Chapter Sixty-Four

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It was times like these I could fathom why I put up with him when he treated me like shit, there where times I just wanted to walk out but no matter how close I got I was never able to go through with it. He was like a magnet, no matter how hard I tried I'd always end up getting sucked back in.

"Are you not going to tell me?" I snapped as we both stood blankly in the hallway, he stared at me for a second, his cold eyes frosting up my vision.

"Tell you what?" He spat bitterly, I was sick of him constantly pushing me to the side like a child. Its like he presumed I'd just toddle along next to him as he scolded me for my mistakes and just keep me there as a pet. So I stormed off wanting to find out what Snape said for myself, I felt Draco grab my arm but I shoved it off and flung the door open.

"I want to know, tell me what you told Draco." Snapes attention quickly turned to me looking away from his window, he was the one person who throughout this, never changed. He was still the sour, emotionless man that he was when I first saw him in the great hall.

"I beg your pardon" His harsh tone didn't seem to frighten me anymore, I pissed and just wanted answers.

"I have the right to know, after all I was picked specifically for this task by the Dark Lord" I felt Draco standing in the doorway behind me, Snape now looking over my shoulder at him astonished by my said 'attitude'.

"Draco, please escort Miss Ceradwin out of here immediately" His back was now facing me so that I was now only able to see his black greasy hair, if I got any closer my face would probably reflect from it.. Draco forcefully grabbed my wrist to pull me out but I again refused.

"The unbreakable curse. If the Dark Lord finds out that it was your plan all along to kill Dumbledore instead of Draco then youll be next. Severus. Tell me or I'll summon him." I pulled up my sleeve revealing the dark mark and hovered my wand over top, Snapes head spun around his eyes wide, his gown swallowed the entire room with darkness.

"Very well. Mr Potter is now on the hunt for the last Horcruxes, he is said to be last seen in Godrics Hollow and was told to inform Draco to set off looking for him." I brushed my hair back while muttering Godrics Hollow, it sounded familiar. I faintly nodded and headed back out through the door shoving past Draco.

"Oh and Draco, I suggest you teach Miss Ceradwin a few manners while you're out hunting." I sighed and stormed off down the hall wanting to leave Hogwarts as quick as possible not even looking if Draco was still following behind me. I kept on repeating Godrics Hollow in a poor attempt to try and refresh my memory, but I got nothing.

"What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed" I heard Draco yell a far while behind me, I hadn't any energy left to bother with him just wanting to set off as quick as possible.

"Sure you would of loved that wouldn't you" I scoffed while running up the huge staircase not once looking back, I felt myself shaking, not because I was frightened or cold, the adrenalin was kicking in.

"What in Gods name has gotten into you. Cut the bullshit Ceradwin and look at me now" The stern tone in his voice irritated me, I was tired of him ordering me around all the time and using me against my friend was a huge step over the line.

"I can't be arsed with you anymore, I'm not yours to order around and scold when I've made a mistake" I shouted violently opening the door running out into the courtyard, I heard Draco storming up behind me but I didn't bother facing him instead I hurried down the hill making my way through the forbidden forest cutting my way through the sharp branches.

I got to the station and caught my breath, I knew the train wouldn't be due till tomorrow, I turned around to see Draco pushing his way through the trees violently, I sighed not knowing if my plan was going to work or not but this time I thought it was best not to second guess myself. I ran up to Draco and grabbed his hand holding it tight, I shut my eyes and complexly zoned out trying my best to concentrate. Next minute I felt the same feeling I felt when we were apperating to Knockturn Alley, it worked, though this time it didn't feel as bad.

I slowly opened one of my eyes hoping that I didn't make a complete fool out of myself but to my amazement we were both standing outside of Malfoy Manor, I wanted so badly to flaunt how I managed to apperate first try but now wasn't the time. Instead I let go of Dracos hand and walked off not saying a word as I made my way up the porch stairs.


"Hogwarts express isn't included in the prohibition of wizard transport, I suggest you look it up in that 'useless' library of yours" I spat sarcastically, I guess spending time reading up on the Dark Arts wasnt so useless after all.

As I walked inside, I glanced back out and saw Draco standing there stunned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion still trying to comprehend whats just happened and how I managed to apperate. It was at that moment I actually felt somewhat formidable, I was just as shocked as he was but didn't dare act like it. I wanted him to second guess my capability, and it was working.

As I was about to make my way upstairs I paused outside of the drawing room hearing what sounded like a womans whimper, my first thought being that it may have been Narcissa though as I quietly stepped inside, the room was empty. Confused I scanned the room positive the noise was coming from in here and low and behold it was, well not exactly.

I've never took into account the small staircase that led down by the two huge pillars, I just presumed it led down to the basement or extra space to house the rest of the death eaters but as I got closer the whimpers got louder. I was curious so approached them, just as I was about to take a step I heard the door swing open.

My head spun seeing and met with Draco whos expression dropped once he saw me, I stared at him for a moment before I heard the high pitched whimper once again coming from downstairs, his head shot in the direction of the cries so I wasn't going mad. "What's down there Draco?" I asked waiting for him to respond but he said nothing, he took a few steps nearing me but before he was able to reach me I fled down the stairs.

It was dark and cold, I could hardly see anything but a few railings at the very bottom, I squinted in attempt to get a clearer view but I saw nothing but blackness beyond the iron bars. Thats when I heard Draco run after me, the pace he was coming down them making me flinch and just as I managed to turn around he pushed me into the railings, the ice cold metal sending shiver up my spine.

"What the hell are you doing-" Before I was able to say more he covered my mouth with his hand, his rings brushing my chapped lips, we both stood silent for a moment he didn't once move away from me. Thats when I heard a faint dainty voice emerge from the darkness.

"Hello?" I could never forget that voice, pure and timid. I turned my head, Dracos hand letting go of my mouth in defeat.

"Luna?" She slowly surfaced into the light that was shining down from the drawing room, my heart dropped at the sight of her beautiful long blonde hair that now had patches of ashy grey dust imbedded into it, she was bare foot and was covered in dirt and grub. Though her blue eyes still glimmered with purity and hope.

"Draco, what is this place? Why is? Whats Luna?" I stuttered and turned scanning Dracos face my eyes now watering desperate for him to give me some sort of explanation, but instead he stood blankly not speaking a word.

"I'll get you out dont worry, I'll erm, wheres my wand" I fumbled around cluelessly trying to find anything that would help me set her free, I reached for my wand and put it up to the lock. "Alohomora", nothing, I must have tried about five times every attempt making me more and more flustered until I heard Draco finally speak.

"Just, stop Cerdwin. Its not going to work." I gulped, my breath got heavier and I tried again, and again until Draco snatched my wand. My whipped around towards him, tears now streaming down my face.

"Give me it. Fucking give me it now" I cried demanding it back, as I reached up to get it I felt Luna's cold touch shield my hand, I looked down to see her pale, dirt covered hand gently laying on top of mine. I glanced up helplessly my eyes meeting hers, her face was delicate yet worn out as if shes already tried this a hundred times.

"I'll be okay Y/n, don't worry about me" The faint smile that went with her words affected me the most, I was slowly seeing the people around me get hurt and I just stood there useless.

"I'll get you out Luna, I promise"

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