Chapter Seventy- Four

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I just stood there looking down at Hermione who laid lifelessly on the floor, her arm spawled out next to her the words carved into it now being a lot more prominent. Yet I felt nothing, no fear, no sadness, I couldn't even feel the stinging on my face anymore, I was simply numb. I forced myself to block out the emotions I was feeling knowing I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I attempted to deal with them right now, though it was a matter of if not when, it was at that moment my entire mind set shifted.

The door flew open and there in the doorway stood the Malfoys; Lucius in the front looking quite unnerved though it wasn't at the scene he had just walked into. "Bella, we can't waste any more time, if it's the boy the Dark Lord would want me to hand him over", He hadn't even once glanced down at Hermione who hadn't moved since I stood up, Lucius had never been the type to care about others, only when it affects him.

"No Lucius you're scared, admit it. You're scared if you don't hand him over then you'll be as dead as she'll be" Bellatrix spun around pointing her wand down at Hermione and chuckled, I didn't look up, I couldn't look up, if I did it would mean I'd have to come to terms with what I've done and I wasn't able to.

"Now, fetch me the goblin" She yelled down to wormtail who you could hear scuffing his feet as he made his way down the stairs, the Malfoys made their way inside the drawing room all closely huddled together. Although they weren't the most loving of families when it came to fear that was when they were closest, my eyes slowly trailed up off of Hermione onto the wooden floor she laid on eventually working their way up to Draco.

I wasn't fully able to lift my head that drooped down like a heavy weight that I was impossible to carry so my eyes were the only thing I was able to slightly shift. His expression was prominent but complex, even though he was clueless to what I've just went through it still looked as if he knew, assuming the worst. He bit down on his cheek hard looking back at the floor not physically able to look at me in the state I was in, he always said I was easy to read so I couldn't imagine the shape I was in at the moment. It was like he was re-watching what he'd already been through being reminded that what he goes through wasn't normal, he's just learnt to cope with it.

The slight glint of familiarity reflected through his eyes, he read my face perfectly without even showing it, the door that he wanted to keep locked from me was finally opened and the trauma inside was unleashed, it was my turn to endure it. Small minded, naive, completely oblivious , I hadn't any clue of how messed up this whole thing was and only now did I get a true taste of what I got myself into though only this time, there was no escaping it and it looked as if Draco had been trying to tell me that the entire time. I just didnt realise it.

My eyes fluttered as I wasn't able to keep them focused on something for long without them stinging, I glanced down back at Hermione watching as a single teardrop fell down her face slowly trickling down her cheek that was now drained of colour, that tear was the only thing left in her, no fight at all remained. She had given up. The urge of hope left as soon as I had a hold of Bellatrixs wand, I didn't know I was capable of doing something so cruel, maybe I wasn't as pure as I originally thought.

Yet saying I felt sick to my stomach was an understatement, my actions didn't just affect the person I was close to, they affected me a lot more than I anticipated. I finished what I started and now not only is she going to have to live with that on her arm for the rest of her life shes going to have to explain that someone she trusted as a friend was the person who done it. Thats even if she had the chance to explain.

As Bellatrix was busy tormenting the goblin trying to get out more information about her ever so important sword I caught a glimpse of my arm, deep imprints of Hermiones nails sunk far into my skin creating cuts from how tightly she held me. The amount of pain she was going through surfaced onto my arm and how hard she was pressing into me, her screams still echoing through my head even louder when I looked at the mark she left on me.

I glanced back up to see Draco who was staring down at my arm exactly where I was just looking, he must have noticed before me as when he looked back up at me his expression changed. He was not only concerned but he looked as if he was blaming himself, he'd usually push me aside and keep things to himself so I was blind to the reality of what he has went through his entire life but seeing that he has failed the one thing he wanted to keep me from broke him more than it did me.

Though just as he took a single step in my direction my head for the first time shot up at the familiar sound of Rons voice, my eyes immediately landed on both Harry and Ron that came dashing quickly up the stairs wand held high at the ready. 'Expelliarmus' Bellatrixs wand flew out of her grip landing on the wall behind me, I ducked my head and stumbled back watching a fight unfold.

Next minute Lucius was pushed back into the fireplace and sparks shot from across the room, my eyes still finding it difficult to focus I was just able to make out brightly coloured flashes of light darting around the room. I squinted trying to see where Draco was eventually finding him on the opposite side of the room aiming his wand at Harry as he struck him multiple times pushing him back into one of the pillars.

Just as I was about to dart over to Hermione thinking that it may be my only chance of helping her get out of here alive, I felt someone yank me back by my hair. I stumbled backwards falling into someones arms that tightly wrapped around my chest, a piece of black frizzy hair fell onto my shoulder and my heart dropped knowing exactly who it was that was restraining me.

"Stop!" She forced my head back onto her shoulder gripping my hair as tight as she could, I felt a sharp dagger pricking the skin against my neck making my throat contract now fearing for my life. "Drop your wands. I said drop em!" There was a pause, my hands formed into a fist, my entire body tensing shutting my eyes tightly preparing for my sudden end but to my surprise I hear the clatter of wands hitting the wooden floor.

"Come on Draco, now" I heard his heavy breathing from where I was standing, he raced over to the wands frantically picking them up as Bellatrix slowly drew me closer, I wasn't able to see anything but the chandelier as every time I'd twitch even the slightest bit her grip would tighten. I felt the blade trace circles around my neck as if she were using me to get what she wanted but I didn't understand, I wasn't someone to give everything up for, I was the one who caused all of this.

"Well, well, well. Its Harry Potter, hes all bright shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord." The room went silent, all that was heard was the sound of everyone catching their breath, I gulped, the blade now held dangerously close to my throat inches away from slicing it open.

"Call him." Bellatrix grinned looking over at Draco gesturing for him to summon the Dark Lord, but he stood nervously scanning the room like he was trying to procrastinate, his eyes wide with dread knowing that he hadn't a choice, I was to die either way. "Call him!" Lucius slowly approached Draco glaring at him intently with mixture of spite and disappointment, he pulled up his sleeve revealing the pulsating mark on his arm retrieving his wand out of his back pocket.

Lucius mouth formed a deviant smile as he stared at Harry intently knowing he may have finally won, handing over Harry to the Dark Lord will not only mend Voldemorts hatred towards him it will also let him have back his manor so he spared no decency killing whoever was in his path to do so. Bellatrix now held the dagger closer to my throat, it was clear she didn't like my mannerisms apparently I was just a burden to Draco, no one would have noticed absence anyway so what harm could it do getting rid of me like she has done so many others.

I held my breath knowing it may very well be my last, the sharp tip of the blade slowly began to pierce the delicate skin around my neck the pain shooting down to my arms like fire. My hands bolted up trying to grasp hers, but her grip was too tight, my head began to pulsate becoming dizzy. My heart raced in its last attempt to fight the urge of giving up completely, the cold blade created a gash across the left side of my neck but she was quickly cut off by the sparks of light that came billowing over her.

'Expelliarmus' My eyes widened in a panic as I saw the huge chandelier above us come plummeting down towards me, Bellatrix shrieked and tumbled backwards forcing her to let go of me which was when I leaped to the side throwing myself to the floor covering my head and sheltering it from the shards of glass that came flying at me. I looked up and got a small glimpse of Draco who stood there stunned his wand aimed up to where the chandelier once hung, his hand trembling the realisation of what he had just done yet to come to him.

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