Chapter Four

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I was walking to Professor Snape wanting extra credit to help pass my next exam, I knew it was going difficult as he is one of the only teachers who isn't fond of me. The only class I was failing at.

As I was walking, I could hear a faint voice slowly coming towards me, I recognised the chuckles. It was Crabbe, Goyle and of course Draco. I was used to it all by now, it kind off just became a routine of them often making spiteful comments at me so I'd just try my best to ignore them all as my mother told me.

"Ah, look who it is, my favourite little Slytherin" He looked back at Crabbe and Goyle expecting them to react how they usually would, in which they did, though Crabbe didn't seem to fully understand as he his face went from laughing to confusion.

"I'm being sarcastic you fool" Draco said while glaring at Crabbe, he looked back at me waiting for a response but at this point I had given up. I rolled my eyes sighed turning back facing the corridor,

I was wanting to get to Snape's class before lunch so I stormed past and somehow managed to trip up on my own laces, like this couldn't already get any worse. I heard the distant sound of laughter coming from some students around me, I couldn't take it anymore, I sat curled up on the floor and put my head in my knee's to stop everyone from seeing my face. I'm a mess.

I glanced up seeing a figure towering over me, he tightly grabbed my arm and swiftly pulled me up off the floor. I was forcefully driven to my feet and stood for a minute in a state of shock not knowing who was to pull me up like that, I heard whoever it was chuckle to himself presumably at how I reacted. Which was when I looked up, my eyes meeting his.

Light grey eyes glinted as I stared into them, I was mesmerised and just stood there not really wanting to take my eyes off them, but I came back to senses once I realised whose eyes they belonged to. Draco's, I quickly pulled my hand away and shifted my eyes to the floor as I've never seen him so close up before. I gathered my things and walked off leaving him standing there alone.

"Honestly Ceradwin is making a fool out of yourself all you're good at?" Draco shouted, I didn't bother looking back and just gave him the middle finger, presuming it was another way to embarrass me in front of his friends.

I approached the door and was trying to find the confidence to knock but couldn't bring myself to do it, so I peer in instead to see if anyone else is there. I saw Snape sitting at his desk but to the left I recognised the persons back profile, dark frizzy hair. It was Gen, my hand slipped, and the door fell open leaving me just standing there in the doorway.

"Knock next time Ceradwin" said Snape, causing Gen to turn her attention onto me. As soon as she saw that it was me her head spun around clearly not wanting make eye contact.

That was when I was pretty sure it was her who told everyone about me, it not only made me a perfect target for people to pick on but it also made me question other people I trusted which was only a select few.

It basically left me with no one, she was my best friend and I didn't understand why she would do that to me, the only people I really had was Hermione, Ron and Harry even though they were technically still acquaintances.

I ignored her and walked to the front, with it being silent and the only noise being the sound of my shoes hitting the hard-wooden floor, I kept my head down avoiding eye contact with her. I got to his desk and he glanced up, his bored expression said it all, I handed him my previous test and asked him how could improve since it was below my expected grade.

"Nothing really to improve on Miss Ceradwin, I just didn't like how you explained it" I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean you didn't like how I explained it?" Not realising I raised my voice Snape gave me a stern look.

"Ehm, I mean how could I have explained it?" I gave him a faint smile trying to make myself come across nicer

"Look miss Ceradwin, I'm busy right now, come back tomorrow" He said then proceeded to carry on marking the previous exams.

I nodded in disappointment and walked off making eye contact with Gen on the way out, she locked eyes with me, her guilty expression confirming my suspicions.

I needed to talk to her, with that in mind I grabbed a pen and a scrap piece of paper and wrote a note saying, 'meet me at 6, Hufflepuff common room.' I slid her the note and she opened it, she glanced up and gave me a faint nod.

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