Chapter Ninety

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We all watched as the doors appeared just as they did when Draco was mending the vanishing cabinet, Blaise being impatient decided it was best if he'd head straight for them which ended up being a close call as Draco managed to grab his shirt pulling him back and shoving him into Goyle. I glanced around the corner to see Harry scanning around most likely to double check he wasn't being followed, luckily, we were able to keep out of sight long enough for him to be satisfied and sneak inside. I back at Draco and nodded implying that we were in the clear, he motioned for us to follow as he turned the corner heading down the corridor.

"Come on." Draco muttered glaring at Blaise, he stormed towards the door with both Goyle and Blaise accompanying him while I trailed a bit behind, I was quite apprehensive about seeing him after what happened last time, but I too was keen to get my wand back, so I didn't bother bickering. We entered the huge wooden doors flinching at every little sound that made itself known, it was clear everyone was just as on edge as I was wanting to get out as quickly as possible. The room brought back memories I had forgotten about making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and just at that Draco turned to me his eyebrow slightly raised as he glanced towards the vanishing cabinet that had been left open ever since the night Dumbledore was killed.

"Draco" I whispered as I heard fumbling to my left, I gestured towards where I heard it and they all followed on. I glanced behind to see that all three of them had their wands withdrawn in front of them, I contemplated whether to retrieve mine and do the same but thought against it, after all the last thing I wanted was confrontation. We neared the racket winding our way through the stacks of chairs and furniture finally meeting once again with Harry, his back facing us as he rummaged through a cluttered table.

"Well well, what brings you here Potter?" Draco sneered as he approached Harry steadily, I lingered behind as I watched Harry turn to face us though to my surprise he didn't seem to look startled, it was like he expected it.

"I could ask you the same." Harry said as his eyes landing upon their wands, all being aimed towards him.

"You have something of mine, I'd like it back" Draco's stern tone echoed through the room, I glanced down at the wand I had and back up at Harry who carried both in his back pocket, not knowing whether it would just be easier to run and get them myself.

"Well, whats wrong with the one you have?" It was clear Harry was reluctant on giving us them which was no surprise due to the way we approached him, I peered over at Draco to see him slightly more agitated originally wanting this to be quick.

"Its powerful but its, not the same. Doesn't quite understand me. You know what I mean?"

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix." The room fell silent, Harry looking curiously at Draco changing the subject completely. Even her name sent a shooting pain towards the scar on my neck, I looked over at Draco who looked to be quite taken back flustering as Blaise and Goyle both exchanged confused looks. I froze instantly being taken back to the exact moment where he denied knowing it was Harry, the leading reason being because I convinced him, the look of uncertainty he gave me being as clear as day.

"Just give us the wands Harry" I pleaded trying to shift focus back onto what we came here for knowing that Draco would never admit to anything, he himself didn't have an answer but I knew him well enough to see that he never had it in him to hurt anyone, the immense amount of guilt being one of the main factors that'd stick with him.

"You knew it was me, you didn't say anything." Harry insisted on knowing, completely ignoring me not once taking his eyes away from Draco who looked to be growing more nervous by the second, I paused as I watched him slightly lower his wand the more he thought about it. The same expression of concern giving away the fact he too was clueless, from the years of torment I found out he never had the guts to go further, I pushed the limits yet he'd never be able to bring himself to do anything about it. The waiting made Goyle become frustrated gripping his wand tighter and making a loud huff leaning into him.

"Go on Draco don't be a prat. Do it." Goyles stern whisper was far from quiet making Draco once again raise his wand higher asserting his ascendancy, it was clear what Goyles intentions were and I wasn't ready to witness another death. I came up behind him and tugged on his shoulder motioning for him to leave it, "Don't be more of an idiot than you already are Goyle" I muttered scowling at him. He shoved me back not fond of my remark glaring at Blaise gesturing for him to hold me back.

"Easy" Draco said slightly taken back when he saw Harry retrieve his wand, I squirmed away from Blaises grip and pushed Goyle out of the way fumbling for my wand which I now decided to aim towards Harry, I glanced up at Draco who had his eyes plastered on the two wands that poked out of Harrys back pocket as if to taunt him. My patience was running low and the entire room was tense as we all waited on what was to happen next, though as I took my eyes off Harry I saw both Hermione and Ron emerging from one of the piles of furniture.

"Expelliarmus" I ducked as I saw both Draco and Blaises wand fly across the room my head shooting back towards Hermione who had hers now aiming at me, the boys fumbled back eyes darting around the floor to find them while I stood staring at her. My eyes trailed from my wand down my wrist to my forearm now glancing at the nail marks imprinted on my skin getting flashbacks from the moment I received them.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with them." Hermiones sharp voice broke my trance, I looked up to see her staring at the dark mark on my arm.

"We just want out wands back, sooner you give us them sooner we'll be out of your way." I tried being as clear as possible nodding towards Harrys back pocket, she looked over for a split second then back at me but it looks that she wasnt too keen on handing them over.

"And why should I ever think to trust you." She yelled her voice quivering the more she raised it, a sharp sensation of guilt passed through me as I was distracted by her arm. The word carved in he skin never faded, only grew to be more prominent thats when I decided to lower my wand. I knew it was permanent but seeing it in person was so much worse, we had one thing in common, we both had a mark that'd be a constant reminder of what happened that night.

"I'm so sorry." I had wanted to say those words for such a long time that they all intertwined with a single breath, my eyes were glassy stinging every time I blinked. It was the worst I've felt, the first time I had been face to face with her ever since it happened so I couldn't help but be overcome with regret. She looked back at me expecting for me to put up a fight still holding her wand towards me, but instead her eyes trailed down my face to my neck, we both looked as bad as each other, covered in dirt and scars, gashes and cuts on every part of our body.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see but please, I don't want to hurt you, not again." I handed the wand I had over to Blaise and let my eyes drown in remorse as I forced myself to stare at what I had done, she stood looking back at me for a moment before she pointed her wand at Harrys back pocket implying for him to hand them over. Both Harry and Ron exchanged confused looks but didn't put up a fight instead he took them from his pocket and tossed them to Draco, I turned to and waved my hand down motioning for him to put them away.

I took one last glimpse at Hermione who stood motionless watching me, I nodded my head faintly to thank her and turned around seeing both Draco and Blaise standing next to each other rather shocked, I prompted his arm and took my wand indicating for us to leave. Draco took one last glance over my shoulder before he grabbed Blaises jumper and shouted for Goyle to follow but he refused, he didn't look to be finished.

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