Chapter Twenty-One

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I'd follow Draco up to the seventh floor and watch him slowly close his eyes which was when the doors appeared. By the time I would reach them both Draco and the doors would be gone, this went on for almost a week and every time I was too late.

That was until I thought of an idea, I'd reach the doors before he even got there giving me a chance to run in after him without him noticing that I followed behind. So the next day, that's what I did.

I managed to hide behind the corner closest to the door and waited till I heard footsteps coming down the corridor , I again watched as his eyelids took rest and before he was able to shut the door behind him, I slipped inside.

It was a huge room, stacked with random objects ranging from century old chairs to broken bird cadges covered in cobwebs. These piles of objects would go as high as the ceiling looking like it would topple over onto me any second.

It was like a maze, the deeper I went the more lost Id be. I came across a small wooden box, snakes engraved into the sides. Intrigued, I opened it. Dust flew into my face casing me to take a step back, that's when I started hearing faint music. I looked closer picking up the box only to hear the music getting louder, the sound of harps filled my ears. It was a music box.

The sound was peaceful and angelic, so I shut it and decided to take it with me since clearly all these things were forgotten about. I was sure no one would care if I kept it as my own. As I got further into the room, I heard what sounded like bird chirp, that was until they came to a sudden stop.

I reached the middle of the room, my eyes landing on the huge black cabinet standing dead centre. It had gold detailing on and reminded me of the one I saw earlier in Borgin and Burkes.

At first I didn't see anyone, the only thing being the cabinet but as I got closer I started to hear faint whimpers. I was confused since I couldn't see where it was coming from, I scanned the surrounding area to se nothing. That was until I glanced down at the dark oak floor.

There I saw Draco crouched holding what looked like a small lifeless white bird caressed in his pale hands.

"Draco are you- "

"Expeliarmous" He swiftly took to his feet turning his head in my direction flicking my wand at me causing me to fall into the nearby dresser.

It took me by surprise, and I felt a sharp scrape causing me to tear up as I looked down at my arm, there was a tear in my shirt revealing a small gash. I looked around to see what caused it which was when I saw a sharp piece of wood sticking out from the drawer. I placed my hand over the cut trying to stop the blood from seeping through onto my white shirt, but I was a little too late.

"Come here" I glanced up seeing Draco standing a few feet away from me his wand now pointing at the floor. I ignored him and continued to see to my arm.

"Ceradwin. Come here" He said, his voice grew more aggressive, yet I still took no notice as I didn't want to take orders from him anymore.

"Here. Now" His voice was stern and threatening, clearly not wanting to take no for an answer, it shocked me, and I stood up approaching him but refused to look at him instead supporting my arm.

I stood in silence, head down seeing a few tears fall to the floor. He grabbed my arm and saw to my wound; he rolled my sleeve up and used his cold fingers to wipe away the bleeding. The touch of his fingers caused me to flinch pulling my arm back towards me, but he immediately grasped my wrist tighter and pulled my arm closer to him.

I then watched as he untucked the bottom of his shirt just to tear off access fabric revealing his lower abs, I didn't really know where else to look, so my eyes just took to his toned stomach. I snapped out of the gaze when he wrapped my wound in the fabric pulling tight to make sure it was secure.

I glanced up at him while doing this which was when his eyes met with mine, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes so broke the stare to look back at my arm. Just before I was about to walk off, I felt his wand brush under my chin making me look up at him, he took his hand to my cheek and gently wiped away my tear.

"You're fine" He reassured me leaving me to feel at ease, which didn't end up lasting very long.

"What are you doing, with the vanishing cabinet?" I said confronting him just as he was about to turn away.

"Leave Y/n" His head stayed facing away from me but his voice sounding numb and emotionless.

"I'm not leaving till you tell me what you're doing" I stood my ground, I hated constantly giving in this time being eager to know what he was up too.

"I'm warning you Ceradwin. Now isn't the time to push me." At this point I knew he was furious though I didn't care. I was determined to find out why he was fixing the vanishing cabinet.

I approached him grabbing his hand to make him face me, he forcefully twisted it out of my grip, but instead of letting go I took both hands clasping his tight and pulled him towards me.

He spun falling into me yet quickly pushed me away and retrieved his wand from his pocket aiming it at me, as he flicked it I flew back falling into the wall dropping to the ground. I sat there for a second in a daze as everything happened so fast.

I picked myself up placing my hand on the wall for balance, I began to walk towards the exist though it was difficult since everything ached. I managed to get myself out of there and fell back slipping down the wall all curled up letting out small whimpers.

The next day I woke up to bruises covering my body majority being on my shoulder, arms and thighs. Everywhere ached and I found it hard to simply walk. I took a hot shower trying my best to sooth them before I reached class, I patted them down with the towel managing to get a good look at them.

I constantly got people asking me about how I got them yet for some reason I didn't once mention that Draco gave them to me but instead made up some ridiculous story of me falling down the stairs to make an even bigger fool of myself.

I didn't know why but I wanted to make sure I was the one to find out Draco's secret making me go to the extent of making a cover story for him. He was surprised to say the least when he found out I was covering for him yet still didn't once make any effort of talking to me.

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