Chapter Thirty-Six

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I woke up early Christmas morning to the warm scent of cinnamon and gingerbread filling the entire dormitory immediately making me extremely hungry. I watch as the huge evergreen curtains draped open revealing the dainty snowflakes forming a blanket over the grounds of Hogwarts, it was beautiful. I stood mesmerized for a while watching the snow fall every so often hitting the window, I looked around the room to see that I was the only there presuming they've all went down to discuss what they've received for Christmas.

I made my way around the four-poster bed and reached for my stocking; it was heavier than I anticipated. I was intrigued so I reached my hand inside pulling out a box of chocolate cauldrons and a sugar quill wrapped in red and gold tissue paper, a gift tag attached to the side labelled 'To Y/n, Happy Christmas!! Dont eat them all in one go. Harry and Ron' I laughed and opened the box of chocolates snacking on one while I reached for the next gift.

Next, I picked out a small bag filled with silver tissue paper, I reached finding card with a small box attached to it. The card read 'Couldn't help but pick you one up since you suited mine so well. Lots of Love, Madalina', as I opened the box I found a hair pin similar to that of what I was wearing the night of the ball but this time it had 'Ceradwin' engraved into the snake.

I was surprised to see two more gifts sitting at the bottom of the stocking since I'd only ever get a few new schoolbooks necessary for the next year ahead from my mother, so it was nice to receive something different. The next present being the most recent novel about mythical creatures and a small pretty quill from Hermione, though I couldn't quite figure out who the last gift would be from. It was small and wrapped in a gold silk cloth, as I opened it up a small piece of paper fell out revealing a small silver ring, as I looked closer I could make out what looked to be a date. '18/08/2007', it was the day I first moved into my house. The first day I met Genevieve. A faint smile grew on my face as I put on the ring, I reached down to the floor picking up the small note wanting to know what was said. 'I know Im the last person you want to hear from but its the least I can do. Love, Gen', I sat a stared at it for a moment feeling nothing but joy every time I reread it.

As I placed everything into my drawers I headed down to the common room and met up with Madalina who was quick to show me her bracelet, it was beautiful, a small silver chain with a small green and red snake intertwining themselves.

"Its wonderful Madalina, wonder how Blaise thought of that one" I said while holding her wrist to ger a closer look of it before she quickly pulled back looking away.

"Oh.. well actually, its not from Blaise at all" She mumbled as her head fell to the floor, I looked down at her confused.

"Then whos it from?" Just as she was about to tell me, Fred Weasley came bursting through the door with huge grin on his face holding a plate full of mince pies.

"Right then, whos up for a pie" He said as he approached us, I laughed and reached for one still feeling the heat rising from them. He sat down next to Madalina and I watched as she also grabbed one Fred catching sight of her bracelet, his face went bright red.

"No means to brag but I think I done a pretty good job of spotting that gem" Fred said with a smirk plastered on his face, Madalina rolled her eyes as she took a bite of the mince pie shoving Fred into the back of the couch.

Just as we were all about to go down for breakfast I glanced over at the Christmas tree my eyes landing on what looked like a small box wrapped in a green ribbon, it was the only thing left under the tree so I was curious to see what it was. I told them I'd meet them downstairs for breakfast because I had forgotten something and watched them both as they walked out the door closing behind them.

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