Chapter Eighteen

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As the days went on, they slowly got colder as it was nearing Christmas, I knew that this Christmas was going to be spent alone at Hogwarts again, so I wasn't really looking forward to it as much as everyone else.

Though today was the day we got to visit our local town Hogsmeade, I was excited since I never really go out much as I cant really afford to go on school trips or get the train to London often. I squeezed through the crowd of people handing in their letters to Professor McGonagall, I managed to pass her my letter and made me way to Hogwarts Express.

I boarded the train and looked through all the compartments trying to find a free one, I reached the end and luckily found an empty one. I sat myself down by the window, the only thing I had on me being my wand and a book. It was 20 minutes into the train journey, and I lost myself in the book I was reading losing awareness of my surroundings, that was until I heard a knock on the carriage door.

I ignored it presuming it was the sweet trolly but that was when I heard the door creek open, I glanced up from my book and saw Draco, he had on a huge fur coat and a hat to match.

"Seen a black cat by any chance Y/n? Dorian, pretty easy to spot since he only has one ear, he managed to slip away from Madalina while on the train." He said while checking if anyone else was with me, I shook my head but came inside taking the seat opposite me.

"Where is everyone?" He looked confused and peered his head around the corner of the door to see if anyone else would approach us.

"Its just me." I said, his eyebrows raised, and he looked surprised.

"Oh, what about Gen? Is she not here?" It shocked me that he actually knew who Gen was, but I shrugged it off as she was the one who told everyone about my parents.

"I don't talk to her anymore, we fell out after she..erm you know" I cold see the guilt in his face as soon as he realised what I was talking about.

"She was really the only friend I had so I tend to keep to myself more now I guess." I didn't want him to see me tear up, so I looked out the window breaking contact. He looked down and by the looks of it felt ashamed of the things he'd said to me and I could tell he was struggling to find something to say, that's when I asked him.

"It was you, wasn't it? You hexed the necklace" He quickly changed putting up his guard again, he sat up and leaned into me.

"That's absolutely ridiculous, why would you ever think such a thing." I looked down at his hands noticing that he was fidgeting with his ring again.

"I- I don't know, just rumours I've heard." He grew more tense and I could tell that he was lying by the way he avoided eye contact.

"No wonder you've lost your friends, with accusations like that I wouldn't want anything to do with you either." He stood up storming out of my compartment slamming the door behind me.

Though this time, I was sure I was right.

The train eventually stopped reaching Hogsmeade station and I stood waiting, being last off since I was sat near the back. As we came out of the station, I saw small snowflakes slowly fall from the white clouds, the pointed roofs were all covered in a blanket of snow and the cobbled street glimmering from the streetlights above.

Every window had a warm glow shining from inside making my feel cosy, everyone wandered off with their groups and I was left standing alone wandering where to head to first.

I strolled around peering into every window I passed until one caught my eye. Inside I saw what looked like a huge fireplace surrounded by cluttered bookshelves filled to the top with vintage books.

The small bell went off as I stepped inside and I instantly felt the heat on the tip of my nose, I was drawn to a certain corner as I remembered seeing a small green book with gold detailing on the rim from the window.

I was intrigued and picked it up blowing off the layer of dust that laid on top of it, there was no title or heading, no blurb or author. I opened it and flicked through the fragile pages, yet they were all blank.

I approached the front counter and rang the small silver bell, an old woman with dark hair and glasses attached around her neck came around the corner and smiled greeting me.

"How can I help you dear?" She said, her friendly tone made me feel at ease, so I held up the book asking her if she had any idea what it was. She lifted her glasses to her eyes and squinted.

"Ah, now what you have there is a diary" I looked back down at the book not knowing why I had such a fascination towards it.

"A special diary dear, it chose you." I looked at her confused not knowing if I heard her right.

"How can a book choose someone might I ask?"

"There are many ways, many ways. Look for yourself" She glanced at me then book clearly wanting to show me something.

I looked back at the book this time seeing my name written on the front in gold. I was baffled on how it could have possibly known my name but when I peered back up at the lady she was gone.

I left a few gold coins on the counter and headed back outside shoving the diary into my bag.

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