Chapter Forty-Five

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The next few days fell quiet, there wasn't much to be happy about I guess, people sort of just got on with it. The atmosphere fell dim, students made their way through the corridors heads held down not wanting to be the one who dares breaks the chain. It was as if it was leading up to something, something disturbed the school and everyone inside.

I felt no better, I sat in my lessons drained of energy though I hadn't done anything for it to be drained. I'd look around and see people just as miserable as me, I felt a small bit of relief knowing that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. I refused to talk to anyone for the past week only wanting to be in my own company.

Though the one person I wanted to talk to avoided me the most, I couldn't help but distance myself from everyone and he clearly caught on not knowing that he was the one person I craved attention from even at the worst times. Even though I acted as if I hated him, I knew that all I wanted was to be in his presence again and it made me wonder if maybe he felt the same.

It was nearing spring and you would think that'd give a new lease of life to Hogwarts, but it felt no different, everything still fell dark and gloomy. I'd often sit on my own in the library or common room almost hiding, the lack of social interaction clearly took a toll on me, it was worse than it was the past four years. It only just felt like I finally broke out of my shell but now I'm referring back to my old habits and crawling back into the said shell.

Don't get me wrong the professors did try their best to cheer up the students and it seemed to be working. We sat for breakfast in the great hall everyone picking at the endless amount of food on the table when Dumbledore came to the stand. He made it known that it was close to Valentines day which came to a surprise to me since it felt as if all the days where morphing together.

I didn't take much care in this holiday, I always believed it to be pointless. Well, thats what my mother told me especially since my father left her. So I stuck to it, an entire day dedicated to love. What a load of shit.

Huge banners fell from the ceiling instantly brightening the entire hall with pink and red balloons, I laughed as I watched Fred and George smirk at each other making heart signs with their fingers. I looked down at the table to see small heart shaped sugar cookies coated in icing all different shades of pink.

First lesson that day was potions with Professor Slughorn, as soon as I entered, I saw that the girls were a lot more giddy then they usually were. I took a seat next to Hermione who seemed to also be quite upbeat, I looked around in confusion trying to get some indication to what was going on.

"Erm, Hermione. Why-" I asked as she flipped through her textbook, I looked down at he page she was on to see a picture of huge pink bottle in the shape of a heart.

"Love potions, Professor said he'd show us how to make them" Hermione said as she looked up at me a small glint of excitement shooting through her deep brown eyes. I raised my brow and sighed my head falling into my hand that was perked up onto of the desk.

Slughorn set up the equipment and told everyone to gather around, the girls shot up fumbling to get to the front and watched as he taught them step by step what to do. I stayed sitting down and watched from a far, this stuff didnt really intrigue me as much as the other potions. I always thought that they where quite dangerous, I mean if you can conjure up love in a bottle whose to say the true feeling of love is ever actually felt.

As I fell into a daze staring off into the window I heard the faint muffles of enthusiasm in the background, it made me happy that there was finally some form of happiness throughout the school but this definitely wasn't mine. Just as my eyes got lost in the tall evergreen trees outside, I heard my name being called.

"Miss Ceradwin, why dont you take a whiff and tell us what you smell" Professor Slughorn said keen to pick on the one person who showed near enough no interest whatsoever.

"Do I have to?" I said in a pathetic attempt to get myself out of it but as I saw his expression grow more irritated, I decided it would be best if I just did what I asked. I stood up and made my way through the crowd of people surrounding the table all eyeing me intrigued to know what I smelt.

I stood over the cauldron looking up at Slughorn giving him one last plea to get out of it but I sighed as he bowed his head telling me to just take in the fumes already. I inhaled a large amount of the smoke that rose from the pink liquid instantly filling me up with what smelt like the most seductive scent I've ever inhaled.

"Well, what do you smell?" The professor said as I closed my eyes my nose dancing in delight distinguishing every scent that filled it, I slowly opened them to see everyones eyes glaring at me in anticipation.

"Old book pages, pine and erm" I paused and took another sniff, the scent smelt familiar, but I couldnt for the life of me think of where I smelt it.

"Mahogany? But not natural, almost fake, like a cologne" I explained trying to wrap my head around why it smelt so familiar, thats when I froze, Shit. I closed my eyes in horror not wanting to turn and face the class.

"Thank you Y/n, you may sit down now" He said as he saw my face begin to go almost the same shade as the potion that filled the cauldron. I took a deep breath and turned around walking away towards my seat, luckily no one really read into what I said.

Just as I was about to reach my seat someone caught my eyes, standing at the back was Draco and a few of his friends. A huge smug smirk was plastered across his face knowing exactly what I smelt, I rolled my eyes and sat down hearing the faint laughter of them behind me. I knew I wasn't going to be able to live this down.

"Mahogany, who wears a mahogany cologne?" Hermione said as I took a seat next to her, she looked around the room but couldnt seem to work out who it was.

"Forget it Hermione" I said in a low tone not wanting to make even more of a big deal than it was, I put my head between my arms on the desk in embarrassment not wanting to feel even more ashamed then I already was.

Just as the bell rang I gathered my stuff and fled as fast as I could but the one time I wanted to avoid Draco of course he had to be there, I heard the sound of someone approaching me from behind and I knew exactly who it was.

"Mahogany hm, I wonder whod ever wear such a scent" Draco said as he closely brushed past me knowing his familiar cologne would once again fill my nostrils. I watched as he walked off giving me one last glare making my stomach turn with desire, he winked and turned back to his friends who all laughed as they all prompted him with their elbows.

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