Chapter Sixty-Nine

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I stood for a moment in silence, just the thought of trekking up that hill was already making me out of breath. But that thought was quickly put to rest when black gusts of mists bolted through the sky blowing up anything that was in their path, about four went directly through the house watching as parts of the roof crumbled and fell. It looks like I was too late, the death eaters managed to make it here before I did but just as I was about to try and distract them from doing anymore damage I saw three familiar faces sprinting out of the front door their arms sheltering their heads coming right towards me. 'Harry'

They ran straight past me, a look of both distress and fear plastered on their faces, it looked like they where heading towards the woods, without hesitation I followed on racing through the wheat field treading harshly in attempt to gain speed. I glanced behind me to see the death eaters still preoccupied destroying the Lovegood residence, I squinted seeing who I presumed Lunas father Xenophilius collapsed on his knees watching his house get completely destroyed, his long white hair getting caught in the wind.

I didn't know whether I should go back, I couldn't even begin to imagine how much pain he was feeling right now, loosing his daughter and now his house both as a result of the Dark Lord, but if I was to go back the most I'd be able to do was try and comfort him. I have no power over the death eaters, I'd only be making it worse, after all if I get Harry to help me get free Luna, he'd have back his daughter. So, I proceeded to run after them.

I eventually reached the woods fighting the branches as I got deeper, but they where gone within a blink of an eye. I scanned the forest just begging to catch a glimpse of them running in a different direction, but I saw nothing. I carried on wandering the trees eager to find out where they've headed to but just as I turned around I came to a halt, there in front of me stood Hermione her wand aimed directly at my face, hers twisted in anger. I just stood looking at her, she looked exhausted, her hair as puffy as her eyes that weren't as warm as I last remembered them; unfamiliar and lost, a few scratches on her freckled cheeks and her clothes worn to shreds. "Hermione its" she drew closer this time highering her wand with more force gesturing for me to put my hands up.

I glanced over her shoulder to see both Harry and Ron standing behind her watching intently at what she was about to do, I slowly raised both my hands, my palms facing towards her. "You're one of them. Aren't you" Her voiced quivered in rage not once breaking eye contact with me, her eyes that were once warm pools of honey pierced through me like sharp knives. I glanced down at the floor; I couldnt bear to keep looking at her.

"Please, if you'd just hear me out" I pleaded but she was quick to react, her face screwed up her eyes narrow and bloodshot her tears making them glassy.

"Hear you out? He sent you didn't he." She scanned the area as if she were just waiting for the rest to arrive, though there was no one, "Oh how could I have been so stupid!" she scolded herself shaking her head in irritation, Ron approached her putting his arm on her shoulder but she brushed it off looking back up at me.

"I need your help, I don't have much time" I glanced at Ron who looked to be a little more calm then Hermione in attempt to get him to give in, he stared back his eyes glimmering with disappointment making me lose hope.

"Time? Do you know how much time I wasted believing that you were actually my friend?" Her expression followed by her words pierced deeper than her eyes, as bad as it looked I didn't plan any of it and I'm sure if she knew she'd understand that it wasn't some elaborate scheme to hand them over to the Dark Lord, she was my friend.

"I don't have time to explain right now, its Luna. They have her-"

"Where?" Harry interrupted before I had the time to finish, he stepped forward clearly eager to know more. I didn't hesitate to tell him clinging onto the small glimmer in Harrys eyes.

"Malfoy Manor, they're keeping her, Voldemort, hes keeping her in the dungeons. I tried everything but I wasn't able to get her out, so I came looking for you" Hermione lowered her wand cautiously looking back at Harry who was now nearing me, her head shot back towards me examining my face intently.

"It could be a trap Harry, don't trust her" She spat in disbelief but Harry didn't look to take any notice, though if they were to even follow this lead I'd need all of them on board, not just one.

"After I found her I knew it'd be impossible to get her out alone so I went to Godric's Hollow first but found that you where gone by the time I got there, so I went back to Hogwarts to try and get an idea of where you'd be next, Neville mentioned something about R.A.B so I set off to the Blacks house-"

"How did you-"Hermione snapped for once confused and almost amazed to how I was able to find them.

"Isabella Black, Sirius's daughter, she told me about it but again you was gone by the time I got there, I was about to leave when I saw the Quibbler tossed underneath the dining table and read the address on the back. It was my last attempt, and it led me to you. Harry please, I can't stand there watching my friends suffer anymore." I stood weak, my lip quivering in desperation, I couldn't do this alone.

Though before he was able to answer I heard rustling through the tree's opposite me, they mustn't of heard since they were still trying to wrap their heads around what I just told them. I squinted trying to make out what was approaching, a tall figure emerged from the trees heading in our direction, I scanned the rest of the forest to see if we were getting surrounded but there was no one else.

As they came closer my eyes were able to focus immediately getting drawn to the thing that stood out the most, the thing that made them the extremely distinguishable. The ever so familiar platinum blonde hair being the first thing I made out instantly knowing exactly who it was. He came closer, his hair being neat and untouched, he wore his slick black suit with a turtleneck of the identical colour; he must have just gotten here.

Eventually Hermiones head spun around as she heard the snap of a branch followed by Ron and Harry, not a word was spoken, we all just glanced at each other not knowing what was next. I looked over at Draco whos eyes constantly shifted between me and Harry, I didn't think he expected to find me with them. I presumed by the look on his face that he thought I was alone and was informed about my whereabouts somehow, I could tell he wasn't at all prepared to see anyone never mind them.

His eyes met with mine, filled with uncertainty. I hadn't a clue what he was going to do and by the looks of it neither did he, he had a blank expression, his face was still pale and sunken. He was flustered trying to think of what his next move was his eyes now scanning the ground, I looked over at Harry who stood staring at him while Hermione and Ron turned their heads aimlessly making sure there wasn't anyone else.

My eyes shifted back to Draco who was now holding his wand firmly in his hand, Harry retrieved his in precaution but they both had them aimed towards the ground. I watched as Draco began to pull up his sleeve and raise his wand towards his forearm gulping as he stared at Harry, I came to a sudden realisation of what he was going to do when I saw his dark mark pulsating under his skin.

I stepped forward snapping another twig making Draco look back at me, my eyes welled up and heart beat fast staring at him desperately. His jaw was clenched tight, his eyes met mine, he was hesitant yet insistent, but I could tell just by looking at him that he had his doubts. My vision became bleared and all I could do was faintly shake my head in a poor attempt to convince him to rethink what he was about to do; he wouldn't hand them over to the Dark Lord. Though at this moment, I wasn't sure.

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