Chapter Forty-Six

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I didn't see much of Draco after that, he sort of disappeared. He was never in class anymore and I'd hardly ever see him in the hallway, maybe once or twice in the common room but our interactions where very brief. This year he was different, I knew it had something to do with him becoming a death eater but I wasn't sure why. I couldn't understand why he out of all people was chosen, I mean it's Draco Malfoy. He's not really the best of choices.

It was around lunch time, the great hall was bustling with students all scurrying to stuff their faces with food. I had quite a big breakfast so I wasnt too hungry instead I thought I'd take a walk around the grounds, the sun was out and it finally felt like spring. The grass was green and the leaves on the trees began to grow back, I found myself on the main bridge when I stumbled into Crabbe and Goyle who were both scraping down a couple of cupcakes. Just as I was about to walk past them I paused and contemplated whether or not I should ask them a couple of questions.

"Crabbe, Goyle" I said slowly turning around, they both froze surprised to the fact I actually knew their names, Goyle turned his head icing all around his mouth looking at me in confusion. I approached the two and stood for a second not really knowing what I was getting at.

"You both know about the room of requirements don't you" Both their faces dropped in pure horror, they glanced at each other and then back at me.

"How do you know we know" Crabbe said his mouth still full of cake, he stopped mid eating and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion trying to work out what he just said.

"So you do know" Goyle shot Crabbe a look of spite and shoved his arm making him drop the rest of the cake, "Crabbe you idiot" Goyle muttered under his breath.

"What is it to you anyway?" Goyle said looking back at me with his arms crossed, I glanced down at the book I was holding which sparked a memory I had forgotten.

"You wouldnt know anything about this then would you" I showed them the book and they both squinted at it reading the title which took them at least a minute to decipher.

"Oh look Crabbe its that old cabinet thing Dracos fixing up" He said as he pointed at the picture on the front page clearly recognising the vanishing cabinet, I suddenly felt that I was finally onto something and rushed to ask them what he was planning to do with it.

"I dunno, something about wanting to bring his mates into the castle" Crabbe said without holding back, I paused and glanced down at the floor trying to think about what that means. I looked back up and thanked them quickly hurrying off leaving the two standing there like dumb and dumber though this time they actually came in quite useful.

I went searching for Hermione knowing that keeps updated on wizarding news, she was the perfect person to ask about Death Eaters. I looked around the halls and stumbled into a classroom luckily seeing Hermione sitting at her desk writing away, I slowly approached not really wanting to disturb her though it was urgent.

"Hermione, you know about Death Eaters right" I asked as I took a seat next to her, she looked up startled but intrigued as she grabbed a small article from her cloak.

"Of course, who wouldn't" She said in slight concern, I sighed in relief knowing that I was only getting closer to finding out what Dracos intentions were.

"You Know Who wants Harry doesn't he" She nodded, and my eyes wandered around the classroom, I bit my lip anxiously as realisation slowly kicked in.

"There isn't a chance of them getting inside is there?" She began to look alarmed but quickly grounded herself reassuring me that Dumbledore protected the castle, and it was basically impossible to break in.

I gulped and fiddled with jumper but glanced back up at her and gave her a faint smile reassuring her that there wasn't anything to worry about and that I was just curious, she smiled back nervously, still on edge but focused back on her textbook.

I sat staring out of the window feeling slightly uneasy, the more I remembered the easier it was to put all the puzzle pieces together in my head. I brushed the back of my neck and felt the cold chain against my fingers startling me, I pulled out the necklace glancing back down at the pendant. I couldnt bring myself to tell anyone, I wanted to confirm it. If Voldemorts plan were to use Draco to get inside the castle wouldn't he have done it by now? Or was it just a matter of days.

Thats when the door flew open, my head shot towards it flinching at every small sound. I don't think he noticed me at first since I just observed as he let out a sigh and fell to the couch hand covering his face. I sat not knowing if I should say something or not as he brushed his messy blonde hair out of his face.

"You have a choice you know" I said my voice quivering I looked back out the window not wanting to look at him, I heard him rustle and felt his stare shooting through the back of my head.

"Talking utter nonsense again Ceradwin" I heard him say under his breath, he never took me seriously, but this might be the one chance I get to try and make him rethink what hes doing.

"Everyone has a choice Draco but you're making a shitty one right now" I turned meeting his eyes, they were narrow and sharp, but he still hadn't any clue what I was getting at. I glared back at him expressionless and looked down at his hands which looked worn and pale.

"I don't have time for this" He snarked as he looked down storming off, as he forcefully brushed passed me, I pulled him back grabbing his wrist preventing him from fleeing. He looked down at my hand and back up towards me, he looked exhausted.

"Listen to me for once Draco, I know what you're doing so don't bother lying to me again. I'm not going to lecture you, its just a waste of my time as it is yours", He paused his eyes slowly trailing up from my hand to my eyes, they were flooded with guilt. He said nothing.

I grabbed his other hand and pulled him closer watching him as he stood lifelessly in front of me, "Don't do this" I said faintly shaking my head, he looked down and bit his lip avoiding facing me.

"I need to, I don't have a choice this time Ceradwin" I watched as a tear fell emotionlessly down his discoloured cheek, I squeezed his hand and perked up hovering near his face. I gently kissed his cheek tasting the saltiness of his tear on my lips.

"You do, only you can pick the right one" I said as I let go of his hand and gave him one last glance as I made my way towards the stairs, I looked back at him but he never once turned around he just stood there.

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