Chapter Forty-Three

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I didn't get any sleep that night and thought I'd be better off if I was to get some fresh air, it was early morning the sun was yet to rise and I threw on the closest thing to me. I quietly made my way around the spiral staircase and up the grand stairs, the main door was always locked at night, but I knew that there was a way out at the top of the right-wing tower.

The castle was dead silent not even a pin drop and it was freezing but I liked feeling the cold brush against by skin, it was the first push back into reality I had since I've been locked away in my dorm all day. Since it was still winter the sun didn't rise till at least 6am so the halls where dark but not in the way that it was frightening, it was peaceful. The moonlight shone through the stained glass giving the entire staircase a blue tint every so often I'd peer out of one to see the night sky clear as day, the stars twinkling as if it was a dance recital.

As soon as I reached the top the wind immediately swept through my hair taking my scarf with it, I quickly followed in the direction of the wind reaching out to grab it but it slipped from the tips of my fingers and I watched as it collided with the winds rhythm. I sighed and wrapped my arms around me as I shivered due to my neck now being exposed.

I watched as the sun rose over the icy mountains slowly beginning to heat up the atmosphere, though the sun didn't radiate much heat it almost made it feel like it did with the warm tones that shone from it. It was the calmest I've felt in weeks, once the sun finally settled, I made my back down the stairs winding through the narrow corridors. Just as I approached the common room I heard faint mumbles coming from inside, I slowly opened the door trying to sneak past whatever was going on.

I saw Crabbe, Goyle and Draco bickering with what looked like someone sitting on the couch, I had my head down avoiding being seen but still listening intrigued to what he could possibly be arguing over now.

"I'm just saying, Alohomora doesn't apply to certain Wizarding doors and Dumbledores definitely is one of them" The voice from the person on the couch said with confidence, I couldn't distinguish whose voice belonged to but I definitely recognised it.

"Keep your nose out of my business Black, you haven't a clue what you're talking about" Draco snarked back, Black. I knew the name I just couldn't for the life of me put a face to it. She clearly overheard his conversation and thought it was a great idea to correct him though if she knew who she was dealing with she most likely would have chosen otherwise.

"I'm just warning you that whatever you're planning isn't going to work if you're using your dim-witted logic" She had a sarcastic tone that I found quite amusing to listen to since I've never really heard anyone speak to Draco like that before. I chuckled as I watched him grow more irritated the more she spoke to him, not taking into account his feared reputation.

WI suggest you take your ease dropping elsewhere, my plan will work perfectly, it doesn't need your pathetic advice" He grunted and turned back facing Crabbe and Goyle who both had on a stern snarl eyeing the girl who sat on the couch.

"Actually, shes right you know Draco, Dumbledores office is the only professors office in Hogwarts that can't be opened with Alohomora" He turned back surprised to see that I was awake this early but his confused expression gradually fell into a nasty frown. His eyes narrowed as he gradually approached me, he scoffed while looking back to his two bodyguards both grinning slyly.

"Ah no surprise here boys, Miss Ceradwin has came once again to back up someone who hasn't any idea who she is" The both sniggered as he looked back facing me with a pleased grin plastered across his face, I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away not knowing why I bothered.

"As a matter of fact, I do know her, Y/n Ceradwin. And we'd love to watch your master plan" I paused and looked back, Isabella Black. She was the transfer student I bumped into the other day. I looked at her and smiled quickly glancing up at Draco watching him become flustered by the second, I laughed as my eyes met his.

He gave me one last glare and stormed off out the doors of the common room with both Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind him mimicking his same glare. The door slammed shut and I took one last glance at Isabella who gave me a wink as she settled back into her book.

I hurried up the stairs and got the books I needed for that day making my way back down for breakfast, I didn't feel that hungry, so I grabbed an apple and headed off to Care of Magical creatures. I didn't mind this lesson since I was fascinated with the magical creatures one could find in the wizarding world and that it was outside, so I was able to roam freely about the grounds.

I was one of the first there so I stood waiting while taking a small bite out of my apple, as everyone slowly began to gather I watched as Hagrid brought in what looked to be a Centaur, I was near the front so I managed to catch a good look at it.

Though before I was able to identify the human features someone snatched the apple from my grip, I immediately recognised their hands. Their thin long fingers scattered with thick silver rings brushed over mine holding a firm grip revealing his veins as he grabbed it from me.

As I was about to demand for it back, he shoved me aside making me lose balance and trip over the branch next to me but thankfully I was able to steady myself on the near by tree trunk, I looked back at him completely outraged. He glanced back at me eyebrow raised as he took a huge bite out of my apple keeping eye contact the entire time.

He then slightly tilted his head clearly satisfied with bite he just took, as I leant up against the tree, he quickly tossed the apple back at me making me stumble as I caught it. I looked down at the apple then back up at him rolling my eyes as I took another bite out of it.

He caught glimpse of me as I did and stared, I could tell he was looking so as I finished chewing, I licked the access juice from my lip while glancing back at him. His eyes filled with lust as he fidgeted with his rings, but his gaze was quickly broken when Blaise elbowed him pointing at the Centaur cracking some sort of shitty insult.

As class ended I wandered back up the hill heading to next lesson but just as I was about to enter the court yard I felt someone approach me from behind, I spun around as I felt a hand firmly grip my shoulder.

"Tease me like that again Ceradwin and watch what happens" He said as he walked close besides me, his words made me tense up with adrenaline knowing that I was able to provoke him.

"You started it Draco" I said as I looked up at him craving a reaction, he glanced back down at me with a smug expression his hand reached up grabbing a hold of my face as he slowly but forcefully wiped away the apple juice that sat on my lip, my eyes not once breaking contact with his mischievous stare.

"I'm warning you" He said as he walked off leaving me weak from his touch, I gulped and carried on walking while taking one last bite out of the apple.

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