Chapter Forty-Two

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I woke up the next morning to the fire burnt out and the sound of mumbles coming from behind me, I I must have fell asleep on the couch in the common room still in my uniform. I stood up and felt a sharp pain shoot through my head making me drop my blanket, I looked in the mirror above the fire-place to see my hair all tatted and both my shirt and skirt creased.

I caught a glimpse of a few girls in the back standing near the doorway whispering to each other while giving me judgmental stares, I looked back in the mirror at myself who clearly was a complete scruff and wiped the access mascara from under my eyes. I picked up the blanket and dragged myself up the stairs back to bed.

I decided to take a rest day since I wasnt mentally able to face anyone yet, it was the third day into the new year and its already outshone the last taking its place as being the worst year of my life. I sat huddled up with a box of tissues placed on the cabinet next to me the majority of the day, Hermione would often come to visit bringing me some soup or hot tea.

The sun was setting, and I felt like I wasted an entire day moping about like a miserable git, it was useless sitting in bed all day feeling sorry for myself. Though a part of me wanted so badly to stay there I knew deep down that the quicker I come to terms with what has happened the quicker I can find out who did it.

So thats what I did, it was late, must have been around 1am when I decided to get up. I hadn't a clue on where I was planning to go or what I was possibly going to do but I knew immediately who I was going to see.

I hurried down the stairs making sure not to make a noise and reached the common room. It was dark, the only ray of light coming from the full moon that shone through the bay window. I made my way to the entrance of the boys dormitory and hesitantly began to walk up the steps reaching the latched door. I stopped second guessing how ridiculous this whole plan was, but I opened the latch anyway peering inside to see everyone sound asleep.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside glancing around the room to try and spot Draco, which wasn't difficult since his hair was the one thing that clearly stood out on their dark green pillows. I tip toed across the room reaching his bed and stood over him for a second before tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"Draco" I whispered clearly being too quiet for him to hear.

"Draco" This time I was louder shaking his arm, but I still got nothing in response. For a second, I didnt know whether there was a chance he was dead.

"Malfoy wake up" With both of my hands I grabbed his arms and shook him more aggressively than I originally planned, his eyes fluttered open and his hand rushed tightly gripping mine. I withdrew both of them and lightly whimpered in pain.

"Ceradwin? What-"Before he got the chance to say another word I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of bed avoiding all of the questions he was throwing at me. I dragged him down the stairs in which he pulled his hand away making me lose grip of it.

"Why would you ever think to drag me up at this time of night" He whispered desperately in a state of utter confusion, I paused and for a moment hadnt a clue how I was going to get around this without spilling the fact I knew he was a Death Eater.

"Genevieve" I watched as the ray of light shone on his face which was when his expression dropped and eyes widened, it immediately gave away the fact he knew something. He stood in silence his eyes looking anywhere but me.

"You're familiar with Death Eaters right?" I asked taking a step closer to him.

"Me. Don't be so ridiculous I- I'd never" His guard flew up immediately becoming defensive towards the accusation I aimed at him.

"Draco come on, everyone knows your father worked with Voldemort" I was pissed since I knew he was lying clearly not taking into consideration my friends death, he came bolting towards me and shoved me against a wall. He glanced around the room petrified and lowered his head to my ear.

"Don't you dare speak his name" He violently whispered the words forced out between his clenched teeth, I looked up in disbelief that the boy who worked for him didn't even have the guts to say his name.

"Tell me, tell me who killed her. Was it him? Did Voldemort kill her" I pried and pried in attempt to get him to spill but he only grew more furious. His jaw tensed as he forcefully shut his eyes as his grip grew tighter around my wrists.

"For Gods sake Malfoy tell me. Who killed Gen?" His hands dropped from my wrists and formed into fists as he turned away not able to face me, his hands ran through his hair and I could see his veins showing through his pale skin.

"Leave. God damnit Ceradwin I said leave" he flew facing me and pointed towards the stairs. For a minute I caught glimpse of his expression. Not angry, no, more agonizing. He couldnt handle it. He was hiding something.

Though I couldn't stand there for long, I hated feeling as if Im the one making him suffer. I sighed and nodded giving him a look of disappointment as my eyes welled up with tears, my head fell now looking at the floor and I made my way towards the stairs glancing back for the last time. He was at on the couch head shaking embedded into the palms of his hand, I looked down to see his leg trembling up and down off the floor. He looked a lot more distressed than I expected with only confirmed my suspicions.

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