Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I sat on the cold floor of the common room in tears knowing that this was going to be a Christmas to remember, it was dead silence since everyone was enjoying themselves downstairs in the great hall leaving me with the common room to myself. I couldn't imagine what anyone would think of they were to stroll through the doors.

But it was me so the chances of that happening was inevitable so I was really just waiting for who it would be, thats when I heard the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs attached to the boys dormitory. It gave me a fright since I presumed I was alone, I turned around and wiped my tears hoping whoever it was wouldn't recognise me but as they reached the last few stairs I already knew exactly who it was.

"You. You- you fucking bastard" I screamed as I leaped to my feet pointing my finger in his face, seeing him drove me over the edge and all the anger I had inside of me spilled out at that very moment.

"It was you wasn't it, you ruin everything Draco" My vision went blurry as I stormed up to him pushing him back, "Is it your goal to make my life miserable or something?!"

"Ceradwin you're mad, I haven't got a clue what you're talking about" He said as he took a step back giving me the least convincing confused look which only enraged me even more then I was.

"Oh you don;t recognise this then, this thing thats now tied around my neck forever" I pulled out the necklace from under my shirt charging towards him shoving it in front of his face watching it drop and eyes widen.

"Did your daddy hex it for you? Oh right, he was too busy rotting in prison for being a death eater. Death. Death eater, thats what the D stands for isnt it.." I looked back at the necklace and up at him, I was surprised that I didn't burst into flames with the amount of rage I was feeling in that very moment. I knew he wanted to say something, but by no means was I going giving him a chance to explain.

"You're nothing but a foul, spoilt, cruel little daddys boy" At this point I was weakly punching his chest repetitively struggling to get out my words with the amount of sadness and rage building up inside of me.

Just as I was about to open my mouth ready to give him another round of overwhelming insults, I felt his hand caress my face guiding it up to meet his while the other rested on my waist pulling me in close. Before I knew it his face drew close and he met with my upper lip staring deeply at my chapped lips watching it as it quivered with his touch. As I inched my face up closer wanting so badly to feel his touch I fell deeply into his trace closing my eyes as his lips brushed against mine.

I immediately fell in sync with his movements as if I knew what he intended, he gently bit down on my lip opening it as an entrance for his tongue. He then gripped my head firmly, as if to keep me from escaping causing heat to rise in my cheeks the rougher he got. He kissed me like I wanted to be kissed, like no boy had ever kissed me before not only confirming my feelings for him but also assuring me that even if he acted as if he hates me he can't deny that this indicated that he at least felt something towards me.

As I withdrew from his lips taking my hands off his chest, I stood in shock only just wrapping my head around what just happened. My eyes met with his who looked to be feeling the exact same as I did. I gulped.

"I hate you Malfoy" I whispered as one tear trailed down my blushing cheek, I wiped it and walked off towards the girls dormitory but just as I reached the first step I took one last look at him.

"Sure you do Ceradwin" He said in a raspy tone, I could see a slight smirk begin to form on his face which then began to display on mine but I managed to bite down on my lip and turn my head preventing him from getting the satisfaction he was expecting.

I bolted up the stairs and threw myself onto the bed not knowing if I was crying because of anger or joy, I hated the way I felt so conflicted around him. I was sure that I was livid at him after all he gifted me a cursed necklace, I have the right to be mad, but as soon as I'm around him I cant help but feel nervous. It was as if his presence puts me at ease, even though hes done nothing at all to cause that.

I spent the rest of the night laying there looking at the ceiling that was detailed with intricate snakes, every time I thought of the kiss butterflies filled my stomach and I hated it. There was a part of me that still wasn't sure if the entire thing was a joke to him, just trying to get me to shut up and it annoyed me that I gave in so easily. Though I was dreading seeing him again a small part of me felt that maybe he felt the same but I quickly crushed that thought thinking about how clear he made it that he wanted nothing to do with me. Other than that, now I was sure it was going to be a Christmas to remember.

Maybe Cormac was right, maybe I was just a burden. It was then that I decided to just keep out of everyones way, whenever I'm around people everything always seems to go to shit. I must have drifted off as I was woken the next morning in a sweat, I leaped up and tried to slow my breathing.

A nightmare, I couldn't remember much apart from the symbol. The death eaters symbol the one that was not only imbedded into Dracos arm but also now around my neck. At first the idea of it completely slipped from my mind, just thinking that the thing on my necklace was just a pretty Slytherin design but after the dream I was almost certain that same symbol I saw in my dream was also the thing connected to the silver chain.

We were told by Dumbledore that we were all to go away for a week while they prepare Hogwarts for a new year, I was dreading going home but kept telling myself that I wouldn't be there long. I got up and threw some clothes in a small brief case and got ready to leave picking up a pumpkin pasty on the way out.

I boarded the train and sat in a booth with the Weasleys, they never failed to make me laugh so the ride ended up being quite enjoyable. They all eventually fell asleep giving me a maximum of 20 minutes to read in peace before they all woke up.

I got off he train at Kings Cross and managed to get a black taxi, I tossed my brief case into the back and told the taxi driver my destination. I was definitely not looking forward to it to say the least.

Mid reading my book my heart dropped, I had forgotten my diary. 'Fuck' I said under my breath, that was the one thing I couldnt go anywhere without and the idea of it sitting in a draw that was easily accessible to anyone who owned a wand made me feel sick.

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