Chapter Forty-One

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I sat in disbelief. My heart stopped and it felt like my entire world collapsed. I watched as whispers began to flood the room everyones attention now shifted to me, I tried to find one thing to focus on, but my eyes wouldn't stop moving around the room catching a glimpse of everyones shocked expression.

I began to shake unable to comprehend what I've just been told, my throat tightened and dry finding it extremely difficult to catch my breath, I knew I was having a panic attack. I quickly stood up and gripped onto the table trying to find my balance, I felt myself becoming increasingly more lightheaded, but I managed to somehow steady myself and rush out the door.

I was only able to make it to the stairs before I collapsed in tears that carried on for what felt like forever, I wasn't able to catch my breath and found it extremely hard to move any part of my body. I glanced up as I saw students begin to flood out of the hall all eyes being on me, I tucked my head into my knees not wanting to be seen in the state I was in.

I sat alone on the stairs for the majority of the night pushing away everyone that came to comfort me, it was hard for me to actually come to terms that one of closest people I had was now gone. Not only that but I made it clear that I wasn't going to forgive her not knowing that she would be taken away from me so quickly. Thats when it made sense, the mirror foretold my greatest desire. My desire being that of wanting Genevieve back she just wasn't gone yet.

The ring was the last thing I had of her, I hadn't a clue if she even got my letter. I hated myself for not giving her another chance not realising that that might have been the last time I was to see her, after all she stuck by me for basically my entire life and losing her felt like a part of me was missing.

I was sat on the couch of the common room cold and alone wanting nothing but my own company, I had a blanket draped over my shoulders and I just watched the orange flames dance to the crackles of the wood. At this point the only way to stop myself from crying was to block every thought that came to my mind out completely just focusing on the flames.

POV: Draco Malfoy

"Genevieve Farrari" Shit. My head immediately turned to look at Ceradwin and I watched as she sat in shock most likely not able to comprehend what Dumbledore just said. I glanced around the room to see that I wasn't the only one staring at her, I elbowed Blaise breaking his intimidating stare not wanting to make her feel more overwhelmed then she probably was.

I played with my rings as unwanted thoughts began to drown my brain replaying the very moment she came to a sudden end. I looked back up at Y/n observing her expression watching it as reality slowly began to kick in, she stood up and fled leaving everyone muttering under their breath.

"She was a Hufflepuff anyway, they're useless with putting up a decent fight no wonder she died so quickly" Blaise said in a cocky tone, without thinking I turned to him my hand slowly forming a fist.

"Don't fucking say that Blaise honestly you're so insensitive." The anger in my voice clearly shone through as Blaises expression turned from a light smirk to utter confusion.

"Since when do you care Draco, its another win for the Death Eaters, thought you out of all people would be over the moon. Especially since it was your father that-" I gripped his hand tight digging my nails deep into his skin swiftly silencing him.

"Speak another word and you'll end up with the same fate as her" I stood up and stormed out the feeling of guilt pumping through my veins, fuck. I ran my hands through my hair trying to come up with some sort of coping mechanism since the events of that night came flooding back to me.

Why did it have to be her, why Genevieve, I pounded the wall in frustration and anger eventually sliding my back down the wall reaching the cold cobbled floor. I sat with my legs spread and my arms propping my head up as I closed my eyes letting myself re-enact that entire night over again.

It was the night my father fled Azkaban with the help from the Dark Lord, the night I arrived back at Malfoy Manor. I walked inside the grand hall that eventually led up to the dining room intending to see mother sitting at the table. Though as I approached the door, I heard what sounded like a few voices, one being that of my father. At this point I hadnt been informed about my fathers escape, so it came as quite a surprise to hear that he was back so soon.

Just as I was about to open the doors I heard a faint female whimper, at first I thought it was my mother but I was swiftly proven wrong when I felt her arm on my shoulder, her expression unnerved me as her smile didnt seem authentic.

"Ah Draco, didn't think you'd arrive till later tonight. Off to bed now" She ushered me off and stood by the door watching until I was out of sight, when I heard the door shut, I peered around the corner checking if mother was still there. I made my way back to the door listening in to see if I recognised the unfamiliar voice.

"Lucius, this is completely ludicrous. We've done enough for the Dark Lord. We cant have this young girls blood on our hands, we'll both me damned back to Azkaban this time" Mother said as she frantically passed the room from one side to the other.

"Narcissa, we have no choice. If we don't get rid of her the manor won't be the only thing taken away from us. He gave us orders so we must obey them." I hadn't heard my fathers voice in what felt like years and it made me just as uneasy as it did the last time I saw him.

Just as I was about to intrude, I fell back scurrying towards the back wall as I just heard the most dreadful spell known to the wizarding kind. 'Avada Kedavra' followed by an ear-piercing shriek that if I were any closer would have deafened me.

There was a part of me that just wanted to flee and pretend nothing ever happened, but I knew if I were to leave, I couldn't live with myself not knowing who it was my father murdered. I slowly opened the door and stood in silence as both my parents looked at me in complete shock, my father still pointing his wand towards the girl.

I didnt recognise her or at least couldn't put a name to her though I still felt as if I were to blame.

"Draco." My father said in disbelief swiftly approaching me for an embrace, I couldn't bare looking at him, but I wasn't able to move, my feet stuck to the hard-wooden floor. I said nothing as he awkwardly hugged me, my mother took me in by the shoulder tears in her eyes and rushed me to bed where I sat lifeless for the entre night.

As soon as Dumbledore said Genevieve's name I knew secretly my family was to blame and thats not a secret you want to ever live with.

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