Chapter Three

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She looked at me rolling her eyes as they began to approach us, Ron shouting to get Hermione's attention. "Ron I have no business talking to you right now isn't that right-" she glanced at me from the side realising that she never actually asked for my name. I laughed and introduced myself.

"I'm Y/n Ceradwin, nice to- oh I mean not so nice meeting you?" I looked at Hermione to get her approval in which she gave me a nod, "Yes, this is my new friend. See Ron, someone wants to be my friend." She glared at Ron clearly making him look away in guilt, that was until he stared at me in confusion.

"No way! Ceradwin, you're the girl who's father cheated on her mother with a muggle!" He shouted clearly oblivious to what he just said, Hermione stomped on his foot making him realise and rushed quickly to apologise.

"No no, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that! I just heard-" he stumbled on his words while rubbing his foot, Hermione gave him a death stare and I glanced down at the floor not really knowing how to answer.

"Everyone knows, don't they" I said giving them a shameful look, "No I don't think everyone knows" Harry said whilst rubbing my arm, I glanced over and saw the people who was passing by me in the corridors whispering to their friends and I knew they were talking about me. By the looks of things, the entire year knew.

I just finished up having lunch with Hermione and I got myself together, gathering my books and supplies needed for that day. I had charms third period, which wouldn't be so bad if dreaded Malfoy wasn't in it. Just keep your head down, like you always do and no one will notice.

I was wrong, everyone noticed me. I went from being completely ignored to the laughing stock of the entire school.

As I sat down in my seat I had paper balls thrown at me, people shouting from the opposite side of the class calling me all sorts. This was going to be hell, I done a quick scan of the classroom and to my surprise Draco was no where to be seen.

I spoke too soon, he bursts through the doors making an entrance as usual but this time instead of taking his assigned seat, he pulled out the chair next to me. I glanced up and his eyes met mine and he grew a dreadful grin, he grabbed my charms book and flicked through to find a clean page, he then snatched my pen out of my hand and began to draw something.

"Draco, give it here" I said my voice shaking

"Oh, so she actually talks" Draco said whilst doodling a picture, I snatched the book back to see a drawing of two woman, one labelled as being my mother. A small sketch of baby lay in middle with a small note underneath. 'Spot the mother', I knew that it was implying that I may not be my mothers daughter therefore being a possibility that I was muggle born.

I looked back up at him giving him the reaction he obviously wanted, I felt my tears welling up again and I put my head on the desk wanting this all to stop, "Oh grow up Malfoy" I heard a familiar voice shout over to him, it was Hermione.

I couldn't hear much as the sound was muffled since I put my head on the desk, though I could tell they were arguing, I lifted my head to hear what was going on but it went silent. "Hermione leave it, there's no point" I said which prevented her from standing and walking over making a bigger scene.

"You're no true Slytherin. You're an embarrassment to our whole house, I'll make sure Professor Snape hears about this." he looked me up and down like I was a dirty scum he'd pass on the streets, it was the foulest look I've ever gotten.

Draco was a lot more like his father than I anticipated, I've heard stories from my mother warning me about him but I never really took much notice of him, that was until I was the one he was picking on. As cruel as he was, the worst part is that you could tell he had no empathy, though he didn't really have the strength to ever hurt someone physically he took advantage of the fact he was able to mentally.

From then on it was constant attention on me. I would be walking through the hallway and have my books be knocked out of my arms, random objects thrown at me in class. It even went a far as crusts of bread being chucked at me across the dinner hall.

I was Draco's main target, he enjoyed it. I could tell by the look on his face, he liked feeling like he was better than me, he liked having power over me.

After that Genevieve didn't talk to me, she didn't want to speak to me let alone walk with me. I felt alone, even though I knew she was the one that spread this about me it as extremely difficult to accept. She was the only friend I had and losing her leaves me with no one.

So I tolerated it all. I hated waking up knowing it's another day of being the embarrassment of the entire school yet there was nothing I could do, no one I could talk to.

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