Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I reached Kings Cross and made my way to platform 9 ¾ trailing behind a small wizarding family of four, as soon as I caught sight of the train I instantly felt secure knowing that Id be back at Hogwarts in no time.

I crossed path with a few friends greeting them as I passed the different carriages to get to the one specifically reserved for Slytherins. I took my seat near the back on my own shoving my brief case onto the top compartment. As I sat down and turned on the small reading light next to me, I caught a glimpse of what looked like Blaise, Pansey and Draco who all didnt seem to notice me.

I sighed as I knew it was bound to be a long 10 hours ahead of me, majority of the ride was spent reading but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a few hours since I woke up confused to where I was. I liked gazing out of the windows seeing us pass the incredible green hills and rocky mountains often trailing over the small rivers and lakes, I'd get lost in a trance because of how beautiful it all was but would quickly snap out of it when I'd hear peoples voices as they walked past.

I'd often swap glances with Draco though they were quick I could tell he was finding it difficult to not say one of his sarcastic insults which amused me a bit too much. Every time my eyes locked with his I couldnt help but think about the last time I saw him in the common room and how his lips felt on mine, It made it all the more harder ignoring him.

As the train slowly came to a halt I watched as everyone gathered their things and headed off all excited to get back into their old habits. As was I but I liked to take my time as the thought of crowded spaces unnerved me a little so I though it was best to wait till everyone else was off.

I reached for my bag presuming I was the only one left on the train and picked up my scarf heading for the door, thats when I saw someone standing in a black suit, there back to me. I looked them up and down assuring it was who I presumed it to be, though his platinum blonde hair did give it away. I stood in silence and he slowly shut the blind of the cabin and placed down his suitcase that was engraved with luxurious sliver detailing.

"Draco, what are you waiting for?" I said presuming he just forgotten something, I hesitantly approached him intending to leave but before I managed to, he gradually turned to face me. He gave me a look that would stick with me the rest of the year. A look that gave me goosebumps just thinking about it.

I reached for the handle of the door, but his hand quickly followed preventing me from opening it, I looked up at him confused as to why he was stopping me from leaving but before I got he chance to question him he pushed me up against the door looking down at me with a menacing smirk.

"I won't make you do this Ceradwin but something tells me you've been craving this for a while now" The seductive tone in his voice made my eyes flutter with anticipation and I could feel myself getting hot in the face the closer he got. I couldn't help but give into him letting my head fall back onto the door my heart pounding out of my chest.

Just as I was about to speak, he aggressively pressed his index finger across my lips in a poor attempt to stop me from saying something I'd regret. I bit down on my lip watching his mouth drop desperately as he takes in what just happened with an unshaken look of lust circling his dusky grey eyes.

His hands trail to my waist picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his torso, I felt his hot breath against me making me give into him even more. I watched as he retrieved his wand out of his back pocket and aimed it at the blinds causing them to all close at once, he spun me around the carriage slamming me onto the nearby train table.

I looked up at him towering over me feeling slightly intimidated in the position he was in, pushing myself back furthering myself away from him, he raised a brow and grabbed my thighs pulling me back towards his. I feel his cold hands trail up and down my side slowly making his way further up my skirt eventually brushing against my green lace underwear.

My head fell back with his touch as he slowly tugs on it sliding them down my legs and tossing them to the side, he leans down leaving a trail down my neck making sure I was marked as his. His fingers slowly danced circles on my inner thighs teasing me as he was only a few milliammeters away, my breathing becoming heavier the closer he got.

He roughly crashes his lips into mine his tongue exploring every bit of my mouth almost shutting me up as his fingers gradually begin to brush up and down my slit. He pulled away with a smug expression knowing already how wet he made me but before I had the chance to say anything, he glided one finger into me making me instantly tense up from his static touch.

He made it known that he was desperate to provide me with the satisfaction he wanted me to have, the intense sensation of pleasure travelled up my spine causing me to press my body down further my hips moving as if they had a mind of their own. Though he quickly took away his hand unexpectedly watching as I look back up at him desperate for him to continue.

His eyes trailed up and down my body softly biting his lip swiftly picking me up above his shoulders crashing me into the walls of the carriage, my hands clasp the roof to support myself though soon after Dracos hands grip my waist firmly pinning me up tight as I felt his hot breath between my inner thighs. He began to teasingly kiss between the two only watching me grow more impatient as my hands found themselves tangled between his now messy platinum hair.

I felt his tongue enter me instantly causing my back to arch off the wall, my mouth letting out louder moans as I was about to finish. Draco picked up on this and dropped me down dragging my limp body over to the train seats tossing me onto the cold leather padding. Just as he was about to get on top of me, I grab his shirt and throw myself onto his chest bringing my lips towards his. He couldn't help but grunt as he began letting out everything that he was stopping himself from doing for so long.

With no hesitation he flips me back over wanting to be back in control, he rolls up my shirt lifting it over my head with one hand while the other grips my neck tightly holding me down. My hand fiddling to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, with one glance down I was wary it was going to hurt but I was too deeply seduced by his scent to care.

He keeps one hand on my neck as the other trails up my lower back pulling my leg in closer, he leaned down and paused next to my ear "Ready?" he whispered for one last bit of reassurance. I grab his neck and kissed him passionately as he enters me trying my best to hold back my moan.

At first, I couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure but as he began to move faster, I felt tingles shooting up my spine both letting out a deep moan. My hands once again found themselves laced into his hair slightly tugging it the more he sped up, just as Im about to finish he pulls out watching me as Im heavy panting craving for more.

"Draco" I gulped; head tossed back eyes closed basically begging for more.

"Draco please" I glance up at him desperate for him to fill me again, a huge smirk being plastered across his face the more I craved him.

I sit up and pull him down on the seat straddling him, with my hands on his chest and my head facing the ceiling I slowly slide myself down onto him. Draco let out a low rough groan as he watched my hips move in circles teasing him, he grabs my waist taking control again pounding me up and down speeding up his pace with every bounce.

My back arches and walls tighten causing him to let out a raspy moan almost in sync with mine as we both finish together. I lay there for a second on his chest weak with his touch feeling his heart pounding and heavy breathing. He lifted me up off of him and tossed me back onto the leather seat zipping up his pants and grabbing his suit case all the while observing me as I just lay there unable to move.

"Satisfied Ceradwin?" He said giving me one last look as he headed out onto the platform adjusting his black suit and glancing around for the final time heading back to Hogwarts.

He left me sitting alone on the train in shock now knowing that its physically impossible to ignore him after what just happened, I quickly gathered my things and pattered myself down trying to act as if nothing had happened which by the way was extremely difficult. I stepped off the train looking back at it once more knowing that every time I'd board it, I'd instantly be reminded of him.

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