Chapter Six

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I spent my night researching the Malfoy family intrigued to know why he was treated so differently to everyone else, they were one of the richest wizarding families in Britain, their whole family consisting of purebloods. Their money and land mostly inherited from previous generations and are known to believe that wizards have a superiority complex over Muggles.

Though I heard they're known to be located at the scene of shady crimes which distanced them slowly from the ministry of magic, Lucius, Draco's father was heard to have been sent to the Prison of Azkaban this summer but no matter how much I looked there wasn't an explanation why. The Malfoys clean name became more tarnished ever since his father was sent to prison, him and his mother appearing on the front page of the daily prophet a few times over the summer.

I looked at the time and was surprised how late it was so I rushed to bed before any of the prefects where able to see me, I was expecting Malfoy to be standing in the corridor outside Slytherin common room like he usually would be but he wasn't there.

I ran up the stairs and threw on my nightgown getting into bed and switching off my light before instantly falling fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"Ceradwin", "Ceradwin wake up"

I was confused and in a deep sleep so brushed off the noise turning over to face the wall.

"Y/n!!" I felt someone tug my hair, I got up in a panic and my reflex took the better of me. I didn't realise who it was and managed to slap them in the face which funnily enough turned out of the best.

"Ouch, what the hell Ceradwin" I opened my eyes the first thing I saw being platinum blonde hair and a look of utter repulse from what I just did.

"What the fuck Draco? What time is it? Why are you in my-" I got cut off when his hand covered my mouth making me unable to speak, leaving me just staring at him.

"Listen. Yesterday when I pulled you up, don't be thinking that I bothered to take any sort of notice when you fell. It was for my own gain, after all you made a right fool of yourself. Let me make it clear. I don't want word to be spread that I was helping a rumoured mud-blood out of my own accord." He said in a stern tone looking me dead in the eyes the entire time.

"And what exactly did you gain? A few laughs?" I said while shoving his arm away from my face and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"No actually, that no good Dumbledore was coming, and I didn't wanna get into any more trouble then I already was. I mean it, don't mention it Y/n or there will be consequences" He stormed off just leaving behind the scent of cologne.

I was even more confused than before because I was certain Luna told me Dumbledore was out that day releasing Hagrid from The Prison of Azkaban. I sat there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened, and I came to realise that I was just threatened.

I eventually fell back asleep but woke up a bit too late. I missed first period, I leaped out of bed throwing my hair into a bun and tossing my gown on sprinting to second lesson, as I approached History of magic, I saw both Draco and a couple of his minions standing outside.

I managed to get past without them spotting me, which was a first, though I was sure he saw me but presumed he was just trying to avoid me. Most likely hoping that I forgot all about yesterday, in which I probably would have if he where to never come and threaten me about it.

I took at seat at the back planning to take a nap for the majority of the lesson since he was going over a test that I got top marks at, but that came to a sudden end when I saw Draco approach me.

"Liking the hand me down robe, mother too poor to buy you a new one?" Chuckles came from behind, his shadows finding ever word that comes out of his mouth hilarious.

I was done with his games and managed to actually grow a pair and speak up to him, "Aw forgot to say thank you for helping me up yesterday Draco, it was really thoughtful of you" I said while giving him a smile. His face dropped and eyebrows raised.

"Don't know what you're talking about Ceradwin" he said face beginning to blush. I laughed, "Oh yeah, I forgot you told me not to mention it" I turned away hearing the mumbles coming from Crabbe and Goyle clearly confused on what I said and Draco trying his best to change the subject. I could tell this pissed him off, I never once had the guts to respond to him but this was the first time I did.

As the bell rang and class was dismissed, I gathered my things and head out the door, as soon as I left the class, I felt someone grab my wrist and shove me to the side.

"You shouldn't have said that Ceradwin, I told you not to bring it up. I assumed you'd listen to me since my father could get you into a lot of trouble" I twisted my wrist making Malfoys grasp loose and eventually having to let go.

"Shame your father isn't here then hm, you don't scare me anymore Draco, I have nothing else to lose" I said looking up to him, I was fairly tall around 5'6 but Draco was taller, I don't know maybe around 6'0?

"You'll always be scared of me, I can tell by the way your hands shake whenever I'm around you" He brushed the hair out of my face causing me to flinch, he smirked as I proved his point. I rolled my eyes annoyed at my reaction and looked down at the floor.

I shoved him out my way feeling his eyes still following me and headed to library to try to study for Snape's next exam hoping to at least pass this time. As I did, I saw Hermione, I waved to get her attention and she came running towards me.

I told her what happened to me this morning and she just confirmed my thoughts of Dumbledore being away this week, this lead me to be even more confused on why he helped me in the first place but not only that, had to cover it up and try to convince me with a lie.

The past few days I've tried to avoid people as much as possible, mostly coming walking around the castle later in the evening. I only grew more intrigued when I didn't see Draco around the halls which he should be since he was a prefect, he wasn't around as much. He usually took advantage of being a prefect so he was able to gain more control over others yet he was clearly slacking.

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