as I began to comment on his spiteful behaviour in which he ignored, once or twice making snide remarks on Isabella still clearly holding quite a firm grudge against the both of us.

"For Fucks sake Draco are you blind? You know how much I've given up for you, is that not big enough of a hint?" I grabbed his wrist and yanked on it spinning him to face me sick of his whining, especially now, we hadn't much time before the barrier broke and standing here arguing would only be a waste of both of our time.

"Your hints are nothing more than tears Y/n." He mocked with ease while looking me dead in the eye, I tried so hard to push aside the urge of regret I had lingering in me, but he made it so difficult by how easy it was for him to turn on me. Was it so much for him to just listen.

"I hate how ignorant you are-"

"What else do you hate, go on I'm all ears" He stood waiting eagerly to see what I had to say and I wasn't at any point going to hold back.

"I hate how you never tell me anything. I hate how you expect me to know everything. I hate how you cut yourself off all the time and I hate the fact you refuse to see that its impossible for me to ever hate you." For a split second the screams went silent, the clashes stopped, and the explosions ceased to exist it was like the world went mute. I stared at him hopelessly not knowing what else I had left to say, I said it all. My face felt numb and I was completely drained of sentiment not knowing if it was best for me to finally give up, something I've thought about doing ever since I locked eyes with him.

"Nothings impossible." His tone was ruthless, its strange how such a small number of words can cut so deep, it was clear that his lack of understanding closed him off even more refusing at all costs to accept that he was in fact the reason for my withdrawal. I distanced myself knowing it'd make it all the more difficult to admit how much I wanted him.

"Funny, I thought the same till you showed up" I looked down at the floor in defeat preparing myself to head off on my own, the likely hood of him ever seeing how much of an impact he had on me was close to nothing, so what was the point. Right as the last piece of hope was close to shattering my heart jolted as my lips met with what I can only describe as the thing I've been longing for the most, his rough but light lips laced perfectly with mine instantly mending the shards of despair only confirming what I once thought was impossible.

Though the only thing bringing me out of this trance being the large explosion that broke us both apart, I felt the pieces of hot rock scatter across my skin scolding it with every touch. I took my arms away from my face and squinted trying to see through the thick mound of dust that engulfed the corridor immediately thinking of the worst. I got a sudden rush of dread as Draco wasn't anywhere in sight, I shifted from scanning eye level to looking down at the floor.

"Well, are you coming or are you staying?" An overwhelming mound of relief left me as I heard his voice from behind, I turned to see him now covered in dirt, his pale skin now having a light layer of ash smeared across his face. I didn't hesitate, I ran behind him down the cobbled steps leading down to the dungeon eager to get them out, the quicker we did, the sooner we were able to flee.

Though he came to a sudden halt gesturing for me to stay hidden around the corner as he checked to see if anyone was coming, his head wrapped around the wall but quickly shot back as he mouthed the name 'Filch'. I sighed, I haven't come all this way for a squib like Filch to prevent me from carrying on, after all we were so close the dungeons where just around that corner, so I decided to do something quite drastic. I pushed Draco out of the way as I retrieved my wand out my pocket, 'Reducto' my wand shot sharp sparks towards the iron bars just missing Filches head.

A huge crash and a large gust of smoke billowed from the cell followed by loud screams and cheers, I glanced back up at Draco who was hiding the fact he was rather impressed grabbing my hand and apperating inside the dungeon, so it was less likely we'd be seen. Next minute we were getting shoved by the last few Slytherins remaining inside the cell, amongst them being Isabella who was shocked to see that I just appeared, but that shock quickly changed to relief. I turned to see Draco grabbing a hold of what looked to be both Blaise and Goyle who were running sheepishly for freedom but being held back abruptly by Draco's firm grip.

He dragged them towards a small opening which led to a narrow stairway that was isolated from the main entrance pushing them inside still having tight hold of their jumpers. I took Isabellas hand and motioned for her to follow in after them, she took a seat on the stairs next to Blaise who seemed more focused on the fact Draco pulled a little too hard on his jumper. Goyle glanced at Isabella and I giving us both a snarl muttering something to Draco, I brushed it off hearing them both bicker behind me as I began to tell Isabella what was going on.

"Luna, she's trying to find Harry, says she knows what the last Horcrux is." I finished out of breath from how fast I was talking, she grew more concerned the more I went on mostly fearing for Lunas safety.

"Rowena Ravenclaws Lost Diadem, I knew she was onto something. I better go find her before anything happens, I don't want her running about the school alone." She stood up thanking me throwing her arms around my shoulders as she hurried out intending to meet up with Luna, I turned round to see both Blaise and Goyle glaring at me with their arms crossed as they waited for her to leave.

"Well, theres no time for sulking, we better be on our way." I spat gesturing up to the stairs, I wasted no time running up them first followed closely behind by the boys. Just as we reached the top, I came to a halt seeing the back of someones head, whoever it was looked familiar, but I proceeded anyway rushing quickly down the hall but thats when I felt Draco grab my hand.

"Its Potter, hes heading towards the room of requirement." He looked to be a lot more frantic pulling me back towards a pillar keeping us all hidden behind the corner. I gathered it was Harry but didn't understand why he looked to be so keen to follow him, I shrugged not knowing why he was keeping us here making him even more frustrated.

"He's got our wands."

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