Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Ah Draco my boy, this better be important?" The eerie tone in the mans voice sent shivers up my spine I looked over at Draco who looked just as terrified as I did, he looked pale and ghostly his eyes wider than they've ever been before. He was silent, though I would never have thought that Draco would be just as frightened of the Dark Lord as I would be. After all he chose to be a Death Eater, didn't he?

"You know what happens to people who waste my time Draco" I watched as the mans thin, corpse like hands crept into his cloak pulling out a twisted slender wand slowly aiming it towards Draco, I watched as Draco closed his eyes tight, tripping over his own feet as he took a few steps back.

"Wait no stop, it was me. I called you" I shouted as I stumbled in front of The Dark Lord the tip of his wand now brushing against my chest, my heart pounded knowing that any minute now I would be dead.

"What does a young girl like yourself want from someone like me?" I paused in shock confused to why hes letting me live this long, I gulped. I glanced back at Draco who was still standing there in terror, I peered down at the floor not knowing what the fuck was going through my brain. There was no going back now.

"I- I want to join the Death Eaters" It fell silent, a cold hand grabbed mine pulling me from behind. "Ceradwin, what are you doing?!" Draco whispered in sheer horror while his head shook with disbelief, his grip only grew tighter when we heard the faint cackle from the cloaked figure.

"Poor girl, tell me why I'd ever recruit someone like you?" I looked back at him trying to think of how I could possibly convince him to give me a chance, hell I didn't even know what I was doing.

"I can get you inside the school, you and the other Death Eaters" My voice quivered and tightened not wanting to say anything that may in any way offend him, he laughed clearly not being satisfied.

"I-I know Harry Potter" His sinister laugh came to a halt and I saw a faint glimpse of his chin as he slowly heightened his head feeling his beady eyes burn through me. He slipped the wand back into his cloak and took a step forward intrigued for me to continue.

"I can help you, if you'd just give me a chance" My eyes welled up with tears trying my best to hold them back not wanting to come across as vulnerable in any way.

"Very Well." I watched as the hooded figure lifted his arm and retrieved his wand tapping it onto his rough purply toned skin, smoke billowed from the floor fogging up the entire store. I felt Draco grab me by the arm and firmly pulled me in, my head leaning snugly into his chest my vision being bleared. A tear trickled down my cheek onto his shirt making his hand trail up the back on my neck and get intertwined through my hair rubbing my scalp to calm me down. I closed my eyes tightly dreading whats about to happen.

"This young girl here wants to join me, says she can help me find Harry Potter" I took a deep breath, my head still latched to Dracos chest not daring to leave it. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see 3 masked figures standing in a circle around the Dark Lord, they all had on the same dark cloak but each one of them had on individually detailed golden masks.

"You, fetch me the Cauldron" The masked figure on the far left ran to the back retrieving a large black cauldron placing in the centre of the room returning back to his place. I watched as the Dark Lord approached it hovering his wand above it as he mumbled some sort of spell, I turned my head burying it into Dracos chest not wanting to watch anymore.

"Whats the girls name Draco?" I felt him jump in shock hearing his name being called, I looked back at him and nodded faintly assuring him I wanted to do this. His eyes met mine both frightened with uncertainty.

"Ceradwin, Y/n Ceradwin" I reached my hands tightly embracing Dracos lower back not wanting him to leave me

"Come Ceradwin" I heard him say, I gradually pulled away from Draco, but he refused. "Draco, I'll be fine" I whispered looking up at him, his eyes glassy with tears letting go watching me as I made my way to the cauldron. I stood silent hands shaking squinting to try and make out some sort of face under the cloak.

"Don't be scared girl it wont hurt one bit" The menacing tone sent shivers up my spine making me think it was going to be the complete opposite, I slowly walked up towards the cauldron and leaned my head over it but fumbled back as a huge waft of green smoke drowned my senses. My eyes fluttered and I coughed not wanting the eerie gas to find its way through my system but just as I was about to flee I felt a cold bony hand grip my shoulder tightly, preventing me from getting away.

He ushered me forward my eyes rapidly scanning the room as I watched his members draw closer encaging me inside their tight circle. My breathing got increasingly heavier the closer I got, my legs turned to jelly, and my feet felt as if they were weighing my entire body down. Then there I was standing dead centre in front of the cauldron that was billowing out hot green smoke, my head spun seeing the slightest bit of movement and I gulped as I watched intently as the Dark Lord reached into his cloak pulling of the slim twisted wand.

I swiftly glanced up skimming the room wanting so badly to just take one glimpse at Dracos face knowing that it would instantly remind me why I was going through with this but the large, masked figures blocked my view completely. My heart began to race as the Death Eater opposite me reached over the cauldron gripping my forearm firmly as another pulled up my sleeve leaving my bare skin vulnerable to the burning heat of the cauldron.

My hand wouldn't stop shaking making the figure only clench my arm harder, the smoke almost engulfing the entirety of my arm now making it impossible to see. The Dark Lord then drew his wand closer now hovering just above my skin immediately creating a harsh burning sensation on my arm, I tried to pull away, but Death Eaters tough grip prevented me from leaving.

I was stood numb for the first few seconds as the pain was that unbearable my body completely shut down refusing to fight back, the wand created a small slash into the skin embedding itself deep into the cut. My eyes instantly forced themselves shut when they witnessed the start of what looked like a thin black parasite slither underneath my skin eating away at the remaining underlayer of flesh, I squirmed at the sight not knowing whether I wanted to scream, cry or vomit.

I shrieked pulling at my arm wanting to flee the intolerable pain but I was rushed to be restrained by the remaining Death Eaters, I fell weak and drowsy wanting so badly to faint as I was not able to handle the agony for much longer. My excruciating cries echoed down Diagon Alley high pitched enough to crack through every window in Borgin and Burkes, tears like waterfalls streaming down my cheeks begging for them to stop.

My yells continued for what felt like an eternity not once being able to take a single breath, though through all of the cries I swear for a second, I heard what sounded like my name being called out behind me. It took all of my will power to pause and listen intently for some source of hope wanting nothing more than to hear Dracos voice again.

It was just then when my legs gave out not being able to handle the rest of my body anymore, I fell to the floor my arm landing limply next to me. My eyelids weighed down finding it difficult to keep them open, but I looked up to see the fuzzy outline of the cloaked figures towering over me before vanishing into thin air.

I was drained both physically and mentally my head collapsing onto the cold wooden floor my sight slowly went black and I complied having no energy left inside of me to resist.

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