Chapter Twelve

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I stood in silence peering through the shelves trying to make out what section he was looking in, I must have gotten carried away because before I knew it a book must have slipped and fell of the shelf making a loud crashing sound, dust coming off it as soon as it hit the wooden floor.

Draco's head spun in my direction and I quickly ducked blocking my head from his view, I heard his footsteps come closer, so I stood up and pretended I was busy looking at something.

"Spying on me again Ceradwin, typical I arrive the same time a filthy half-blood like you decided to show up" he scoffed and picked up the book that fell placing it back on the shelf.

"How come you're here? I would have presumed that your father would have provided you with all the books necessary, you know since you're clearly very wealthy" I looked down at the book he was holding but he swiftly tucked it under his coat out of my sight.

"What's it to you anyway. My father told me that its impolite to ask so many questions."

"Impolite. Me? Impolite, you've got to be joking, it was simply that of a question but since you're so concerned that I asked I guess I'll just leave you to it" I turned facing the huge row of books behind me and began scanning them to find the one I was looking for.

"I know what you're trying to do Y/n, and your pathetic scheme isn't going to work. Keep out of my way and there wont be any trouble" He looked me up and down and snarled as he walked off and I managed to get a glimpse of the book he was holding.

Secrets behind the vanishing cabinet, what would Draco be doing with a vanishing cabinet, after all the only one known still to exist is broken. I grew more curious with Malfoy, mostly because of the odd things I've caught him doing these past few weeks, it only made me want to know more.

The worker came out from the back, a rather large but dusty black book in his hands, he handed it to me and said it was the last one. I thanked him and asked him how much it'd be, he looked at me for a moment then down at the book.

"I can tell you're a bright girl Miss and for that take it as a gift from me." He smiled and my eyes lit up, I told him how much I appreciated it and began to make my way out of the shop.

That was until I heard him shout over to me. "That's only if you promise me one thing. Keep out of Malfoys way they bring nothing but harm to the people around them"

I found it rather odd that he overheard me talking to Malfoy as I thought we were making little noise, I brushed it off but nodded giving him a faint smile assuring I would.

As I stepped out of the shop the wind picked up and clouds began submerging the sky causing it to become darker. As I was walking down Diagon Alley my eyes glanced in the shop windows peering at what was inside.

As I peered into a shop called Borgin and Burkes, I caught a glimpse of what looked like Draco talking to an older man which I later found to be Mr Borgin; the shop owner. I stood outside trying my hardest to make out what they were saying.

My eyes wandered across the room and landed on a huge cabinet, as I looked closer, I recognised the huge black doors and gold detailing from the book Malfoy was holding. It must have been the vanishing cabinet, but I didn't understand why he'd be so fascinated by it.

As Draco made his way out of the shop I managed to crouch and hide myself behind one of the bushes outside of the window, I saw him fixing his coat and he looked briefly at his surroundings before heading home.

I decided to go inside after he left as I wanted to know more about why it was so special. I walked inside the warmth instantly hitting my face, I made my way towards the cabinet examining all the details slowly lifting my hands wanting to touch the gold handles.

That was when I heard a deep voice yelling at me to not touch, it frightened me causing me to quickly withdrawal my hand from tampering with it.

"Don't be touching something you have no clue of how dangerous that could be" Mr Borgin said while waving his finger in front of my face.

"Though to my knowledge this vanishing cabinet is broken, therefore it can't be that harmful" I said lowering his finger out of my face.

"This cabinet is off limits. I've had strict orders for no one to place even one finger onto it" He crossed his arms snarling down at me, he clearly wanted me out.

I huffed and looked back at the cabinet once more before making my way out of the shop. On my way back to Hogwarts I couldn't keep my mind off the cabinet and grew more curious to why Malfoy was so interested.

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