Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Draco, come here boy" I heard Lucius shout bitterly echoing through the entire house, I stood quietly in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror as I tended to the harsh bruise that now decided to make itself known right in the centre of my cheek. It was prominent to say the least, once again another mark to show my vulnerability, I was sick of coming across as weak since I have been my entire life and every time I manage to stand up for myself that's when it's suddenly a problem.

I got closer to my reflection and slightly put pressure onto my cheek feeling a small amount of pain build up as the tip of my finger touched it, I flinched my eyes as my reflex kicked in but watched as a singular tear drop trickled down my face dropping onto the marble counter top.

Just as I was rummaging through the cupboards for some sort of remedy that would miraculously heal the bruise I heard someone banging on my bedroom door , "I'm in the bathroom" My voice quivering as I shouted, seeing someone in this state is the last thing I would have wanted to happen. They opened the door anyway and made their way to the bathroom bursting inside, I quickly turned my back to them wiping away the single tear from under my eyes while taking a deep breath.

"Father wants you" I heard Draco say, his tone stern yet eager.

"Tell him that I don't want to see him" I said still facing away from him, I couldn't bare him looking at me in this light, I felt pathetic.

"I'm not your owl, you can tell him yourself" I felt the aggression through his teeth but I refused to move though I could still sense him towering behind me.

"For Gods sake Ceradwin look at me" He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around aggressively, so I was now facing him. I looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact not wanting to feel more ashamed than I already was. I hated him seeing me so vulnerable, he always managed to slip his way in when I'm at my worst knowing it was easier for me to get more attached.

He grabbed my chin pushing it up so I was now facing him, I bit the side of my cheek and looked up at ceiling not able to bare the embarrassment of looking into his piercing eyes. His cold fingers traced my cheek gently brushing over the bruise, I swiftly glanced past him seeing his face drop with guilt knowing that that was a mark he allowed to be made by his own father, a bruise he brushed off to be nothing. I shoved his hand away from my face and looked back into the bathroom mirror, the colour was drained from my face completely, my hair flowed messily behind my shoulders and I still had on the green silk robe from this morning.

"I said I dont want to see him" I glanced down at the counter feeling my eyes well up again with tears, I didn't want to cry in front of him, not again

He walked up behind me and stood looking at me through the mirror, I glanced up looking back at his reflection finally meeting his stare, his eyes fixated on my bruise. I could tell he felt bad but wouldn't dare admit it, he feared him more than I did, I couldn't blame him for the amount of trauma he most likely had to endure for the majority of his childhood but surely he would have put up some sort of fight if he had the slightest amount of care for me at all.

"Take the robe off" He said eagerly without warning, my eyebrows furrowed not able to comprehend that he wants to do this now, after seeing the state I was in, surely he has some sympathy

"Take it off before I do" He said this time with more force, I quickly undone the belt and let the robe drop to the floor leaving me completely exposed, but I watched in surprise as he opened the shower door turning on the hot tap.

"Meet me in the drawing room" He said as headed to the door, I nodded and stepped into the shower glancing back at him as he shut the door. I cleaned myself up and made my way into the bedroom seeing some clothes folded for me on the bed.

I picked them up and made my way to the mirror slipping them on, I wore a short tight black skirt with an oversized green wool jumper. I brushed the knots in my hair and slipped on some small heels pulling out the necklace that was once hidden away under my uniform, it felt necessary.

I made my way down the stairs and entered the drawing room were both Draco and Lucius was sat silently, turning to me as I approached them. I stood next to the fire opposite them fiddling with my fingers, I looked over at Draco who was sat legs apart elbows on his knees his hands burying his face, he was clearly in distress, I glanced back at Lucius who had the same disapproving expression on his face when I first saw him yesterday.

"The Dark Lord has requested to speak to you both" He spat as he glared at me, I looked over at Draco who still had his head in his hands not once looking up

"When is he coming?" I asked confused not knowing why on earth he'd want to see me again, my mind immediately wondering to the worst of places

"Please girl dont be so stupid, he'd never come speak to you personally" He chuckled finding what I said quite amusing, his sarcastic tone irritated me so once again I replied sharply

"Then I'd appreciate it if you'd inform me how he'd like to speak to us exactly" I threw my hands to the floor getting fed up with this mans sly remarks, Draco's head shot up glaring at me to not go any further not wanting to witness a relapse of yesterday.

"You are to go to knockturn alley tonight, there one of our fellow Death Eaters are to greet you, and girl I suggest you change your attitude, The Dark Lord wouldn't put up with the slightest amount of it" I watched as Draco stood up storming towards the door, I quickly trailed after him grabbing his wrist making him come to a sudden halt.

"Did you know about this?" I scoffed while tugging on his arm as he refused to face me, he sighed brining his hand up to his face while rubbing his eyes.

"No I didn't know about this, why else do you think he beckoned for me" He hissed, I pulled away from his hand and dragged my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Fuck, have any idea why he wants us?" I said trying to get the slightest bit of hope that we weren't completely doomed but Draco only grew more agitated.

"If I did I would have said already" I hurled my hands to the floor and turned back at Draco whos eyebrows were furrowed in a nasty snarl.

"I don't understand why you're always so pissed a me, I don't ask for these things to happen!" I yelled narrowing my eyes to meet his.

"Get over yourself you always manage to bring everything back to you don't you, poor little Y/n" He sneered before walking off.

"Oh please, its because of this morning isn't it" I scoffed, he spun back around furiously refusing to let me win another argument.

"Don't fucking bring that up, it has nothing to do with it"

"You're just mad because I didnt let you finish" I laughed; this was unbelievable, how pathetic could he possibly get.

Without any hesitation he stormed up to me shoving me up against the wall one hand pressed up against the wall and the other firmly holding me up by my neck, he moved his head so he was on eye level to me, I could feel his hot breath against my top lip.

"And you did?" He whispered as he raised a brow, I rolled my eyes and shoved him off of me storming up the stairs.

"Thats what I thought, don't think too highly of yourself Ceradwin" He shouted up as just as I reached the stairs, I glanced back and snarled him meeting with his slight smirk, he was right, I didn't.

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