Chapter Forty-Seven

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As the weeks went on it was just a matter of time before Draco completes his little 'assignment', I felt useless. I couldnt do anything, as much as I wanted to tell someone I still procrastinated, I'd say it wasn't my place but when was it? I had sleepless nights unable to settle jumping at every sound I heard, I'd look in the mirror and see a different person. I was once again stressing over someone elses problem, but this time that someone else was Draco Malfoy.

I woke up late one morning but it wasn't unusual since I have done the last few days, if it was any other lesson I'd be freaking out but since it was Muggle Studies I thought it was best to not stress out as much. Professor Borbage was one of the only teachers that supported me through the past year, she didnt judge me at all and would be nothing but kind to me.

I groggily forced myself up and reached for my cloak, putting it on even felt like so much effort. I walked down the stairs eyes half closed but I managed to take a weak glance in the mirror, I looked dreadful; my under eyes sank a deep purple, skin was pale and sickly, my lips chapped and bitten and my hair a tangled mess. I just stood and stared my reflection looking back at me but the reflection didnt seem real, I refused to believe that was me. I rubbed my eyes and sighed brushing my hair back into a low bun and headed to class.

As I opened the door everyones eyes were on me, I froze glancing around the room looking at the different expressions some appalled, some concerned. Thats when I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Miss Borbage.

"Care to join me outside sweetie" I jolted and nervously looked up at her hesitantly nodding my head, she smiled and told the rest of the class to stay where theyre seated. She opened the door waiting for me to step outside joining me soon after, I itched anxiously as I waited.

"Right my dear, are you feeling okay? Anything on your mind" My face dropped, my mind went to all places immediately thinking she knew the worst. I took a deep breath and looked back up at her faintly smiling.

"I haven't been sleeping these last couple of nights, headaches, I think" I said innocently hoping that she'd believe my pathetic excuses, if it was anything else, I'd probably tell her. After all its good to get things off your chest, but not this.

"Yes you do look drained, nothing to worry about. I'd call over to the hospital wing, I'm sure one of the nurses will have you back to your usual happy self in a jiffy" I smiled pathetically, but it was all I could manage to do. It was nice to know someone cared, even if they couldnt do much to help.

I opened the door and walked back into class taking a seat at the back, I felt eyes on me like hawks, but I had no effort to care. I must have drifted off three times in that lesson as I leaped up at the sound of the bell, I dragged myself out dreading my next lesson with Snape.

There was no getting out of this one, I also knew this was the only lesson Draco was attending, no surprise there. I felt helpless around him just it was a matter of waiting for when he was going to do it, the only thing I was able to do was sigh with disappointment. I found it difficult looking at him, though of course Im tempted I refused to not wanting to give into him again. I wanted him to know that I was scared for him but like he'd care in the first place, I mean what was I to him.

I slowly opened the door not wanting to get Snapes attention, he'd probably give me a detention just for how awful I looked. I snuck inside and sat down on the table farthest from his desk, I grabbed my books and put my head on the table slowly beginning to drift off.

"My classroom is not made for sleeping in Miss Ceradwin." I heard a clash of books bounce of my desk and Snapes sly voice murmuring in the background, I quickly sprang up meeting with piercing dark eyes and an unimpressed expression.

"Oh dear girl. You look, ill" He said looking at me in repulse, I stared at him dead in the face. I didn't have the energy to talk to him, I again peered over him seeing everyones heads turned towards me. He stared intently at me for a second before letting out a huge sigh.

"Malfoy, take her to the hospital wing." My head fell back onto the table in frustration, I heard Draco bickering in the background, "thats an order Mr Malfoy." I heard footsteps approach me and stop at my desk.

"Well?" I heard him say impatiently, I looked up meeting his dusky grey eyes that where close to being almost as sunken in as mine. He raised his eyebrow giving me a sightly concerned expression, I eventually pushed myself up and trailed behind him as we left the classroom.

It was silent for the majority of the way; he was speed walking ahead of me while I dragged behind him. "Whats gotten into you?" he spat at me not slowing down at all, I didnt answer. "Whatever you think you know forget about it. Its clearly not doing you any good" I stopped in disbelief, it took him a second to notice.

"Its not doing me any good. Have you seen yourself?" I scoffed, he turned back, his eyes narrowed. He came quickly towards me but stopped as I took a few steps back now a little wary of him.

"I have a job to do Ceradwin. I don't need your concern to add to it" He whispered aggressively at me; I brushed my hands through my hair tilting my head to look at the ceiling.

"Can you not see that it isn't just about you Draco, your actions have consequences that effect other people but who are you to care. Am I right?" I shouted back using the remaining amount of energy I had left, I turned back facing him unable to deal with how naive he was being.

"Why should I bother caring if I've never been cared for" I paused, I couldnt help but feel sorry for him, but I only grew more irritated knowing that he was once again lying. I looked back to see him stood there staring at me still infuriated, I marched towards him stopping only a few feet away.

"If you'd just stop being so insensitive Draco" I huffed putting my hand on my forehead but just as he was about to say another word, I interrupted him, "I care." My eyes met his both being completely drained, the slight bit of hope that glinted through his eyes were quickly crushed by his defensive frown.

"You shouldn't" Being the only words to leave his mouth before storming off.

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