Chapter Thirty-Two

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It was early morning Sunday in which if it was any other Sunday I'd sleep in but this Sunday was special, it was the winter quidditch season cup one of the most important games of the year and though I wasnt interested in quidditch for the most part I couldn't miss it.

This year it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin which for obvious reasons was also the most stressful match of the season, I got up and went the bathroom to get changed. I threw on a oversized cardigan and peered down at my bedside table seeing Cormacs hat laying on the side, I contemplated whether I should wear it or not since I probably should be supporting my own house but decided it wouldnt hurt anyone if I did.

I made my way down to the pitch passing Fred and George who were screaming to place your bets on what teams going to win, I laughed as I watched students gather around them, majority being people with green scarfs almost positive that Slytherin would win once again.

Honestly I can't lie I knew Slytherin were bound to win since we've won every match for the past 10 years but there was still a little hope that Gryffindor may win, especially since they now have Harry as their seeker. I grabbed a coffee from the stand outside the stadium and made my way up the large tower covered in a green silk blanket with a huge silver snake plated on it. I felt a little out of place since I was the only one with a burgundy hat in the entire stand and was getting dirty looks off everyone around me, but I ignored them and sat down near the end.

Cormac had been keeper on the Gryffindor team the entire time of being here, he's in the year above so this was his last year on the team. From what Ive been told hes been training incredibly hard; I'd visit him on the pitch from time to time and watch him from my window as he'd train in the rain so I was mostly routing for him.

As the game began everyone was already on the edge of their seats waiting for the ball to be thrown in the air, Oliver Wood being the first to catch it. I understood the basics of quidditch but not the in's and out's so I'd cheer when everyone else would, that was until I watched as I saw Draco purposefully targeting Cormac. It confused me since hed usually be eye to eye with Harry since his job was to catch the golden snitch but this time, he clearly had other plans.

He'd hover around him every so often falling into him making Cormac lose his balance on his broom, though it shouldn't bother as much since it was my team who was getting the upper hand it angered me that he was specifically targeting him for no reason.

The match quickly came to an end when Harry managed to catch the golden snitch at the last second, the whistle was blown and everyone but the Slytherin house stood up cheering, including me. I began to clap and cheer without realising that I was getting snarled by everyone around me. I quickly sat down and waited as everyone began to make their way down the stairs, as I reached the bottom, I saw Cormac putting his broom away congratulating Harry for his win. I couldnt help but run up to him a huge smile beaming across my face.

"Woah woah" He said as I jumped onto him wrapping my legs around his waist, I laid my head on his shoulder and felt him pull me in closer, he twirled me around and I slowly fell back to my feet.

"Well done!" I said as I reached the ground, I watched as he looked up and grabbed my hat pulling it over my face.

"You must be my good luck charm" Just as I was about to speak, I heard smug muffles approaching us from behind, as I turned I saw Draco and a few other players from his team slyly strolling over.

"Did your boyfriend give you that foul hat Ceradwin?" Draco said with a huge smirk plastered on his face, he came up close to me snatching it of my head and throwing it to one of his teammates.

"What's your problem Malfoy?" I looked up at Cormac as he made his way in front of me, he was around the same hight as Draco, so their eyes met directly both giving each other the most horrid looks.

"Wouldn't call that a fair win McLaggen, after all you did lose your balance a few times" He turned around to face his teammates who were in a small fit of laughter and watched as Draco grew more cocky.

I watched as Cormac grew more red in the face, Draco was clearly getting under his skin. I walked behind Draco and reached for the hat but before I had the chance to get it, he tossed it back to Draco which was when he raised it above my head teasing me every time I jumped to reach it.

"Grow a pair Draco, maybe you should go off and wallow to your father about losing" Cormac said as he grabbed the hat back handing it to me. But before I was able to grab it I saw Draco take a step forward coming threateningly close to Cormacs face, I knew this wasn't going to end well so I quickly grasped onto Cormacs hand squeezing it to try and calm him down.

"At least I don't lock lips with a Slytherin Slut" Draco said as he raised his eyebrow taking a quick glance at me but before I got the chance to say anything, I watched as Cormac let go of my hand and formed it into a fist swinging at Dracos face.

Next minute a fight broke out between the two both falling to the ground constantly switching from top to bottom, it was one of the most aggressive fights Ive seen. I tried my best to break it apart and shout for help, but everyone stood in shock. It was rare seeing a physical fight at Hogwarts since everyone mostly uses wands but since they just finished a quidditch match they had nothing but their hands.

After what felt like forever a group of professors ran over and broke up the fight, they both stood up completely covered in mud and bruises and I watched as they were both escorted to the hospital wing. By the looks of it Draco caused more damages to Cormac as I saw him limping off the field, I couldnt help but blame myself once again since it was obvious that I was the person they were fighting about.

I knew Draco was a cruel person, but I would have never thought he would go to the extent of calling me a Slut, the only person to ever call me that being Theo. Over the past few weeks I'd see him glaring at me and Cormac intensely with a look of disgust, the more I'd ignore him the more frustrated he was though I couldn't understand why seeing me with Cormac was such a big deal.

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