Chapter Eighty-Two

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I didn't know what else to do, I sat on the floor looking up at him. The whole thing felt off, he hated me that much for it he tortured himself even more. I couldn't wrap my head around his way of thinking, I wouldn't want to be nowhere near me right now yet here I was on my knees for someone who should want nothing to do with me. I wasn't sure if he were trying to prove a point or mess with my head or even a way for him to let out the tension he's built up but surely this wouldn't be the way to do so.

"Open your mouth" His demanding tone sent shivers through my body and I waited a moment not really knowing if I just get up and leave, it didn't effect me much either way and usually I wouldn't mind his demands but I wasn't sure this was the way to do it, I felt bad for him more than myself. I opened my mouth gradually taking him in though by the looks of it now wasn't the time to be gradual.

He forced himself further down my throat immediately making me gag by how far he went, he gave me no time to gather myself before pulling out just to do the same, his head flung back, and his breathing got heavier growing more impatient. His hand held the back of my head forcing me down more this time pulling me back by my hair controlling me like a puppet on strings, I heard his groans become louder and more frequent which started to turn me on.

"Look at me" He grunted his hand tangled in my hair preventing me from moving at all, my heart was beating rapidly my palms becoming sweaty. "Fucking look at me" I felt him yank my hair down making me look up, as I slowly took him in not once parting my eyes from his but that was a step to far, his eyes narrowed as he groaned. The pace I went at was far too slow knocking him over the edge, which is the opposite of what he wanted, this was for him to feel like he was in control not the other way around.

He pulled out and yanked me up by my hair making my eyes start to stream, he was right I can't restrain myself in the slightest which only proved his point more. He shoved me against the wardrobe his hand gripping my neck tighter than he normally would partially stopping me from breathing properly, his other hand slowly moved down my side reaching my hip tracing circles on my lower abdomen. I squirmed gasping for breath as I felt his cold rings creating what felt like a dent in my skin, at that moment I could have sworn he was going to kill me.

"Do what I say or I swear to Merlin you'll be dead before the Dark Lord even gets his hands on you" His grip loosened the slightest amount so I was now able to breath but he still held me by the neck to the closet door, I closed my eyes tears dripping onto Draco's pale hand but he didn't move. Instead, his other hand fondled with my underwear his hand moving down and fingers hovering over me, I wriggled my eye widening now releasing tears of desperation.

"Did you like it? Did you like the feeling of Blacks fingers?" I felt his cold finger begin to rub against me staring at me with a sinister glint in his eye, I craved his grey eyes more than I ever have making mine fill with lust. I rolled my eyes back at the feeling of his fingers; his pace was agonising paining me to look at him.

"Answer my question Ceradwin. Did Isabellas fingers fuck you as good as mine" I whimpered shaking my head as my eyes welled up scanning the room trying to find something to focus on as he began to move his fingers inside of me. Draco's grip tightened around my neck causing me to look back at him my face becoming rosy and flustered not only from his touch but now the lack of oxygen.

"Draco, please" I gasped my hands clenching his wrist tight digging my nails into his skin though his grip didn't loosen, and his pace only got slower making sure I felt every last bit of him, he only pulled out when I was practically begging. He brought his hand away from my underwear and let go of my neck leaving me weak grabbing the wardrobe handle for support as I looked up at him, I hadn't a clue what had gotten into him and whatever it was scared me.

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