Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was coming up to the last days of the count down towards Christmas and I could see the atmosphere in the school shift, everyone was even more excited than before. Hogwarts at Christmas is a completely different kind of magical, every fireplace was blazing with its glowing flame, magnificent pine trees stood tall in every corner decorated beautifully with elegant baubles and still every year the sky manages to produce the same blanket of soft white snowflakes covering every last bit of the school.

Mrs McGonagall stood patiently near the front entrance of the school holding an extravagant quill and clip board and waited for students to approach jotting down their names to know how many are staying over the holidays. As I came closer to her I saw her expression change.

"Miss Ceradwin wasn't expecting you dear" She said in almost a concerning manner, I reassured her with a smile and waited until she was able to return one.

"Both parents are away Professor, after all I'd much rather stay here for the holidays than some motel in the hills" I tried my hardest to come across convincing in which to my surprise she didnt question it, instead nodding in agreement while letting out a small chuckle.

If I'm being honest I still wasn't ready to face my mother, she hadn't bothered to contact me since I kissed her forehead on the way to Hogwarts express and I knew if I were to go home there would be nothing but arguments and I couldn't handle that. At first I wasnt sure if it was just going to be me staying in the school but as I approached the doors to the great hall I saw the room packed with familiar faces, Ron and Harry were sat at the back playing a game of wizard chess, Cormac and his friends sitting close to them.

I glanced around the room to find Madalina and Blaise arguing next to the Christmas tree while Fred and George sat and watched stuffing their face in popcorn, I laughed and walked over taking a seat next to Fred asking him what was going on while also taking a hand full of popcorn.

"Well Y/n, bit of an odd couple these two are" Fred said as he glanced back at them awaiting their next moves.

"Fred over here almost got knocked out by a bauble, bet he'd like to knock someone else up though" George said giving a cheeky wink at Fred causing him to slap George on the back of his head, I always knew Madalina and Fred had a thing going on but since she never confirmed anything I didnt end up questioning it.

"I can do what I want dickhead, if that's a problem then I suggest you take your pathetic uptight self elsewhere" I heard Madalina scream across the hall as another bauble came flying towards me, I ducked and watched as it fell into the bowl of popcorn.

"She's feisty, I like it" Fred said as he passed George the popcorn and headed towards Madalina who was sat of the stairs crying into her cat while Blaise stormed off halfway down the hall.

Just as I was about to follow him, I heard the muffles from behind, I knew it was Blaise since he was on his way out, but I wasn't able to make out the second voice. "How dare my father leave me in this filthy school", that was the second it clicked in my head that Blaise, Madalina and I weren't going to be the only Slytherins here for the holidays.

I turned my head meeting eyes with Draco confirming my assumption, he didnt take notice of me at first until he saw my eyes widen obviously taking offence and shooting me another one of his notorious snarls. I rolled my eyes and looked away to find that both Fred George and Madalina had left so I took a seat and read the rest of my book next to the fire.

Christmas Eve morning and the courtyard was bustling with students tossing snowballs and moulding snowmen, a smile formed on my face as I walked past them heading down the hill. I didnt have a destination, so I just strolled around the castle grounds till I reached the lake, it was frozen solid with a glistening frosted glass. I crouched and reached over the edge slipping off my glove to feel the cold sensation on my finger tip yet just as I did so I heard a loud muffled voice approaching me causing me to jump and jolt back landing on the cold wet grass.

"Ah what a surprise, hasn't been longer than 5 seconds and youre already shaking at the sight of me" Draco said as he strolled over with a glint in his eye obviously finding himself amusing.

"Its like -10 degrees Draco, get over yourself" I said as I stood up wiping my muddy hands on my now filthy robe, I sighed as I looked down at my palms, it wasnt my intention to fall into a patch of mud but just as I was about to start scolding him I felt his cold hand grab my wrists.

He pulled them towards him and revealed handkerchief from his coat pocket, one hand held my wrist while the other gently brushed off the access mud that remained on my palm. My eyes wandered the surroundings until I was greeted with his, this time refusing to break eye contact as he reached for the other hand. I stood captivated by his stare not wanting to move a muscle as his cold finger traced my palm leaving a cool sensation throughout my hands.

I jumped as I heard an angry voice in the distance shouting my name, as I turned to see who it was, I saw Cormac storming out from behind the castle. He only grew more furious when he saw who I was with, as he came closer, I took a few steps back not wanting to face him.

As he reached to grab my hand I looked down to see that Draco never once let my hand part from his, still gripping it tight, a part of me hoped that he would say something but I just looked back at him in disappointment as his grip loosened letting me get dragged away by Cormac. I was in complete silence as he fled up the hill ranting about how much I didn't care for him, the only thing I could think of being Draco, I didnt want to leave him and for once I was sure that he didn't want to leave me either.

The rest of the night was spent drinking hot chocolate next to the fire alone as I sat in a trance mesmerized by the flicker of the flames, just as I was about to doze off I decided it was time I made my way to bed. I adjusted the stocking that hung on the end of my bed knowing that it I'll wake up with it still being empty, but it didnt really bother me, I had everything I needed. As my head landed on the pillow, I drifted asleep anticipating the events of Christmas morning.

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