Chapter Thirty

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I was weary at first, but I slowly reached the huge tree poking my head around the side, he grabbed my scarf dragging me in front of him peering down at me. I was confused as the last time we talked he made it clear that he couldnt give a single shit about me, so I stood there waiting for him to say something.

"You didnt tell anyone did you?" He said with an aggressive whisper while glaring at me, I looked blankly at him for a second trying to think about what he might be talking about which was when he tugged my scarf making me come out of my daze.

"About what?" I said as my eyebrows furrowed, he put his hand on his head rolling his eyes as he looked away clearly annoyed.

"About what happened in the bathroom you fool" His eyes widened as if he was trying to put me into a trance to get me to remember, which surprisingly worked.

"Who would I bother telling Draco, honestly do you think you're all I talk about" I said in a snarky tone while snatching my scarf back watching it as it slipped out of his grip, though in a matter of seconds he reached for it tightly wrapping it around his hand and pulling me in closer my nose just reaching his chin.

"I'm constantly on your mind Ceradwin, dont try and deny it" I looked up at him my eyes meeting his, as I breathed in a got a strong waft of musk mahogany and sage instantly putting me into a hypnotic state.

Though it was quickly broken as I felt something cold hit me in the lower back, I turned in the direction of where I thought it was coming from which was when my eyes met a tall toughly built boy wearing a beanie with some strands of what looked to be dirty blonde curls falling just above his eyes.

"Oh my I'm so sorry, it wasnt meant to hit you" He shouted as he made his way over with a concerned expression, my first reaction probably didn't come across as friendly but I swiftly smiled at him to dial down the situation.

"Don't worry about it, its no big deal" I said as he offered to brush down the back of my coat, I stood still waiting for him to wipe it off and looked up at Draco who clearly took this more seriously then I did. He looked down at the boy in disgust as he wiped the access snow off my coat, and I watched as his eyes grew narrower. His gaze caught mine and his eyebrow raised as if to ask if I approved with what the boy was doing in which I let out a small laugh,

"Thank you-" I paused as his eyes met mine, a light blue matching perfectly to the colour of my scarf.

"Cormac" he said as a grin slowly spread across his face revealing his dimples, he looked at the ground shyly avoiding eye contact with me.

Just as he was about to look back up, I quickly crouched grabbing a handful of snow launching it at his shoulder making him take a step back as his eyes widened.

"So thats how its going to be huh" He said as he began to form snowballs, I laughed and ran behind away from both Cormac and Draco taking one last look at Draco as I ran towards the vast surroundings, his expression wasnt smug as it was before it was more filled with spite. I watched as he adjusted his coat and head off behind the trees giving Cormac one last repulsive look.

My eyes shifted to Cormac as he sprinted in my direction launching a huge snowball in the air, I flinched as it hit me just under the boob and quickly covered the area and rubbed the access snow off.

"Bloody hell" I said as he approached me, his eyes shifted to where I was covering and I glanced at him as he let out a chuckle, I punched him in the arm and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Want me to brush that down too?" he smirked, and I rolled my eyes giving him the middle finger, that was when I heard Snape's loud voice fill the surroundings. I watched as everyone dashed for the stairs not wanting to get caught and I was quickly pulled into the crowd of people by someone grabbing my wrist. I followed on also not wanting to get caught and came to a halt as we reached the courtyard.

I never managed to get your name I looked up at him as pulled off his red and gold beanie revealing his messy curly hair.

"Y/n Ceradwin, Im a Slytherin by the way. Thought I'd tell you since it may scare you off" I widened my eyes and grinned and watched as he looked at me surprised,

"You, Slytherin? You're way too nice to be a Slytherin" I frowned making him laugh but looked away trying to think of something to do, that's when I grabbed his hat from his hands and put it behind my back.

"Me, nice? Don't know what you're talking about, you're hat now belongs to me" Before I got the chance to finish he twirled me around and snatched back the hat from my hand placing it onto my head covering me eyes,

"Keep it, a gift from me" He said as I pushed the hat up from my eyes, I smiled and watched as he walked off to lesson. I took the hat off and looked at it, a gold trim around the edges the rest filled with a deep burgundy and placed right in the centre was the Gryffindor badge.

I skipped happily to my next lesson still stuck in a daze every so often glancing down at his hat that I was still tightly holding as I approached History of Magic, I walked in and took a seat on an empty row at the back and waited as everyone else made their way inside.

I spent the entire lesson day dreaming often catching nasty glares from Draco, I didn't know what his problem was since I confirmed to him that I didnt tell anyone about what happened yet he was still clearly pissed at me for something, which come to think of it wasnt a rare occasion.

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